Review - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Review - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Did Batman: Arkham Asylum live up to the hype? Is it THE game of the year? Check out our thoughts on the new games pros and cons.

By NateBest - Sep 24, 2009 12:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Video Games

Know before you start reading our review that we’re not really into game spoilers, so we’re going to stay away from most of the plot elements, twists, etc. Also know that we're well aware that the game's been out for a few weeks… What can we say, we've been busy :o)

Batman: Arkham Asylum starts out with you transporting the Joker back to Arkham Asylum, apparently without much of a struggle. It turns out that the Joker has set a trap for the Caped Crusader and has taken over the Asylum. It’s Batman’s job to restore order to Arkham Asylum, re-capture the Joker and beat up some bad guys!

If you haven’t heard much about Batman: Arkham Asylum, you must have been living under a rock for the last few months. The hype for the game has been incredible, and even included getting a Guinness World Record.

Taking that into account, and the fact that we’re into comic books, especially Batman, we approached the game with a little trepidation… After all, it couldn’t possibly be as good as everyone’s been saying, right?

Wrong! The game is great! The story is good, the voice acting for Batman and the Joker are FANTASTIC thanks to Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill, and the graphics are amazing.

That being said, we did have a few issues with the game… The game isn’t quite as open as we would have liked. You can get to ALMOST any location in the game, but there are a few that you can’t get to that have us puzzled… For example, you can’t get to the top of the clock tower (by the Mansion) and a few of the cliffs that you visit outside of the Batcave. The grappling gun is a little tricky at first as well… You would think you can point anywhere and fire to go sailing away to your new destination, but it seems to like some spots better then others.

The free-flow combat took a little getting used to as well... Initially it seems like a "button-masher", but you have to time the combos properly for it all to work right and keep your combos going. It's not quite as easy as it looks…

The other issue we had was with the replayability potential… This is probably due to the fact that there’s no multiplayer component, which we’ve grown accustomed to with most games, BUT Eidos has already released one map pack for the Predator and Combat modes and has another one due tomorrow. The map packs have been free so far, so they’re doing a lot to help keep it interesting.

The game is beautiful, but it’s so much easier to see the Joker’s cronies, the Riddler’s clues, etc, while in Detective Mode that we found ourselves running through the majority of the game without getting the full affect…

Other than those few nit-picky items, the game is great and I can see why the critics have absolutely loved the game. Right now it’s at the top of our Game Of The Year list. If you haven’t played it yet, you owe it to yourself to set aside the 10-12 hours it’ll take to beat the story mode (and gather all of the Riddler clues). Be the bat!

Note that we’ve only played the Xbox 360 version of the game, so we weren’t able to play the challenge maps as the Joker (PS3 exclusive, at least for now).

If you don’t have the cash for the game, follow on Twitter. To promote the new "tweeting" ability of the Xbox 360 we're giving away several XBOX360 video games every week in September, plus a grand prize of an XBOX360 Entertainment console. All you have to do is follow to be entered to win.

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TheMyth - 9/24/2009, 12:18 AM
I'm going to get this game and MUA2 this weekend I believe. Thanks for another good review. This game has me so psyched I can't wait.
RemiMartini - 9/24/2009, 1:02 AM
The game is way overrated. You NEVER get to fight Mr. Freeze, Penguin, Two Face, Catwoman, or Clayface not to mention going through all the riddles and never getting to the actual Riddler. Overall I'd say it''s about a 7 out of 10 because it could have been just as good as Fallout 3, but they kept it restricted and that sucks
Roscoe182 - 9/24/2009, 1:14 AM
they never said you did get 2 fight all of them the riddles were awesome wot better way to put the riddler in a game but i will say the killer croc "fight" was gay i wanted 2 actully fight him .but batman AA has so far been the best comic game yet marvel need pull thair socks up to beat it
Roscoe182 - 9/24/2009, 1:39 AM
The maps as the joker are pretty cool not much dirrernt really other than the 3 gadgets he has

1. a gun 1 shot kill.
2. crazey glasses (detective mode)
3.(The batclaw) Chatering teeth that explode .

His fighting is more of less the same as the bats with a few tweeks instead of cape stun he has gas stun the way he walks is probs the funnist thing tho i didnt really try the stealth maps cus id only just got the game so i wanted to play it
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 3:51 AM
The game delivers, and all comic book games should try and you ARKHAM as the bar!

Best game this year YES!! (Best comic book game since my all time FAV PUNISHER on X-BOX).

So the X-360 is different to the PS3? How so,, ive only played the PS3 one.

Again best games this year and best comic book game in the last few years!!!

2 Thumbs up.

(Damn my broadbands playing up again argghh).
Roscoe182 - 9/24/2009, 4:14 AM
naa man thairs noooo differnce at all apart from loading times i cudnt agree more best game this year its what we all wanted in a batman game. ( punisher class game ) my fave befor this was web of shadows i just love swingin round as spidy then in the symbiot suit. i had a bash on the fantastic 4 game the other day wish i hadnt of bother thinkin bout it the wolverine game suckd ass 2 ok i have to stop goin on and on now cus now i just sound like a computer geek
bullsize - 9/24/2009, 4:17 AM
bestseller,game of the year till "Modern warfare 2" arrives!!!
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 4:37 AM
Cool @ ROS! ; )

An ya ain't no computer geek, there's no such thing!!

Bullsize @ Im not sure but, i think ARKHAM made the Guinness book of records and rightly so!!

The game was indeed a GEM!
Roscoe182 - 9/24/2009, 4:47 AM
modern warfare 2 will do well but i really think batman mite make game of the year as leee said it was a gem an i managed to convince about 7 of my mates to get it after makein um watch me play it for days and not letting them have a go
JoshWilding - 9/24/2009, 5:25 AM
Great review Nathan!

I thought that the game was excellent! There wasnt really any bad bits to it IMO - i didnt really have too many problems with the grappling gun after getting used to it but i admit that the combo's can be a liitle fiddly (even now after finishing the game i still hadnt mastered them perfectly!) and though i can get as high as about a 30x combo, im struggling to get that damned 40x trophy, lol.

I suppose that they would be my only realy (and very minor) issues with the game - other than that it was pure brilliance! I do kind of wish it were a little longer but i plan on replaying it ASAP (this time on hard) so i guess time will tell whether it will be just as good a seond time and whether it will even be worth playing a third time!

At the moment it could definitly be a contender for Game of the Year, but looking at Modern Warfare and Uncharted 2: Among Theives its going to have some pretty stiff competition in that area! I mean, Im looking forward to Uncharted 2 so much Ive pretty much already made that my game of the year, lol! :D
JoshWilding - 9/24/2009, 5:31 AM
RemiMartini: Did you not stop to think that they might be saving those characters for the sequel!? And Fallout 3 is a completely different game - i cant really see how you could compare that with Arkham Asylum to be honest!!!
GUNSMITH - 9/24/2009, 6:23 AM
spider11 - 9/24/2009, 6:24 AM
one of the best games (competing with first person shooters and mmorpg )...... 2.5 million copies shipped till now..

THE BEST superhero game ever made..

yeah i got the collector's edition with awesome 14" batarang

must play game for all the comicbook fans

Much better on PC than consoles with cool physics and 3D
TheNameIsBetty - 9/24/2009, 6:35 AM
Great game. Creepy sometimes too. Only i got a random corrupt save when i almost beat it and had to start over :(
JoshWilding - 9/24/2009, 6:48 AM
spider11: i thought i heard that the batarang was just a cheap piece of plastic glued to the base? is that right?!
spideysweb - 9/24/2009, 6:50 AM
Awesome game. Love it. I've beaten it on all 3 modes so far and have found all of the riddles. Only the challenges left. I'm having the same problems as Josh with the damn combos. Can't seem to get the 40X and the freeflow using all of bat's gadgets and moves. Oh well, I'll keep trying.

@fartman...That sucks dude.
spideysweb - 9/24/2009, 6:51 AM
Oh and Nathan, good review. Like the way you do it with no spoilers.
LEEE777 - 9/24/2009, 7:12 AM
JOSH @ That's what you [frick]ing told me!!!!

I just bought the standard game coz of you dude lol, it better be a bit of cheap plastic lol! : D
spideysweb - 9/24/2009, 7:25 AM
@leee, I saw the special edition and in my opinion, it is not worth the cash.
dancingmonkey08 - 9/24/2009, 7:26 AM
nice review! Gotta get this game
InFamouslyCool - 9/24/2009, 7:27 AM
everything about batman is the standard. th bar everyone should strive for.

Superman/Batman: Public Enema - decent.
KurtCrawler - 9/24/2009, 7:36 AM
Well, it was good but not the best game of the year. That title goes to Guitar Hero 5 or The Beatles Rock Band
hbk82287 - 9/24/2009, 7:44 AM
Such a great game :) just started it yesterday and i had my oldest brother (who dosent play video games often at all) just wrapped into watching me play the game for a good 3 hours! quite the feat for him IMO :P
SoulAllFlush - 9/24/2009, 8:25 AM
I liked how they did the Killer Croc battle, it could have so easily been just a copy paste of the Bane/Titan fights.

The best review of this game has been the zero punctuation review. After that one nothing further needs to be said.
theeambassador - 9/24/2009, 8:50 AM
after playing through and beating it, solid 8/10. my only problems, the playthrough is somewhat linear and there's really only one type of boss fight, the rest are variations, and uncharted 2 will be the game of the year btw
Shaman - 9/24/2009, 9:32 AM
Great review Nate!!!

Game of the year for me is Infamous with a 4.5/5 and Batman: Arkham Asylum gets second place with 4/5 :))

This is what Eidos should do for a sequel:

Make it free-roaming EXACTLY like InFamous. Dark gritty city at night where you can use everything in your environment. You can climb any building with batclaws. You can grapple everywhere. You can glide your way through the city with your cape on air currents like in the Gargoyles cartoon and in the Nolan Films. You can call on your Batmobile for high speed chases and to move about from one end of the city to the other faster than gliding. Have a VARIETY of stealth take downs from anywhere in your environment to different positions around the enemies using FAST response controls like Tenchu's. You can hide in shadows (like in Manhunt) to lay off the heat since cops should try and take you in (kinda like you have to do when you're spotted in Assassin's Creed). You would still have the fast tap combo fighting controls AND an option of custom fighting which would alow you to block, grab, throw and counter at a whim!

You have to deal with various street gangs on side missons like Black Mask's, Ventriloquist's, Penguin's and Two Face's that are trying to take over the city while fighting real story missions with Freeze, Poison Ivy, Joker and Riddler. And also have side challenges this time provided by The Clock King, testing Bat's physical limits and Calandar Man, testing Batman's detective abilities.
Ryguy88 - 9/24/2009, 10:12 AM
MUA 2 was pretty diasapointing when compared to the previous three games in the series. And it was a huge letdown when the final boss was revealed, even though you could see it coming a mile away. Also, the whole civil war thing takes up only one chapter..ONE CHAPTER... Why try to build another story around an aready solid one?? crap game, took like 8 hours to beat and since the whole "choosing sides" thing only affects about 2 hours of the game it isnt even worth playing again.
NateBest - 9/24/2009, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys!

I WAS a little dissapointed that you didn't fight EVERY villain, but hey, they've got to save some for the sequel... The fact that one of them is coming back for sure in the sequel (one comes out of the water at the very end to grab something, and the commisioner says the other one's running around Gotham) made me happy!

RIGHT NOW Batman: Arkham Asylum is at the top of my list for NON-EXCLUSIVE titles, but we've got all the holiday releases coming out (Moder Warfare 2, Dante's Inferno, Left 4 Dead 2, etc), so I'm not sure that it'll stay there... I'm a huge CoD and L4D fan :o) I'm also looking forward to Dante's Inferno after the work they did on Deadspace... Deadspace is by far the best original game to come out in the last few years.

I love Guitar Hero 5 (playing as my avatar dressed in COG armor rocks), but if I were to go out on a limb and pick best music game so far this year, it would be Guitar Hero Metallica... But I lean towards the heavy side ;o)
Minotauro - 9/24/2009, 10:37 AM
Review section----------> That way!..
spideysweb - 9/24/2009, 10:47 AM
Nathan, I agree with your deadspace comment...Absolutely my favourite game. Only hope they come out with a sequel.
KurtCrawler - 9/24/2009, 3:02 PM
Keven, Guitar Hero always wins.

Nathan, I love GH metallica too, it was awesome.
spider11 - 9/24/2009, 7:21 PM
josh@ yeah its plastic but feel tough and rugged, the the DVD case is special personal diary of dr.young styled and bonus disc as interviews of kevin conroy ,mark hamill and other people who made game..

i felt its worth the money i spent. Superhero games especially awesome batman game after all these years just AWESOME..

I say it deserves a sequel treatment...i also heard from some game sites that we might get another batman game from the same guys might be a sequel to arkham asylum.

danialj84 - 10/21/2009, 3:56 AM
web of shadows and arkham asylam are to the 2 best comic book games ever released in my eyes. arkham deffo deserves the acclaim it gets cos quite simply it is an awesome game.
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