The first image of Gal Gadot as the famous Amazonian Princess/ Warrior has surfaced. The general thoughts are positive for the most part, but we wouldn't be fan boys if people weren't complaining! Jokes aside, I think the look came across great and she sold me on the look, kudos Snyder and the team! The bigger question remains; how will she be inrtoduced and used in this larger DC cinematic universe? I have a few of my own personal ideas.
Something to remember here is expectations. Expectations can ruin a movie for you entirely. I'm writing this based off of no fact, nor do I expect any of it to happen. It's simply something I would like to see. I would like to continue to preface this with something else. There is a common misconception that DC is all about "grounded in reality", and this is all thanks to The Dark Knight Trilogy. That really is only true about that specific trilogy. What I believe Snyder did with Man of Steel, and what I believe will continue on in this universe is simply taking larger than life ideas, and bringing them to life in a SERIOUS manner (not "dark and gritty"). Superman was cearly emphasized in the movie as an alien with incredible abilties. We saw some crazy stuff and otherworldly technolgy. Kal was a hopeful person in dark circumstances. I believe this principal of taking it seriously can be applied to Wonder Woman as well.
Lets play a little pretend here. Again, I don't believe it will happen this way, just my own little sweaty fanboy fantasy. Now. If I could introduce her my way in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, I would keep Diana in Themyscira the majority of her time on screen.
I personally find this a pretty easy and effective way to give her enough tease of a back story to leave room for her own movie. I'm imaging we could get glimpses of the island. Of her with her fellow sisters, and mother, Hypolita. Every now and again we could cut to the island and see possible training sequences, short (important character defining convos) and general setting up of her mythology. The trick I believe is explaining why does she get involved with Superman and Batman?
Taking the material seriously again, and introducing the mythological side of the DC universe is what would happen here. Wonder Woman is a very rich character filled with her own history, and her peoples history. I believe this could be quite simple bringing her into Mans' World. At some point in the movie Diana could be with Hypolita. Magic is esentially a must for this to happen. I believe we could have Hypolita looking on the events of Mans' World, specifically looking into Gotham or Metropolis (wherever the beat down is happening) through some sort of magic glass, portal, water, whatever have you, Hypolitas own personal window to Man's World. She would be showing Diana the events, and possibly even talking down about men and the savage world we live in. This is a prime time to make a character defining moment for Diana. She should stand for peace. That is who she is. There should be a small argument of Diana convincing her mother that maybe it isn't so bad out there, that she could bring change. I believe this is where Diana should leave Themyscira against her mothers wishes to end the fight between Superman and Batman. A peace keeper. A moderator. This is how I believe she should be introduced. I can't give much else on how I feel she should be used in the rest of the film seeing as we dont know who (and if) the other villains are, but now lets move on to a possible solo flick.....
An article came out recently about possible villains for the DCCU and that is where my article has stemmed. There are two villains specifically I would like to see for the Wonder Woman movies, the first of witch I would like is Circe.
I think Circe would make an excellent jumping point for a Wonder Woman solo outing. It could be a great way to expand the magical side of the DCU and create some more history and shed light on the Amazons. Perhaps open a story of an older conflict between Hypolita and Circe, who believes to have defeated her. Leave Circe a bit of a mystery throughout the film to develope Diana and her people even more. To prevent Circe from becoming a one note villain, there should be multiple cut scenes to her perhaps planning, showing her coldness, her manner, and conversations with a mysterious being.
I believe if this takes place after Batman v Superman, or Justice League, that she should return here to the Island. This is all a bit of a skeleton of an idea, and again, my own hopes. I certainly can't expect what I want to happen.
At some point in the film there should be an invasion of sorts on the Amazons. From none other than the Beastiomorphs (as seen in DC Universe Online) who are the men Circe has encountered and transformed into her mindless slave-like monsters (who typically look like rhinos, boars, lions). Circe in even our mytholgy is known to turn men into animals. This could set up an amazing fight sequence for Wonder Woman and the Amazonians to take on the beasts. Circe clearly pulling strings from elsewhere in the shadows. This should hilight the Amazons, while Diana is focused on finding Circe. She should seek wisdom from her mother, who is weary because of her absence and disobeying her wishes, but clearly has to give her the knowledge to help. She needs to tell her a way to get to Circes Lair (again, a skeleton of an idea). This is where the main action can go down for Wonder Woman. Even larger ancient beasts could be present to take on Diana, and we can get some amazing shots of seeing her skills put to the test using her lasso, sword, and shield on these goliaths of monsters. She is ultimately making way to Circe.
When confronted there should be some conversation between them. Putting emphasis on the history of these magical people even more. Perhaps even coming to a realization that the events her mother told her were not true. That something was hidden from her, betrayed by her mother. A battle should ensue, this could end up quite awesome. Have Circe even summon some greek marble statues to life to be quick fodder for Diana. Make this an emotional, script driven fight. One two skip a few (skeleton, people) Diana beats Circe to a pulp and Spartan kicks her into the Gates of Tartarus straight to Hades (maybe dragged there by some demons). We don't pan to Hades, but to Ares himself, the God of War, who we find was pulling her strings, as he smiles to Hades, as if expecting her to fail.
The movie should end in the aftermath of the battle going on in Paradise Island. Have Diana speak to her people giving some speach about hope, honor, peace, you know..., all that Wonder Woman goodyness.
POST CREDIT SCENE TIME. Panning over Paradise Island, give a good look at its entirety. Making way to a group of the Amazonians in conversation. They abruptly go silent as they hear something. A boom. The screaming of metal. Camera shows a jet going down, crash landing, onto Themyscira. The group looks at one another, grab their gear and take off to investigate the strange event....
So there you have it folks, thats my take on it! Sound off below on what you think, and leave a thumb if you enjoyed the read!