DCUO Reveals New Batman Images and Gotham Fly Through Video

DCUO Reveals New Batman Images and Gotham Fly Through Video

New renders, screenshots and even a fly through video of the Caped Crusader's hometown of Gotham

By NateBest - Nov 25, 2010 12:11 AM EST
Filed Under: Video Games
Source: www.HolyFragger.com
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HavocT - 11/25/2010, 1:28 AM
.... This isn't going to be a subscription thing... is it?
XmutantX - 11/25/2010, 1:38 AM
havoct@ yes i think it is...

wow...not for 360???
Xandera - 11/25/2010, 2:22 AM
doesn't really matter whether you have to subcribe or pay to play... i'm still gonna play it.
comicbookjerk - 11/25/2010, 2:45 AM
I can't afford 15.99 a month :( Maybe a year but deff not a month...Ill just wait for Arkham city
Angelus - 11/25/2010, 2:47 AM
Batman is the goddamn Batman!

thedon786 - 11/25/2010, 3:01 AM
eleven11 - 11/25/2010, 3:04 AM
i'm a student and i can't afford the monthly fee. and not the type with rich parents.
Paulley - 11/25/2010, 3:32 AM
yea my main issue is that its just MMORPG.. exactly the same as all the others but just wrapped up in DC packaging.. fine enough i guess and it better than beating up and orgs and such but repetitive and most likely a waste of time.

though its gotta last longer than the Matrix one
TheMyth - 11/25/2010, 3:59 AM
Can't afford $15 a month? Damn folks, get jobs lol.

Paulley, There has only been 1 MMO that has been diverse enough to keep me intrigued for a length of time, and that is World of Warcraft. I've played many others, some good and some not, but none other than WoW have kept my affections more than 2-3 months. It takes ALOT to make a good MMO so naturally I'm skeptical of how well this game will turn out but I'll be there ready to try it out.
marvel72 - 11/25/2010, 5:07 AM
the problem i have with the this the amount of money they want i.e world of warcraft you buy the game,you pay a monthly fee & then you get other expansion packs like wrath of lich king,the burning crusade & cataclysm.

which all should be free updates with the monthly fee.

it sucks balls,whose says they ain't gonna do all that shit with dc universe online.

to get anything out of this game you'll gonna have to put a lot of time to make the monthly fee worth while.

they should of made the game like mass effect of fable 3.

i'll wait for batman arkham city,marvel vs capcom 3 & maybe x-men destiny.
ScottScottScott - 11/25/2010, 6:02 AM
@Deadpool, your comment screams I don't play MMOs and never have.

The amount of free content you get in between expansions for free in games Like World of Warcraft is a ridiculous huge amount. The paid expansions are stuff that are game changing enough it's like buying a new game at times. You get more than your 15.00 a month.

Plus as stated before the monthly fee becomes trivial because when you start playing an MMO you become so engrossed in them you rarely buy other games.
skidz - 11/25/2010, 6:57 AM
I'm definitely sensing some Jim Lee inspiration.
marvel72 - 11/25/2010, 7:00 AM
@ skot888

never have,i was intrested in this & star wars knights of the old republic but two different companies mean two separate fees.

it should be done like x-box 360,where you pay for the year but all games can be paid online not just one also you have a choice if you want to buy additional content.

online play should be free they'll sell more copies.
DiLusso - 11/25/2010, 7:17 AM
if youpay any sort of subscription the game SHOULD BE FREE!!!!
TD90 - 11/25/2010, 8:02 AM
Ok... I rarely reply to posts on here but I must put in my 2 cents... I have been playing mmorpgs since EQ and that started in 97-98 with a $15 monthly fee.. so it is far from abnormal... like skot888 said they are constantly giving you new free content throughout. You have to look at it in terms of the amount of play time you get.. if you were to play an average of 20hrs a months (which is low) THAT IS UNDER A DOLLAR AN HR YOU CHEAP B%STARDS!! Go watch a 3D movie in theaters for about 7 bucks an hr. I recently got a Beta version of this and am testing it now.. they still have some bugs to work out but this game is one of the most beautiful, and well rounded MMOs I have played.. its a cross-between WoW, MUA, and GTA. The combat system is far different from other games like City of heroes or wow.. with a fight system more attuned to MUA which keeps some of the monotony of killing mobs for quests fresh. With diablo style skill trees and awesome character stylization you can create that hero that you have dreamed about.. and the best part is your hero will get to fight alongside your favorite DC hero! The story telling is fantastic MOST of the voice acting is spot on (though in the beta it isnt all done yet which sounds funny when Circe is all of the sudden a cubicle nerds voice.. lol)I do hope that they expand on the powers list but im sure they will in the next 4 months. So to reiterate my point.. though MMOs may not make sense for you it would be a shame for any comic geek on this site not to give it a try.. im sure when it is released they will have a free ten day treial like every other MMO before it.

ROMACK - 11/25/2010, 8:10 AM
Dude I am definetly going to pay to play.
DiLusso - 11/25/2010, 8:17 AM
i agree but you still have to buy the ps3 game for 40bucks . is that right
TheMyth - 11/25/2010, 8:26 AM
TD90, I've payed WoW for about 5 years now and I feel you make many a fine point, especially regarding CONSTANT influx of free content. I always steered away from MMO's strictly on the basis that I didn't wanna pay-to-play. Then Warcraft came out and since I am such an immense fan of Blizzard games especially the Warcraft and Diablo franchises, I broke down and tried WoW, and I have never regretted it nor have I ever felt they asked too much for a subscription. One of my favorite things about MMO's is the complete lack of cheaters/moders/glitchers whereas one would almost think Xbox and PS3 encourage such garbage. People will try to hack your account to steal your hard earned work in the game in an MMO, but that only ever happens by a players own fault by either divulging account info or failing to keep your PC virus free.

Bottom line, if you avoid MMO's mainly because of subscription fee, trust me when I say a good MMO that you are interested in, whether it be WoW, CoH, EVE, or any other is well worth the price.
supersteveprime18 - 11/25/2010, 9:18 AM
ok guys help me out here is this just online or will there be an offline mode?? for instance if i buy the game and pop it in the ps3 i cant play it without paying 15 a month?
Rhys - 11/25/2010, 11:28 AM
Teois42 - 11/25/2010, 4:31 PM

He's the art director
davidcub - 11/25/2010, 6:35 PM
I can't wait until they release the PS3 beta!!! Any one else here going to get it? I can't believe people are still asking but yes, the game is $15 per month to play. The first month is free. It's PC and PS3 ONLY and it's looking more and more bad ass every time I see it. The facebook page has plenty of nice pics and vids.....
preacher - 11/25/2010, 8:30 PM
I have never played anything like this before. Whats "MMO"? I WANT...I repeat..I WANT to play this like you wouldn't believe..but I don't know how to get started. I own a PS3 and a computer so I take it I need to have my computer hooked up to my PS3. Then..I purchase the game for 40, 50 or 60 bucks. And THEN I have to pay a 15 dollar subscription fee. Now..how does it work when i want to shut it off? Does it save where you were at like other games or (and I KNOW i sound completely moronic at this point) or does it change when I come back to it BECAUSE it's an online game and other players are playing with me?

Would someone PLEASE take a bit of time to help me out? Walk me through how I need to get started with this. My wife and I are both huge geeks and we're dying to become a part of this...but don't want to stumble around a bunch when we first start out. Thanks to whomever decides to help us out!
TD90 - 11/25/2010, 10:57 PM
Wow a couple helping of turkey and I have a novel to respond now..lol

@Arkhamsbellboy: The PS3 version will be like 60 bucks and then you will get a free month. I would suggest renting it. The free month will come when you start your account and not with game purchase I'm sure.

@Themyth: Kudos to that man.

@doctormario: Unfortunatly this game may not be for you but as I told Arkham maybe you should rent it. Your game play per month may rise that month and then it will make sense financially. Like IMAX you have to see it to understand its worth.

@Supersteveprime18: No offline mode that I have heard of... sorry

@preacher MMOARPG is the type of game this DC Univers Online is... That stands for Massively Multi-player Online Action Role Playing Game which basically means you play on a server with other players around the world in real time. you have the choice to purchase and play the game on PC OR PS3.. if you have a powerful gaming PC and a gaming controller I recommend PC. the game will be between 50-60 bucks depending on the system you choose (PS3 being more expensive)you will get a free month of play and then it will be 15 bucks a month. You can cancel your subscription at anytime and resubscribe at anytime to pick up right where you left off. The game saves your character progress but the world may keep changing.

If I knew how to post a pic in the comments I would post some pics of my toon villianess Robot Chicken up... If anyone knows how let me know and I will oblige.

supersteveprime18 - 11/26/2010, 4:47 AM
@TD90 thanks for the help, if you have a photobucket account click on share on the picture you want then click on get link code then cut the html code and paste in the comment box :)
LEEE777 - 11/26/2010, 7:18 AM
Nice... GR8 stuff!!
StephenJ - 11/26/2010, 7:37 AM

I surely agree with you. If you buy the game you should be able to play it online for free. much more copies would sell and id pay for expansions. (I do it on Xbox Live all the time)

This is gay!!! I really wanted this game and I understand online on the ps3 is free, but CMON! $15 a month for 1 game?? i pay less than that for my xbox live a month and I can play MUCH MORE! Subscriptions suck ass and I wish they would die
TD90 - 11/26/2010, 7:46 AM
ok here is a pic of my Villianess Robot Chicken....
LordHumongous - 11/26/2010, 8:33 AM
Having played most MMOs since EQ and being that I'm currently beta testing DCUO, I feel confident in saying that you would be wise to not waste your money on this. You will most likely get bored quite quickly.
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