AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Star Ming-Na Wen Talks Marvel Studios/Television Division And Possible Return

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Star Ming-Na Wen Talks Marvel Studios/Television "Division" And Possible Return

AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Star Clark Gregg Talks Possible MCU Return For Agent Phil Coulson
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AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Star Clark Gregg Talks Possible MCU Return For Agent Phil Coulson

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HeavyMetal4Life - 4/6/2018, 7:15 PM
"Holy [fricking] shit!" Those are the words I said out loud in the first few seconds of the episode when they did their "previously on Agents of SHIELD" segment and showed Franklin Hall. I KNEW that them showing Hall, this was going to be a crazy awesome episode and boy was it! What an excellent episode tonight, excellent! Not a bad moment, it was great from start to finish. It doesn't get any better than Agents of SHIELD!!

Wow, where to start. How about the Hale Hydra base. Creel touching the gravitonium and sensing that it had a soul, and showing us snippets of Franklin Hall, that was awesome. GRAVITON IS COMING!!! Loved the internal struggle Creel was having with what the gravitonium showed him. And when Creel teamed up with Coulson to rescue Talbot and then escape, that was terrific. Some really funny moments with Talbot, loved his little quips and his reaction to Creel also having mental issues. And Talbot throwing his hands up to fight the mechs, lol! But shit! Coulson getting punched so hard his heart stops; really cool how Creel brought him back. That final fight between Creel and Ruby was awesome, very well done. And I'm glad they didn't kill Creel off.

Jemma, Yoyo, and Fitz teaming up was great. I first loved Yoyo's response to Deke (and let's not forget Fitz's early conversation with Deke!). Everyone reacts the same way, haha. That test of immortality from Jemma was well done too. I wonder what machine they are going for.

Perhaps the deepest moment of the episode was Robin reuniting with May and calling her mom; that was really touching and carried a lot of emotion with it. Her reaction with Robin, especially knowing everything that is to come, just made it even better. Also, I picked up on 2 drawings of Kasius and one of the prison where Fitz was being held (at least that's what it looked like to me).

Last but not least: that after credits scene!! First, they brought Raina and Quinn back! And mentioned Garrett. Just awesome. Love how this season is really coming full circle and tying everything together. And now we know where Quinn has been! This helps explain why Creel was earlier talking about voices and referring to the gravitonium soul in the plural, because Hall and Quinn are in there. Great stuff!!
HeavyMetal4Life - 4/6/2018, 7:29 PM
Forgot another of my favorite funny moments from Talbot: when he turns to Coulson after being revived by Creel and says "you die more than anyone else I know."

AgeofApocalypse - 4/6/2018, 7:49 PM
@HeavyMetal4Life - That actually did make me chuckle.
blitzburgh - 4/6/2018, 8:04 PM
@HeavyMetal4Life - I am amazed that people still crap on this show because it is by far the best one on right now
HeavyMetal4Life - 4/6/2018, 8:11 PM
@blitzburgh - I totally agree, their loss. Its the best comic book show.

HeavyMetal4Life - 4/6/2018, 7:19 PM
Next week's episode is going to be sick!! Daisy and Ruby fighting each other!?! I need some popcorn, lol. And I'm guessing right now that, with support from Werner von Strucker, Ruby kills her mom.

Side note: the setting of the snowy location reminds me of the hidden winter base from season 1.
HeavyMetal4Life - 4/6/2018, 7:31 PM
Wow, some great episodes this week!

1. SHIELD (excellent)
2. Legends (great)
3. Gotham (great)
4. Black Lightning (very good)
5. Arrow (okay)
6. Legion (okay)
AgeofApocalypse - 4/6/2018, 7:47 PM
Good episode. Yoyo and Jemma are crazy, and I like it! I dug the Coulson/Creel/Talbot bit, especially that last fight with Ruby. Is she going to be someone from the comics? Looking forward to her match with Quake. The Robin/May stuff got me.
Armageddon26 - 4/6/2018, 7:50 PM
SHIELD was unsurprisingly great this week.
Raina vein back was a great surprise for the flashback, I don’t recall her connection to the gravironum though?
Coulson also died this week, did Robin see this death or another one?
Also: Will Ruby become Graviton if she is combined with the Gravitonum, and will all the consciousnesses enter her body?
So many questions for where the series is going to go, one of the only shows I would never call predictable
GoldGuy - 4/6/2018, 7:51 PM
I know the writers said that for this season, a lot of old villains would appear, and they weren't kidding. The final scene had me like :D

I kinda missed Raina and Ian. And I forgot to mention last week that it was clever showing the younger versions of some dead villains in the flashback.

Next week looks epic
HeavyMetal4Life - 4/6/2018, 7:57 PM
@GoldGuy - It was such a great callback, having those two reappear. And they mention both Garrett and Malick, which was great as well. They are doing an excellent job with all the references to earlier episodes and characters.

RaMan - 4/6/2018, 8:05 PM
@HeavyMetal4Life - RIP to these two former HYDRAS.

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