Dead Space movie confirmed to be in development.

Dead Space movie confirmed to be in development.

The horror game "Dead Space" is being made into a movie!

By Ozymandias - Aug 13, 2009 04:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Video Games
Source: Variety.ocm

EA has confirmed that they are making a film adaption of the game "Dead Space" with D.J. Caruso.("Disturbia," "Eagle Eye")

The newest deal on the horizon is a live action adaptation of the terrifying Electronic Arts vidgame “Deadspace,” which is fast coming together as a scifi-horror film property that will be developed by D.J. Caruso, director of “Eagle Eye” and “Disturbia.”

EA will produce the film with Temple Hill partners Marty Bowen and Wyck Godfrey.

The producers, EA, and Caruso have been listening to takes from prospective screenwriters. Only after they set a writer and EA signs off on a creative direction will they auction the property to studios. That will likely happen in early September.

“Deadspace” has a storyline that seems ready made for feature treatment.

Set in deep space in the 26th Century, the thriller focuses on an engineer who responds to a distress signal from a mining ship. He arrives only to find it infested with monstrous creatures called Necromorphs, human corpses that have been re-animated by an alien virus. The engineer and his team retro-fit most of their weapons from tools on the mining ship. They try to stay alive long enough to discover the “hive mind” that is controlling the creatures.

This could turn out to be a good horror movie if they get it right. Lets keep our fingers crossed!

Ozy out.

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ThisFan - 8/13/2009, 6:02 PM
the animated movie was good and i hope the live action one will be also
CaptainAmerica - 8/13/2009, 6:13 PM
Hope its good, wanna see that Halo movie though :(
spideysweb - 8/13/2009, 6:13 PM
All I can say is YESSSSSSSS. My favourite game on PS3. Not sure about Caruso directing...Snyder would do an awesome dead space
JoshWilding - 8/13/2009, 6:14 PM
Excellent! the game was bloody brilliant (and occasionaly terrifying) so in the right hands this film could be amazing!

haha, this will be great news for 'spideysweb' - i convinced him to buy this game! :)
JoshWilding - 8/13/2009, 6:16 PM
spideysweb: lol, there you are! knew you'd comment on this one!! and yeah, good choice! Snyder would be perfect for this movie!
spideysweb - 8/13/2009, 6:20 PM
grif..have you played this game? It is wicked. I know video game movies suck in general, but if there was a game that they could definitely translate into a wicked movie, it would be this one.

@josh, yeah buddy, this was a great recommendation and I greatly thank you for that. You know I still play this. Only missing 1 trophy which is blast all of the asteroids with 50% shields i can get is 40%
TheShakeBake - 8/13/2009, 6:20 PM
Out of all the games they are making a movie out of they pick Deda Space? i mean seriously Assiassin's Creed, Halo,Gears Of War those r the games into movies i want to see

Watchtower31 - 8/13/2009, 6:22 PM
Shake Baker@ This game is awesome

This is one of the best games of the year and it would make an awesome movie.
JoshWilding - 8/13/2009, 6:25 PM
spideysweb: wow, good going!! i only played it once so ive got a few trophies left to get..! you should look up some tips online to try and get that damned last trophy! :)
MarkCassidy - 8/13/2009, 6:26 PM
Where is ozy? He will be happy his article is on the main..

Im not much of a gamer so i have no clue about this but it looks cool.
Superman4 - 8/13/2009, 6:48 PM
They should get Sam Raimi to direct it then Bruce Campbell to star.
JoshWilding - 8/13/2009, 7:17 PM
Ozy: nice work and a really interesting article! :) should have said that before but i was too excited, lol!

i might do a fan cast for this'll be hard casting the main character (Isaac) because he never talks but you DO see his face at the end so that'll help, hehe!
superdog - 8/13/2009, 7:20 PM
ozy@ congrats man. i was so happy when i made main. good job. now you got about 499 more articles to go and you can be an editor.

i smell DOOM 2 with this movie.
dancingmonkey08 - 8/13/2009, 7:28 PM
Oh hell yea. I have not played the game myself but I have watched my friend play it and it is damn awesome. This has the potential to be a brilliant movie. The story is awesome and the game scared the crap out of me

@ TheShakeBake
Yea the three games you named badly need to be turned into movies as they all have great potential for a movie too.

Anything is better than Resident Evil Afterlife

And hey there is Tekken coming soon too. Dunno if it will be good or not (I dont think there is even a trailer yet even though the movie is supposed to be out before the end of the year) but Jackie Chan is Lei Wulong and Ron Perlman is Paul Phoenix so that is enough reason for me to see it plus I love Tekken :)
dancingmonkey08 - 8/13/2009, 7:33 PM
Oh and well done, Ozymandias. Damn good article to get on the main page
superdog - 8/13/2009, 7:38 PM
ozy@ i dunno. but everyone seems to indicate that its alot.
superdog - 8/13/2009, 7:51 PM
well get to impressin man :) ask him if he'll just take straight cash :)
warmachine88 - 8/13/2009, 7:54 PM
yes i new they were going is amazing..animated was awesome..And @ shake n bake they are makin gears and assasins movie they are in development rite now...cant wait for those..sry bro but [frick] gay
superdog - 8/13/2009, 8:16 PM
thats what im saying. alhough you really seem to enjoy it so it might be more fun for you to write the articles.
Shadowelfz - 8/13/2009, 8:33 PM
They are making my favorite game into a movie? Good stuff.
TheNameIsBetty - 8/13/2009, 11:02 PM
woot woot
delpoi - 8/14/2009, 3:13 AM
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet the game kicks ass the anime film was good i just hope they keep it as gory and chilling as the game :-P
AvengingAngel1022 - 8/14/2009, 3:16 AM
LEEE777 - 8/14/2009, 3:28 AM
Well done @ OZY!!!

I have no idea of this game, but like ROR said it sounds pretty cool! Good work man! ; )
betaraybob - 8/14/2009, 4:41 AM
its an ace game, but is essentially a load of homages to sci-fi horror movies packaged together, it works well as a game but as a movie adaptation would probably just be really derivative, after all we already have numerous Alien movies, Event Horizon, the excellent Sunshine, the [frick]ing terrible Doom and that other one in the works which I can't remember the name of- the Necromorphs are pretty cool though- for the uninformed they're not really like zombies but more like The Thing from..well.. The Thing
CorndogBurglar - 8/14/2009, 5:48 AM
@ superman4

i hope that was a joke.

@ grif

its hardly a zombie game. not even close. left for dead is a zombie game. this is sci fi horror at its best!

this game was awesome! easily blew away resident 5 in every way. i just don't see anyone capturing the absolute fuked-upedness of the game though. i mean some of the things you fight are babies that have been infested by the virus. when you shoot some things in the stomach their insides fall out all over the floor. or my favorite, shoot one in the chest, then hands pop out out, and when they fall on the floor, the hands let them keep "walking" toward you. lol yeah, i'll be surprised if this gets done right.
Bandrews1 - 8/14/2009, 7:16 AM
I loved the game I just hope they do the movie justice.
Osiris - 8/14/2009, 8:38 AM
I still have yet to play the game but I have heard nothing but good shit.

also video game movies are always very loosely based on the games, so don't get your hopes up that this will be any different, more then likely it is going to suck
CRITIC17 - 8/14/2009, 10:45 AM
Never played this yet... But a movie sounds AWESOME!!
spideysweb - 8/14/2009, 2:29 PM
To all who love 3rd person shooter games and some horror mixed in, this game is an absolute must. By far my favourite game and I am sooooo excited about the news of a potential movie. Thanks Ozy good stuff
JoshWilding - 8/14/2009, 4:58 PM
Guys, check out my fan cast for the gameas well as some info those of you who havent played it might find interesting! :)
spideysweb - 8/14/2009, 7:26 PM
Just read it josh, nice casting buddy.
RolandOfGilead - 8/18/2009, 5:11 PM
I know nobody had commented here in days, but I liked the animated movie of this, I can only hope that the live action one is just as good.
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