I'm here with Dan of loganscloset.com. What is it that your website offers?
Dan: I offer TV and movie replica jackets. Lots of people want what they see in the films, and they can't get them anywhere. So, I created loganscloset.com to bring that to people.
I see you have the many variations of the Wolverine Jacket. Is this your most popular jacket?
Dan: Yeah, we started out with the Wolverine jacket and it's built from there. And it's still one of our most popular jacket lines. We've done each version of leather jacket used for Wolverine so far.
What other movies have you made apparel for?
Dan: Ah, we just came out with a Captain America jacket from the latest film. We also offer the Bruce Wayne motorcycle riding jacket he uses in
The Dark Knight. Ummm, we do
Wanted. We have
House M.D. from the TV series. We're actually the ones that made that jacket for them. And we're the only ones that sell the exact replica of it, worldwide.
We have:
Blade: Trinity,
Supernatural Dean's coat, Abagail Whistler from
Blade (Jessica Biel), we do Clark Kent's hero jackets from
Pretty much anything that you could want we'll get it done for you.
Lets say there is a jacket in a movie and you really really want it, are you the people to go to for it?
Dan: We will take those submissions and build a jacket for your pleasure.
Any unexpected requests that you fulfilled?
Dan: Actually, Let's see, the
Transformers 3 Shia Labeouf jacket in that one. We had a request for that and we built it. It's a bang on copy, the best you can find. Actually it's only one you can find anymore.
How long does that take?
Dan: That one actually took about a month. It wasn't too bad.
What is your normal price range?
Dan: We are anywhere from forty dollars for the X-Men school for the gifted hoodies, up to six hundred dollars for the Captain Americas', around that level. Anything in between we have a full range of stuff for people. Budget is limiting factor in many folks lives, so we offers things in all kinds of ranges.
What's the quality of these jackets? They seem like they are top of the line.
Dan: Oh yeah! Basically we have one of the largest apparel of motorcycle gear. Vanson Leathers in Massachusetts they create our top of the line jackets, full competition leather. Some of the best stuff you'll find worldwide. And their a worldwide company, they create safety gear that people can take a spill with on their motorcycle and completely getup and walkaway from without a scratch on them. So, they know how to build a strong jacket.
Do you anticipate having to make the leather jacket that Anne Hathaway is seen wearing in the The Dark Knight Rises?
Dan: Actually, yeah I'll probably have to make that pretty shortly. If there was any early leaked photos I'm sure I'll be getting emails about it soon enough.
I appreciate the time you've given me. Anything else you have coming out soon that people should look out for on your website?
Dan: Well, yeah we're actually going to expanding. We only offer, maybe, a third of what we truly have available on the website right now. So the new website should be up in a week or so, tripling what were offering. And giving the option of people to custom order, and send information on next thing that they might want.
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