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RageDriver2401 - 6/26/2019, 3:08 AM
The internet is full off assholes.

At the same time I wonder why would parents have social media accounts for 7 year olds. You expose them to a lot of bullshit at a very young age.
Murdock857859 - 6/26/2019, 3:11 AM
@RageDriver2401 - While I do agree that having social accounts for a 7 year old is not a good idea, in this case, I believe its the parents themselves handling the account. Plus, when you're trying to be an actor in the industry, I guess social media accounts helps connect to prospective agents/talent scouts more easily.
Kyos - 6/26/2019, 3:09 AM
What even...?! 😟
Murdock857859 - 6/26/2019, 3:13 AM
Why in the [frick] would ANYONE feel the need to bully that sweet little child?
The internet can be a [frick]ing shithole sometimes.

Anyone responsible for this shit deserves to rot in hell.

A big brother to 2 wonderful sisters.
ThunderThighs - 6/26/2019, 3:13 AM
I heard rumors it was also because some hated the idea of her replacing Riri Williams as the heir of Tony in the MCU. But I like to keep that idea as a rumor.

It's more likely that some entitled parent/person asked for an autograph and Lexi's parents said 'No!' and the entitled person ranted about it on social media and the horde of social media hive-mind interpret it wrong.
MarvelousMarty - 6/26/2019, 3:14 AM
Shouldn't be on social media of any sort, for any reason at 7 years of age. Far too many idiots out there that will attack anyone. Parents should put the kids before any film, career or amount of money.
Murdock857859 - 6/26/2019, 3:15 AM
@MarvelousMarty - I believe she doesn't handle the account. The bio says that it is parent operated.
Kumkani - 6/26/2019, 4:29 AM
@MarvelousMarty - That shouldn't stop people from bullying a kid
TheUnworthyThor - 6/26/2019, 3:14 AM
Wait what? I don’t understand. People are bullying a seven year old girl? Why? For what purpose? What could she have done? What do you want her to do?
NotoriousWolf23 - 6/26/2019, 3:20 AM
What the hell is even going on?
DoubleD - 6/26/2019, 3:22 AM
Bullies need to be tarred and feathered their out of control and everywhere.
FireandBlood - 6/26/2019, 3:22 AM
I’m tired of Earth, these people.

lawndart - 6/26/2019, 3:54 AM
@PlusUltra - Yep, me too.
LimeD - 6/26/2019, 12:01 PM
@PlusUltra -
Mclane - 6/26/2019, 3:25 AM
I'd also like to find out what she means by her "messing up" and being "silly". Clearly she did enough to warrant time outs and a good talking to. Perhaps she was rude to fans?


Bullying a 7yr old is just disgusting and cowardly....

If she is a spoilt kid then just ignore her, she's only 7, she does not even understand social media etc. To bully her is wrong but the parents having a media account for her isn't helping..
99OPTIMISTPRIME - 6/26/2019, 3:31 AM
Very sad, frustrating, and unfortunate. I'm actually beyond shocked, that she'd be recognized by strangers! Wow! There has to be millions of little girls, that look just like her.
Himura - 6/26/2019, 3:36 AM
Which one of you was it?
billnye69 - 6/26/2019, 3:39 AM
The larger the fandom, the more toxic it becomes.
Rastarapha - 6/26/2019, 3:40 AM
Remember Jake Loyd...

We need to stop this !!!
MarkCassidy - 6/26/2019, 3:52 AM
I'm gonna give humanity the benefit of the doubt on this one and assume (hope) that it was just an isolated incident.
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