Speaking at the Cup O'Joe panel at SDCC, Jeph Loeb dropped hints that their upcoming animated show Avengers Assemble may not be a reboot after all. So, what does this mean for Avengers: EMH? Check out details after the jump.

By TheAlexLynch - Jul 13, 2012 05:07 PM EST
Filed Under: Animated Features
Source: ComicBookResources

During the Cup O' Joe panel at this year's San Diego Comic-Con, Jeph Loeb was asked about the upcoming Marvel animated TV show Avengers Assemble, which has already received a massive amount of hatred from fans for replacing the much loved Earth's Mightiest Heroes series which had adapted many great storylines, but sadly left a few unfinished due to its rushed ending.

When asked about the upcoming show by a fan, Loeb said “We love the [Avengers: EMH] show so much that one of the first things we did was...take a look what the plans were and expanded from 24 episodes to 52 episodes.”

However, despite 52 episodes being described as an "enormous commitment" for animation, Marvel took into account of the hugely positive response to last Spring's Marvel's The Avengers movie. And that response may have influenced them to focus more on the superhero cast of the movie; hence bringing life to Avengers Assemble. What does this mean for the former, much loved series?

Jeph Loeb spoke more about the new series adding that “it better reflects the cast that’s in the movie...but we’re not saying ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ never happened.” Continuing on that comment, he adds his thoughts about the ending to Earth's Mightiest Heroes. “We took this giant epic story, it has a conclusion we always meant to get to...and when we get out of that you’ll see what ‘Avengers Assemble’ will take it to" Loeb added.

If this new series is truly a sequel and not a reboot, will you give it a chance? I'm sure that we will find out everything we need to know about the upcoming series when it is unveiled this weekend at Comic-Con, so stay tuned for details.

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Rhys - 7/13/2012, 5:17 PM
Hmmm...tell me more.
kingmonkeyman - 7/13/2012, 5:21 PM
As long as it doesn't have Thor or Hulk breaking the fourth wall every 10 seconds, a lack of story line and character development I think I will give it a chance.
DaenerysTargaryen - 7/13/2012, 5:26 PM
Some faith in this show restored. Now I just hope Loeb doesn't Kiddyfy it up
Durf - 7/13/2012, 5:34 PM
This has restored a little bit of my faith in this series. Just a little bit
elcaballerooscuro92 - 7/13/2012, 6:04 PM
EMH was awesome i certainly hope this is a sequel cause then it would be like the justice league unlimited
AutobotCommander84 - 7/13/2012, 6:08 PM
I think it'll be good, I just need to see a clip first.
BrotherQStark - 7/13/2012, 6:13 PM
But, how, wait, what? Fine!
TChalla74 - 7/13/2012, 6:20 PM
I've been down, heard a while back it was a sequel. All I'm askin for is better graphics (Young Justice: Invasion is killing EMH as far as graphics go) && please fix Ms. Wasp!! Her outfit is hard on the eyes & vision too (he looks like he's wearing a corsette) other than that I loved the show, seen all 26 eps of the 2nd season & it is of EPIC PROPORTION!! Very well put together. I also heard Black Panther was gonna be dropped which I really would HATE (favorite marvel character), if anything, I just want him to get his "majestic" black & gold vibranium outfit w/ the gold claws!! && I might be pushin it but I'd like to see a black panther series w/ similar to "Boondocks" style animation.

Let's Go Marvel!!
marvel72 - 7/13/2012, 6:25 PM
as long as its serious,i'm all for it.

please post footage if you see it.
musashi - 7/13/2012, 6:29 PM
That sounds okay. I'll give it a chance.. So something happens and we're left with the movie Avengers team. Be better if they could add more females to the line up though.

superotherside - 7/13/2012, 6:37 PM
As long as they don't kiddie it up I'm fine. Probably will be more of a requel than an actual reboot or sequel to EMH.
OrganizedChaos - 7/13/2012, 6:58 PM
if this shows turns out to be very good, lets just hope they dont cancel it...again...
TayDee - 7/13/2012, 7:50 PM
it would make sense because the last episode of season 2 is named "Avengers Assemble". I don't think that its a coincidence
ATrueHero1987 - 7/13/2012, 8:52 PM
Hmmmm....we shall see.
ThatOneDude - 7/13/2012, 8:52 PM
As long as it's good and doesn't go down the USM route... I'm in
Jolt17 - 7/13/2012, 8:56 PM
The animation design and style seems very interesting for me. If the show really will feature such style...that's a big leap for Marvel's animation department. Of course, if the story's good, too.
TheMalcontent - 7/13/2012, 9:00 PM
Good. I just hope that it is better than EMH. I would like new voice actors. EMH voice acting is hard to listen to half of it is do to bad dialog.

I can't think of any of the character's voice actors I would like them to keep... Fury and Pym are the two best (voice acted) in my opinion.
TheSoulEater - 7/13/2012, 9:02 PM

laughterman26 - 7/13/2012, 9:03 PM
i want more deadpool subtle hint hint
J619SD - 7/13/2012, 9:03 PM
They will still probably change the format of the show as Loeb has stated in a previous interview. Which means one shot episodes and no more multiple episode/season long story arcs. I will still watch this show and probably like it but I am still disappointed EMH isn't getting a third season. Civil War anyone?
Bigred20 - 7/13/2012, 9:04 PM
Bruce Banner needs to be in it
Don't have him be Hulk the ENTIRE time
BIGBMH - 7/13/2012, 9:07 PM
I've always been down to give it a chance. Still a little skeptical, but this is sounding better.
ATrueHero1987 - 7/13/2012, 9:11 PM
Yea, I'm going to miss the story arcs.
TheMalcontent - 7/13/2012, 9:15 PM
I;m always done for comic based cartoon when they try to take them seriously.

You could seriously not pay me to watch Ult'Spider-man. I wouldn't have watched that show as a child.

I hate how these networks treat kids like morons. I was able to follows series like X-men & Batman TAS when I was like 5 years old and up and they were my favorite.

Those shows were deep and complex, they didn't treat their audience like they were stupid. Those shows also taught morals and ethics in the complexity of their stories with have be preaching.
TheMalcontent - 7/13/2012, 9:22 PM
@Bigred20 I agree! I always enjoy Banner. Hulk is not interesting without the complexity of the two.

I also want more Hank Pym! Not less!

Who's representin' for da scientist? Where are my scientist at?
113 - 7/13/2012, 9:55 PM
I liked EMH but it's animation and dialogue left much to be desired many times.

I hope Avengers Assembles goes for a more "serious" tone like Young Justice.
Deadpool101 - 7/13/2012, 10:07 PM
love EMH so much , this better not suck
California - 7/13/2012, 10:08 PM
Uh.. This is coming from the guy that engineered "Ultimate Spider-Man" which frankly sucks.
CharlesLord - 7/13/2012, 10:21 PM
interesting....*strokes imaginary beard*
SkinnyOne - 7/13/2012, 10:31 PM
I'll give it a shot, EMH Season 2 had an awesome ending.
DrainBamage - 7/13/2012, 10:32 PM
When this story first broke, I said it might just be EMH rebranded the same way they did Justice League and Ben 10. Hopefully, this will be the case.
thalidomide - 7/13/2012, 10:44 PM
I hope they don't cancel this after 2 seasons.
IronHood - 7/13/2012, 11:10 PM
Nope nice try Loeb, you'll never fool me u (insert mean name here) "you loved EMH" ? Then why did you cancel it. U may have fooled the sheep bit you'll never fool the Shepard.
IronHood - 7/13/2012, 11:11 PM
It seems to me when you love something, You DON'T CANCEL it!
TheAbomination - 7/13/2012, 11:52 PM
I'll give it a shot, I guess. But they should have at least considered keeping EHM going for another season or two before canceling it.
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