BLADE RUNNER 2099 Officially Adds Hunter Schafer In Co-Lead Role

BLADE RUNNER 2099 Officially Adds Hunter Schafer In Co-Lead Role

UNCHARTED Star Nolan North Reveals His Original Movie Cameo And Hopes For A Fifth Game (Exclusive)
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UNCHARTED Star Nolan North Reveals His Original Movie Cameo And Hopes For A Fifth Game (Exclusive)

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TheSuperguy - 8/5/2015, 4:26 PM
Dark Tower, hell yeah!
FriendORFaux - 8/5/2015, 4:26 PM
Have movie studios always given out entire film slates like this??
LEVITIKUZ - 8/5/2015, 4:27 PM
DeusExSponge - 8/5/2015, 4:28 PM
A Barbie movie franchise? Huh, guess those CG Barbie movies weren't cutting it for Mattel.
CherryBomb - 8/5/2015, 4:29 PM
Although Juamnji? What? The original was perfection. No need for a soulless remake.

Ridiculously excited for Passengers
And I'm interested to see how Barbie turns out.

Yay Spider Man!
JamesMann - 8/5/2015, 4:29 PM
Oh, they're remaking Jumanji? Did they wait before or after Robin Williams died to think this up?

JamesMann - 8/5/2015, 4:31 PM

I want it to be good. Can't be any worse than their original idea to make Uncharted a family adventure film with Mark Whalberg...
TheRationalNerd - 8/5/2015, 4:31 PM
Bad Boys 3



LEVITIKUZ - 8/5/2015, 4:32 PM

Wait, a Jumanji remake is on the list?

*looks at list

MrJillyMcBeam - 8/5/2015, 4:33 PM
Lol, they have to put "Marvel" in the title so the general audience will go see it (Even though Sony still owns 60% of the rights). Also, they're making an Indian Jones...I mean Uncharted movies? *Snores*
CaptainObvious - 8/5/2015, 4:33 PM
I'm glad Uncharted went back to the drawing board. The most recent script pulled an ASM and built a conspiracy surrounding Nathan Drake's parents, which dilutes his everyman persona.

When will Hollywood learn we don't care about the hero's parents?
2pacman - 8/5/2015, 4:34 PM
spider man, lets make trendic topic Twitter #FoxGiveTheRightsToMarvel whos with me?
MrJillyMcBeam - 8/5/2015, 4:34 PM
I more excited for the Assassin's Creed movie than Uncharted. Better franchise and a better lead actor.
LEVITIKUZ - 8/5/2015, 4:36 PM
No film ever starring Robin Williams should ever be remade.

It wouldn't be as good or funny without Robin in it.

webheaded - 8/5/2015, 4:37 PM
For God's sake, no one likes Underworld. Quit making them.
Also, super siked for the Spidey movies.
TheRationalNerd - 8/5/2015, 4:38 PM
Uncharted has the potential to be even better than the video games. The second one is still my favorite though. We should be getting some casting announcements VERY soon. Oh's 2017? Ah well, I guess we'll get them around the time of the 4th game's release.

This franchise could easily be better than Indiana Jones.
Antley - 8/5/2015, 4:38 PM
I hope that Uncharted movie never gets made. Just no. Leave the greatness of Uncharted alone.
sKeemAn - 8/5/2015, 4:39 PM
Ok I'm super excited about a Bad Boys sequel. I [frick]ing love those movies. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are a match made in heaven. But they are seriously playing with my emotions with the Jumanji remake. No, No, and No. That is an insult to the late great Robin Willians.
MrJillyMcBeam - 8/5/2015, 4:39 PM
I enjoyed the new Tomb Raider more than I did Uncharted.
01928401 - 8/5/2015, 4:40 PM
I know, right? Michael Fassbender is so much better than
BlackPhillip - 8/5/2015, 4:41 PM
Do my eyes deceive me or does that really say "Marvel's Spider-Man"? Marvel has Sony by the balls.
Kr08 - 8/5/2015, 4:41 PM
@FriendORFaux They actually have but not like this. They didn't start announcing them so publicly like this until Marvel and DC/WB did
JamesMann - 8/5/2015, 4:41 PM
"Marvel's Spider-Man"

I feel a lot of thought and effort was put into that title.
hench - 8/5/2015, 4:41 PM
So stoked for The Dark Tower!!! How the hell was it not the focal point of this articles title?!?! Also, Jumanji remake? Just no. Like @LEVITIKUZ said, no remakey Robin's filmzies! (Fifty bucks says they cast his character with a black comedian).
MrJillyMcBeam - 8/5/2015, 4:42 PM

Fassbender is the best actor in Hollywood currently. He's also my favorite actor, but that in no way makes be biased towards him. :P
hgokuh - 8/5/2015, 4:42 PM
Amazing linup!
sKeemAn - 8/5/2015, 4:42 PM
The Dark Tower should be good. I loved that book. I thought the Resident Evil franchise & Underworld were all done, looks like I was wrong. I hope Michael Bay returns to direct Bad Boys. His style is nice with that type of movie.
TheRationalNerd - 8/5/2015, 4:43 PM

Oh yeah, I remember that. But I think there were rumors suggesting that Mark Wahlberg was attached and they were trying to make the films more family friendly or something like that. The games were field with just the right amount of everything. The first one literally scared the living heck out of me when I made it to this level...

01928401 - 8/5/2015, 4:44 PM
That's great, but the implication of my comment was to point out that there isn't even anyone attached to Uncharted, so it is literally impossible for anyone to be considered better.
BlackPhillip - 8/5/2015, 4:45 PM
I like the Bad Boys sequels, but unsure about Jumanji. I'd rather see Sony re-release the movie.
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