Revered and acknowledged for the last seventy years as an uncompromising and solid role model for young girls and women everywhere as well as well as a formidable heroine able to hold her own against some of the comic book world’s heavy weights, Wonder Woman still has been unable to capture the silver screen respect that her fellow comic colleagues have. Using examples of his wife, Elizabeth Marston and polygamous partner, Olive Byrne, American psychologist, feminist theorist, and inventor, William Marston aka Charles Moulton created a feminine role model that challenged the time period’s thinking.
During a time when comic books directed towards the female demographic consisted of frivolous romance tales, Marston realized the potential of educational value this presented. Through the medium of comic books, Marston’s “Suprema” became “Wonder Woman” and together they taught unsuspecting youth (and their parents) about the magic of the female sex, the beauty of truth and honor and that any girl/woman possessed the same potential and power as any male counterpart.
Even today the idea of Wonder Woman is not only progressive and enlightening, but it is also magnificently simple. As an Amazon she was a Princess, yet a warrior, a child yet a Goddess. She preferred diplomacy to violence but was prepared to battle for what was right and honorable. Naïve to the corruption and pettiness of man, yet she carried wisdom and a capacity for love beyond what us mere mortals had ever seen. The world was shown that a woman does not need to sacrifice grace, beauty, love and sensuality for strength, focus, leadership and a freakin’ force of nature that even the gods wouldn’t f**k with! It is within every woman to be all of these things at the same time. Later, Marston would use his truth bearing warrior goddess’ most notable accessory, The Golden Lasso of Truth, as his inspiration for his most famous invention the Lie Detector. How’s that for cultural influence?
The first of her kind, Wonder Woman quickly became every bit as popular as the male superheroes like Superman and Batman, that came before her. Paving the way for future superheroines, Wonder Woman was even inducted into the Justice Society as its first female member… and then quickly made its secretary. It was clearly apparent there were still some obstacles for our hero. In 1960 however, she became one of the founding members of the Justice League of America. During what one can only call a moment of temporary insanity, DC Comics revamped “Wondie” in “hopes” of appeasing feminist activists (that weren’t complaining anyway) and Wonder Woman lost her powers and famous costume and became a mortal woman in 1968. Clad in a white jump suit and tutored by an old Chinese man, she was literally stripped of all the things that made her such an impressive role model and put in the charge of a man.
yeah because every little girl would much rather have an old half blind Chinese dude harping on her rather than the ability to fly....DUH it's science....
For over twenty years women were taught through her voice that we were goddesses and individuals; powerful in our own rights without the permission of men, then with a misguided decision, the message became lost. Thankfully, this Wonder Woman did not last longer than five years. With the help of Gloria Steinem, a leader of the feminist movement, the original Wonder Woman would finally make her return in 1973.
Through out her ventures as super society secretary, founding a legendary super club and becoming a mortal woman held down by the man, her male counterparts had received their own television serials and were about to make the leap to the big screen. Not to be completely left out, following what the comic world considers an abortion of an “attempt” at a series in 1967 consisting of a blonde Wonder Woman in a track suit, “Wonder Woman” the TV series debuted in 1975 starring Lynda Carter. Lasting for three seasons, Wonder Woman was more popular than ever and thanks to Ms. Carter’s almost uncanny resemblance to what was once simply pen and ink, the world now had an icon for the Amazon Princess that continues to influence her artists to this day.
However, the year the show was cancelled, Superman, the superhero Wonder Woman lived in the shadow of most under constant comparison, made it to the big screen with “Superman: The Movie” starring Christopher Reeve. A box office smash, this movie spawned several sequels, a re-boot, and as if to add insult to injury to our illustrious Wondie, a movie for Superman’s own spin-off female character in 1984… Supergirl. Which was basically an angsty teen love story with a cape and some Superman refrences. While the intimidator’s movie still barely managed to eek by at the box office, the originator remained ignored by the silver screen big wigs.
"Quick that bird flew off with the script! Oh well gimme that Judy Blume book, that’ll work, just replace ran with FLEW…"
Since then, Batman has also proved to be a hit on the big screen with two franchises as well and talks of more sequels to come in his latest runaway cash train franchise helmed by Christopher Nolan. As for Wonder Woman. while talks have been consistent since 2001, nothing solid has been so much as scribbled out. It seemed that in 2005 headway was being made with Joss Whedon in the driver’s seat, but alas, creative differences arose and Whedon sadly left the project. If you and I are on the same page, then I think we would agree that there would be no one better for this project. Humor and genius combined, Whedon has been writing “Wonder Woman” characters for years with “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” series and comics and “Firefly” consisting of several strong female leads.
The pic alone proves Whedon can write chicks that pwn yer ass
According to the movie world, movies featuring lead female superheroes are cursed and just aren’t capable of pulling in revenue. The list of superheroine flops include the aforementioned “Supergirl”, Elektra, Catwoman, and even the original “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” movie which debuted in 1992. According to sites like and, any superheroine film is destined to fail and will never bring in ticket sales.
However, think of the plot-lines for the previously mentioned films. Their origins are flimsy at best and were made (with the exception of Buffy) simply on the basis of enhancing their male superhero’s franchises. “Supergirl” was made to profit off of the popularity of the Superman movies, Elektra for Daredevil (which did not do well either), and Catwoman for Batman. None of those superheroines began “on their own”. They were created as supporting cast for their respective counterparts’ comic series and then later given their own. Not only was Wonder Woman a stand alone character and hero in her own right, without her, those others would never have been possible.
To make matters worse, according to sites like, and, the next comic book characters to make it to theaters are, Sgt. Rock, Swamp Thing, and Lobo. Lobo?! Really??? LOBO?
Really? The Retarded biker from another dimension gets a movie?
How does Lobo get a movie before one of the Holy Trinity of Superheros? Allegedly, Joel Silver stated that due to movies like “The Brave One” and “Catwoman” tanking over the last few years, Warner Brothers just isn’t willing to continue to make films featuring female leads at this time.
I KNEW IT! Halle strikes again! But who among us has the power to stop her???
So here it is, 2009. Almost seventy years since her inception and still her silver screen movie contract is tossed about corporate conference tables, desks and constantly put on the back burner. Blatantly absent from such shows as “Teen Titans” (Where Wonder Girl is a founding member) and “Smallville” (where several “JLA” episodes have taken place), Wonder Women is getting no love on the small or big screen. Save for a straight to DVD animated feature, (which was amazing and did very well! You should check it out if you haven’t already!) she has been left on the cutting room floor littered with excuses and what looks like stale corn chips and a flat Dr. Pepper. When will this Amazonian Princess, this former Goddess of Truth, Founder of the Justice League and Ambassador to the UN get the respect she has so painstakingly has earned? Over a hundred years of suffragettes and feminist movements and we still have corporate America denying that feminine power lacks money making capabilities? Do they really think that the human race hasn’t evolved enough to find a powerful woman believable?
Who would NOT pay to see this level of smokin’ hot bad-assness?
This concerns me. I think it’s very simple. I still believe in the power of Wonder Woman. I still believe she can make a difference. If done well, and done right, if she is placed in the correct hands, I believe that a Wonder Woman movie would BREAK the box office! Just look at how well her animated straight to DVD film did! And then the way would be paved once again, as it was in print, for all our other beloved Superheroine. Except Supergirl… she was always too whiney and co-dependant for me…. “Wonder Woman” has been the most highly anticipated, debated and demanded comic book movie in the last almost three decades! We have given her everything else, canonized her as a third of what is referred to as the DC “Holy Trinity”, a respected and honored position in the JLA, a merchandise collection to make Supes blush, hailed by Gloria Steinem as a feminist icon and demanded her for president on the first cover of Ms. Magazine and several pop culture references on “Family Guy” AND “Robot Chicken”…. (how does Robot Chicken NOT say “you have arrived”?)
"Yeah you can be in our club, but uh, we don't really wanna be seen with you in public...So, if you could uh just let us do the public speaking, that'd be great!"
My point is this: Give us a Wonder Woman movie! Quick scratching your ass Joel Silver and give this character the validation she deserves! Give the fans the movie they have been craving for years! What more do you need to convince you that THIS is a money making venture? I mean as long as Beyonce isn’t cast as Wondie, seriously, they can't REALLY be serious in considering her.. PUT DOWN THE DOOBIE WARNER BROTHERS! Enough with the rumor and conjecture, has she not proved time and again that not only does she have staying power and the clout to run with the big boys but also that she is a survivor becoming increasingly popular with each passing year. Is she not due for an official nod from Hollywood? After all this time, Mr. Silver, I think Wonder Woman is finally ready for her close up.