NEW Wolverine Trailer Exposes Mysterious Multiple Mutant

NEW Wolverine Trailer Exposes Mysterious Multiple Mutant

In this latest trailer, you get a much better look at boy cyclops and a host of the other mutants that will be on display in the Wolverine movie -- PLUS, a mysterious multiple mutant that has a combination of powers...

By ComicBookMovie - Mar 05, 2009 08:03 AM EST

Sharp-eyed CBM readers have identified him as Weapon XI, who has powers pulled from many of the mutants featured in the film, and is in the end sequence fight scene against Wolverine.

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MarkCassidy - 3/5/2009, 9:08 AM
Thats not a scarred Deadpool..unless they decided to give him Cycs optic blast and wolvies claws, its weapon X1
CRUSH - 3/5/2009, 9:15 AM
yep thats Weapon XI
vonstallin - 3/5/2009, 9:18 AM
Weapon XI..hmmm ok for a second I thought it was Omega Red or Mimic.

Looks cool as hell...after watching what they did with the watchmen (costume wise) I think mavel can start to put costumes on the heros now. Even if everyone look like Ninjas lol...

I wonder what roll cyclops will play in all of this.

ps: USA Today have a cool interview with Hugh J.
CRUSH - 3/5/2009, 9:23 AM
It would be nice if this movie does well at the box office and spawns 2 or 3 more Wolverine movies, plus Deadpool & Gambit spinoffs.

loganoneil - 3/5/2009, 9:25 AM
I vote for the Miller Japanese 'Wolverine' mini-series!
CRUSH - 3/5/2009, 9:39 AM
loganoneil, that would be a nice direction for the franchise to go !

let's see Patch, lol.

List of Villains for future Wolverine movies:

- Cyber
- Omega Red
- Nuke
- Roughouse
- S.H.I.V.A.
- Wendigo
- The Hand
- Matsu'o Tsurayaba

MarkCassidy - 3/5/2009, 9:53 AM may want to re-edit the article CBM because as crazy as it seems..that white, mouthless, clawed, beam shooting dude probably is The Merc WITH a mouth, Deadpool...check this out.

Havnt a clue how to put images with my post, sorry!

They seem to have made Deadpool a guinea pig for to combine some of the mutants powers together..Hence the reason they need Cyclops. He was experimented on like this in the comic but it never yielded results so this is a bit of a liberty. My only hope is that the experiments fail after a while leaving him scarred and he puts the mask on.
Talontd - 3/5/2009, 9:56 AM

I'm with you bro, bring on the Gambit spinoff!!!


+1 !!!
Isact - 3/5/2009, 9:58 AM
Wow. It was not until I signed up to this sight did I find out I can't hold a candle to the knowledge you guys have on comics. I'm watching it thinking Weapon XI who is that? (Had to do a google search, not much there.

Anyway I like the new Colossus way better in this movie.
bleclercq - 3/5/2009, 10:04 AM
I think it would be nice to have another actor from the first three X-Men movies to appear in this. I know that Scott Summers is younger, plus you can't see his face, so you might as well pay someone else less than to have Marsden come back, and you need someone who can act to play Sabretooth (Liev Schreiber is a good choice btw) and Stryker is a lot younger, but maybe someone else to play their character again. I was thinking of having Brian Cox again in this movie, maybe trying those X3 effects to make him look younger. I just feel less of a connection with the other films, though Wolvy is still in this. Maybe the film will have some that I don't know.
SGA - 3/5/2009, 10:06 AM
Colossus? he's not in this movie, is he??? I don't think so.

anyway, hooray for Red-eyed Gambit.

This clip was so KICK-ASS!

I really can't wait for the movie.
FattSmelliott - 3/5/2009, 10:07 AM
Noooo why does it not play :( anybody know if there is a youtube vid or something?
MarkCassidy - 3/5/2009, 10:12 AM
I had a version that everyone could watch up..but nooooooooo it had to be taken down to make room for the shitty Yank only version! ;)
CrookedJaw - 3/5/2009, 10:12 AM
I pray to god that that isn't Deadpool Rorschach01...I'm thinkin it might not be, due to the fact that that toy packaging looks real cheesy...and plus, deadpool would come with like, swords and other stuff, so I'm thinkin it's either a mexican toy that was labeled wrong, or a for the trailer, omg! I got chills watching it! This one is looking like it'll be up there with Watchmen in my book
CrookedJaw - 3/5/2009, 10:13 AM
and yes, yay on red eyed gambit!
don1 - 3/5/2009, 10:45 AM
this is going to so SUCK!!!(i had read 4-5 comments,and no one said anything negative,so i had to make it look normal) !Just joking,i've already got a seat reserved at the theater for this one!!!
MarkCassidy - 3/5/2009, 11:02 AM
its cool Galactus i was just foolin. Seriously though, someone needs to get confirmation on weather thats Deadpool with the frakkin eye beams!
Sinister - 3/5/2009, 11:11 AM
I got this from Wikipedia, I know it's not the BEST source of info. but they even got a name for the actor....

"Scott Adkins has reportedly been cast as Weapon XI in the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine[1] Weapon XI's powers include several abilities from mutants in the film, such as forearm claws and optic blasts.[2]"

it would make sense if it was Daken, but where are the other claws? and the Deadpool thing would be WAAAY to far of a liberty for me to handle. this Trailer gave me new hope for this movie (red eyed gambit! yeah!, but the rest of his eyes should be black....I'm picky about gambit) hopefully they dont screw it up with outlandish story about Deadpool with optic blasts.
dogchasingcars - 3/5/2009, 11:13 AM
ok i think it is awesome and i can't wait for this movie but two things still upset me

1. no scarred deadpool
2. have yet to hear gambit talk

the second one scares me more than the first because gambit isn't gambit without the cajun-french accent and they have yet to show me a trailer where he talks. becuase without the accent it isn't gambit
SGA - 3/5/2009, 11:21 AM
good point about gambit dogchasingcars (and awesome screen name ^_^)

and awesome pic CBM.
Kapoleon - 3/5/2009, 11:46 AM
The whole X-Men Movie Franchise has ruined X-Men.. Marvel better get it together stop changing stuff from the comic book to make a horrible movie keep it true to the real comic book fans DC is stepping there game up with Watchmen and Batman and I don't even like DC comics so that's why this is a big deal to me.... How can U have 3 X-men movies come out and we still haven't seen Wolverine in his costume... An older Gambit with a young Cyclops he wasn't even in Weapon X come on and now there about to F@&K up Deadpool this movie is going to be some BS like the other movies....
MrHand - 3/5/2009, 11:47 AM
Gambit spinoff please !!!
dogchasingcars - 3/5/2009, 11:53 AM
ok look Kapoleon i know this might look like fox [frick]ing up another X-men movie trust me i am trying to hope they don't but i don't know i am still trying to get the images of X3 out of my head ((please no more hallie berry no more)) but i say give them a chance i mean look they are atleast adding in some of the characters we know a love taking liberties with them a little but it is hollywood you can't expect them to not take liberties with things they didn't create. you never know they might some how pull this out there asses and make an actually enjoyable and almost right Wolvie movie
finn121212 - 3/5/2009, 11:55 AM
Rorschach01 - just sayin i think that toy is the weapon Xl.
also does this wolverine origins mean that he could still be a part of the avengers movie at all, just the WW2 scenes made me think cap,and it wud be awesome to have him in the avengers
Inohaku - 3/5/2009, 11:56 AM
Trailer looks awesome!!!
SirExcalibur - 3/5/2009, 11:59 AM
Red Eyes!!!!!!Woot!!! I've just been watching the old X-Men animated series again(it's so awesome!!) And they better have Gambit's accent cause it's just rad lol. I hope he speaks soon... At any rate this movie looks sick! I can't decide who I should dress up as for opening night:p

That interview was pretty sweet too vonstallin, Wolvie did go kinda soft, but looks like Jackman is bringing him back to his badass glory!
CrookedJaw - 3/5/2009, 12:00 PM would be awesome if they did that, but this is 20th Century Fox...marvel studios is producing the Avengers and Cap you can strongly guess that that'll be a big "no" on seeing Cap in this movie...which sucks, it'd be cool to see the tie ins with other Marvel stories, but Fox doesn't like that...
RaxusPrime - 3/5/2009, 12:13 PM
this is kind of dumb in a sense that cyclops is in the movie, in xmen 1 its the 1st time they meet after wolverine is rescued by cyclops and storm, now he is in this as a teen and meeting wolverine again for the 1st time. the continuity of the 2 movies will be messed up.
MarkCassidy - 3/5/2009, 12:19 PM
Who says Logan and Cyc ever meet in this movie? Crush posted an article with some new pics and it seems to discount the Deadpool as a freak with claws theory..phew!
verbicide - 3/5/2009, 12:21 PM
psyched over gambits red eyes, i'm sure deadpool will have the mask... but these toys, damn, 4 inchs. seriously disappointed
DSAhawker - 3/5/2009, 12:26 PM
Deadpool is my favorite comic book character...

and him spinning through the air like that looks like pure crap...I'm sorry, but it does. Maybe once it's all put together with a starting point and ending point...

but that jump/spin alone is crap...

damnit makes me nervous
DSAhawker - 3/5/2009, 12:31 PM
also the center of gravity is totally off when Sabretooth is "running" at Wolvie...doesn't look believable at all

I've seen films where human run like a 4 legged animal and it looks realistic...this one looks way off because he doesn't transfer his weight...he just moves his legs/arms and somehow starts taking off....

I'm a stickler for these things because one you start seeing all these action sequences, if a director doesn't have the presence of mind to pay attention to these completely throws it off.

And I don't care if he has super still have body weight/mass. The only people who could move like what they've shown of Sabretooth and Deadpool are people who can fly. If you can't fly or levitate, then you can't move like that.


I hope this is good
Kapoleon - 3/5/2009, 12:32 PM
My Badd I forgot To Specify FOX still had the rights to X-Men... Marvel did A wonderful job with Iron Man but the X-Men movies all have been garbage and off track and The Last Stand should of been the last 1... for Fox give it back to Marvel so they can do it right... Juggernaut in the last movie and Professor Xavier Stepbrothers but they act like they didnt even know each other Iceman original X-Men is a kid...Fox changed so much stuff in X-Men they shouldn't even had of bought the rights to it just make up a offbrand version of the X-Men and called it something else because thats all these movies are its like watching the HEROES TV show on big screen...LOL
TheDarkCuban - 3/5/2009, 12:50 PM
See I'm kind of confused now... there was a story arc recently in Wolverine: origins about Daken, wolverine's son, called Weapon XI! However, Daken has tattoo's all along his left arm and DOES NOT have optic blasts in his arsenal... This movie looks bad ass I just hope they don't eff it up with some made up characters... marvel should take their properties back... or at least make a clause in the contracts to be able to use them/ look over them/ or what not...

here's a link to see a photo taken from when researching weapon XI:
Perrigren - 3/5/2009, 12:51 PM
Someone please tell me this in not true, please, I just checked out Weapon XI on the IMDB website and this was the character bio:
"in the comics there is no actual character known as weapon XI, weapon X for those who don't know is wolverine. As for this character, apparently the makers of the movie took creative licenses with deadpool/wade wilson's character where seems that wade wilson (played by ryan reynolds) is the merc with a mouth but he's presented with no actual scars or the deadpool replica costume known in the comics. During the movie wade wilson will undergo some changes in a procedure by william stryker turning him to a silent killing machine implanting blades in his forearms and that's when u witness his form being scared and disfigured being the character Weapon XI (played by Scott adkins). It was revealed in a thread form scott adkins' fansite that he will have the last fight against wolverine in the movie and that's what we caught a glimpse off in the official trailer where we witness Weapon XI doing a flying spinning kick in the face of wolverine with blades appearing out from his forearms."

That is just some punk kid screwing with people right, right?
MSJuggalo - 3/5/2009, 12:53 PM
I just want to verify that it is NOT deadpool that looks all scarred and has laser eyes. if you pause the trailer at just the right frame when wolvie is attacking him from behind on what looks almost like a missile silo, you can see the one (or 2) claws sticking out of his hand. i dont know the comic books very well but i have never heard of deadpool to have claws

i could be wrong but until someone proves otherwise, i think the fact is that this is NOT deadpool
shibazz - 3/5/2009, 12:56 PM
That was flippin sweet!!!
CRUSH - 3/5/2009, 12:56 PM
yeah it's Weapon XI, and not Deadpool, check this out.
zinext - 3/5/2009, 1:13 PM
Im still trying to figure out wat kind of part emma frost is gonna play... I mean i love she is finally getting out in the mainstream(she also is on wolverine and the x-men), but being in wolverines origin movie seems kind of outta place.
joob234 - 3/5/2009, 1:13 PM
all u people saying fox screwed up the xmen movies and the other comic book movies, its not there fault, its the directors and writers faults for penning and directing a crappy movie, but it is Fox's fault for hiring those directors and writers!

o ya and this look sweet
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