Origin's story
Let’s think of possible origins stories here. A few of them are that S.H.I.E.L.D. makes Ultron, or maybe stark makes him. Lastly that some other villain makes him as a tool. Think about these three ideas. If just S.H.I.E.L.D. makes this guy where is the emotional connection? He loses a lot of the feeling from a hero that “I created this” and in the comic Hank has this on him constantly. The other option would be that stark makes him. But a quick look tells us this isn’t a good idea. Stark is almost perfect, whatever he makes isn’t going to go crazy. He isn’t going to make a robot that he can’t completely control with Jarvis. He makes a suit that he uses to beat Magneto for goodness sakes. The guy doesn’t mess up, and that’s what makes him great. Now don’t get me wrong. Iron man is one of my favorite heroes, but don’t you think he’s getting a little too much attention here? Avengers he was the most used character. He did everything. Had the confrontation with Loki, carried the missal, had high screen time. Did it make the movie perfect? Heck yeah it did. But looking back, he’s had 3 movies to everyone else’s 1. I think it’s time to just let someone else take a little control. Last option is villain creation but that just is so wrong it’s ridiculous. Again no emotional connection to the team, secondly he would be a pawn. He would just be getting used; it wouldn’t be him doing it. Sure yeah he could get too powerful for his creator but it just wouldn’t be the same.
Ant Man movie comes out in 2015. What does the average person think about this? They are thinking “That’s a stupid name for a movie, that’s a stupid movie”. Show all the previews you want but the average person isn’t going to get excited for this even if it is right after Avenger: Age of Ultron. Now what if we find out that this guy was a HUGE part in creating Ultron? Then people will get way more excited for his own movie. They will be able to relate to the last movie. Unless Ultron doesn’t get destroyed in the Avengers: Age of Ultron and we are able to see him in the Ant Man movie. But then it will be more about getting people excited for the Villain more than Ant Man. If Ultron isn’t in Ant Man, either they have him fight Egg head (who I like) or some other villain. Getting people excited for Ant Man VS Egg Head won’t go well with the public. Comic fans yes, but just look at the names. If there is another villain they use it would be a missed chance to show a good Ant Man villain and the movie will almost be pointless. It will just be a “Yeah this guy has powers and we are killing time till our next movie and this guy is an avenger” not the true movie we want.
Ant Man is Ultron’s Father.
Ok, put aside all of the above. That is opinion that I think many fans share with me. Could they somehow knock that out of the park in the box office? Probably, but this is what Hank has done. Hank Pym’s most important thing in the universe is probably that he created Ultron. Now we have seen them go against the comics before. Iron Man 3 is the perfect example. They ruined the mandarin. However the Mandarin isn’t the most important of villains. He’s great don’t get me wrong, but they just portrayed him differently. I hated it at first, but after seeing the movie a second time I accepted it for what it was. It was funny, and they still made a great movie. Ultron isn’t the Mandarin. Ultron is in my opinion the greatest Avengers Villain there is. You don’t screw with perfection. Along with that, Ultron is the Harvey Dent of Marvel. He is a huge failure for Hank that nobody can defeat. In a ways its worse of a failure due to the destruction Ultron can create. Can Joss pull this off? Yeah he can, he can make a great movie out of it. I’ll be honest I’d take a wrong origins story Ultron over no Ultron any day. But the Mandarin had no real barring on the universe as a whole, Ultron does. Even if you make a 2 billion box office, the true fans will not be pleased with the way this is done. So please Joss, even if you don’t put Hank directly in the movie. Have him as at least a behind the scenes creator of Ultron.
Avengers: Age of Ultron comes out Spring 2015.
Ant Man comes out fall 2015.