POLL: Which Marvel/Fox Comic Book Movie Are You Most Looking Forward To?

POLL: Which Marvel/Fox Comic Book Movie Are You Most Looking Forward To? POLL: Which Marvel/Fox Comic Book Movie Are You Most Looking Forward To?

They've not always been the most beloved of movie studios in the eyes of comic book fans, but the success of X-Men: First Class has seen their planned projects met far more positively. Which one are you most looking forward to?

Feature Opinion
By JoshWilding - Sep 14, 2011 01:09 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men

Fantastic Four. Elektra. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I could go on. After a series of pretty awful comic book movies, Fox are not a studio loved by fans of superheroes. X-Men: First Class showed that they could deliver the goods with the right team behind and in front of the characters, which might just explain the increase in excitement for the rest of their planned reboots and sequels. The Wolverine will be filmed next year, Deadpool and Daredevil are in development and both a sequel to X-Men: First Class and a reboot of Fantastic Four have also been rumored to be on the way this year. So, which of these are you most looking forward to? Here's your chance to decide...



Fantastic Four

The Wolverine

X-Men: First Class 2

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batmanrises - 9/14/2011, 2:10 PM
Fantastic Four is back at Marvel Studios....
DarthTesla - 9/14/2011, 2:12 PM
Excited for them all, but The Wolverine takes it.

Logan in Japan, the Silver Samurai, what more do we need? Hopefully it will be awesome.
HelaGood - 9/14/2011, 2:13 PM
NONE of the above... as much as i LOVE Marvel, i simply dont trust Fox...
nuck82 - 9/14/2011, 2:13 PM
if its the real 1st call the duh its going to be xmen
nuck82 - 9/14/2011, 2:13 PM
@hela kinda like how i never trust a wet fart
Dax - 9/14/2011, 2:14 PM
I'm pretty pyched for the whole Japan saga in The Wolverine. It can end up being done extremely well.
SageMode - 9/14/2011, 2:14 PM
@HelaGood: Same here.
TheAmazingSpidey63 - 9/14/2011, 2:16 PM
I really don't have that much faith in Fox when they're going to make Marvel/Fox movies cuz they tend to screw it up or the stray away from the source material. But, I'm waiting to see how the Deadpool movie turns out, and maybe Daredevil. They better do Deadpool right.
PaulRom - 9/14/2011, 2:17 PM
Tied between Deadpool and First Class 2. But I'm hoping The Wolverine and Daredevil will be good, I don't think we'll ever see a good F4 film under Fox.
User1134 - 9/14/2011, 2:17 PM
I Agree With Hela and Where Tha Heck Is The Great LEEE7?
BizzyCrenespy - 9/14/2011, 2:17 PM
Howard The Duck
batmanrises - 9/14/2011, 2:17 PM
Only good Marvel/Fox movie was X2.
marvel72 - 9/14/2011, 2:18 PM
i'm not voting because i can't say i look forward to any comic book movie by fox.
technodrome518 - 9/14/2011, 2:20 PM
We really need a new DareDevil movie, but with Fox behind any Marvel project, I don't see a lot of hope
LucasMend - 9/14/2011, 2:22 PM
where is the "none" option. From FOX I don't want it thank you very much.
And FOX has probably lost interest in Fantastic Four
LucasMend - 9/14/2011, 2:32 PM
FOX making more marvel characters movies?
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lol sorry I just really wanted to use that gif :P
marvel72 - 9/14/2011, 2:41 PM
@ grif

you f*ckin crack me up,keep it up mate.
MarkCassidy - 9/14/2011, 2:47 PM
Prob Daredevil. Would have been The Wolverine if Aronofsky was still on board. I find it hilarious that Fox's CBM of this year was better than any Marvel one..EVER!:)
LucasMend - 9/14/2011, 2:53 PM
he's on Sony Pictures.
NightForce - 9/14/2011, 2:53 PM
@Ror, heck no! X-Men FC was ok. Wasn't better than Marvel's films.
PaulRom - 9/14/2011, 2:57 PM
@MovieTheaterLad Yeah, Ghost Rider's at Sony with Spider-Man.
marvel72 - 9/14/2011, 2:59 PM
1st captain america 4/5(see thor comment))

2nd thor 4/5 (pretty enjoyed the whole film)

3rd x-men first class 3/5 (just for erik & the siege of the c.i.a building)
marvel72 - 9/14/2011, 3:01 PM
^ "much" should be between pretty & enjoyed. :P
MarkCassidy - 9/14/2011, 3:06 PM
lol, I love winding you guys up. Seriosuly though, imo First Class had a more emotionally engaging story than any Marvel movie. I don't think it was BETTER than the first Iron Man but I preferred it to every other Marvel movie. It also didn't have exchanges like this..

Red Skull: "I have seen the future Captain, and there are no flags"

Cap: " Not my future"

Woah, that sure told him!
LucasMend - 9/14/2011, 3:07 PM
First Class was ok, not better than Captain America or Thor. Fassbender was great as erik, and erik and charles relationship was good on it, otherwise I don't really loved the rest.
@BmanHall agreed, Iron Man is definitely the best CBM made so far, for me Both Captain America and Iron Man are in the same level.
ScionStorm - 9/14/2011, 3:11 PM
Ummm, First Class may be a good film, but it appears to have little respect for the source material. Even as a standalone story against the rest of the franchise. So RorMachine, does that still make it a good CBM?
MaddMonkk - 9/14/2011, 3:11 PM
"Sooo...you're saying No guns or pouches and make sure to show their feet........"
MaddMonkk - 9/14/2011, 3:13 PM
marvel72 - 9/14/2011, 3:14 PM
biggest faults with x-men first class it featured a load of characters i couldn't give a shit if they lived or died & the continuity with the other x-films.
AlcoholicA - 9/14/2011, 3:15 PM
@ MaddMonkk

Ha, Rob's worst nightmare scenario...
Bodwulf - 9/14/2011, 3:17 PM
Lots of bragging on first class and that is fine but ,is there even going to be a sequel?
MarkCassidy - 9/14/2011, 3:20 PM
Scion, of course it does. What source material are you referring to? X-Men comic continuity has been rebooted, reshaped and retconned more times than I can even remember, but when a movie does the same it's thrown to the wolves?. I just prefer story and character over anything else in a movie and in that respect First Class delivered. Don't get me wrong I loved Cap too, but there were more flaws as a movie overall than in First Class imo.
Coloso - 9/14/2011, 3:28 PM
@Ror, "I loved Cap too, but there were more flaws as a movie overall than in First Class imo".

This statement makes no sense. Fox has no bones about admitting that it doesn't even know if Fist Ass is a reboot/Prequel/Requel. Even you just stated that "X-Men continuity has been rebooted, reshaped and retconned more times than I can even remember". And you believe Cap has more flaws than Fux's Fist Ass ??? Ha to you sir, or as Deadpool would say...

LucasMend - 9/14/2011, 3:28 PM
@grif lol
MarkCassidy - 9/14/2011, 3:32 PM
Col, what has that got to do with the movie itself? I'm not talking about previous movies, future movies or whether it fits into a wider cinematic universe, I'm talking about one piece of work compared to another and critiquing them based on that. So how does that make no sense?
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