AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The Portals Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

AVENGERS: ENDGAME Composer Alan Silvestri On Why The "Portals" Scene Has Had Such A Lasting Impact

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SpideyPuffsMJ - 4/10/2019, 7:28 AM
Not reading a word. This was very cool, I love these people. Made me think of something. Six OG Avengers, six Infinity Stones, I wonder if they'll do anything with that..

Gandressmex - 4/10/2019, 7:31 AM
Yo guys what if the fake trailers are glimpses of the alternate futures Dr. Strange viewed. Lol
TheArlington - 4/10/2019, 7:36 AM
@Gandressmex - I’m counting on it. Bottom line, Cap Marvel is going to get her ass whipped immediately by Thanos and he’ll most likely depower her considerably, due to wielding the full might of the stones. She’s only powered by one so he can easily overpower her with the other 5. Just a theory.
Gandressmex - 4/10/2019, 7:42 AM
@TheArlington - I feel like that is gona happen, the trailers and the clip made it seem as in she's a lil cocky maybe even too confident..
DoubleD - 4/10/2019, 7:35 AM
22 DAYS ONLY THATS AWESOME. 15 Days to go :)
TheBlueMorpho - 4/10/2019, 7:35 AM
The opening scene should be Cap shaving off his beard.
Shroombeast - 4/10/2019, 7:41 AM
Did I miss something? Just because he's been stranded in space for 22 days doesn't necessarily mean that's how long it's been since the snap.
Saga - 4/10/2019, 7:41 AM
Tony getting am infection is kinda weird. Sort of too realistic for these films. Its like if in Homecoming tony reveals he lost teeth due to his fight with cap
Dredd97 - 4/10/2019, 7:54 AM
@Saga - Idk, this happens. Captain Mar-vell got cancer. I like when they add some realistic qualities to the world.
GhostDog - 4/10/2019, 7:58 AM
@Saga - Tony was pretty beat to hell after his fight with Cap. He had scars that were still visible in Homecoming. I'm willing to believe his helmet protected him from losing teeth though. I can believe that.

Although, that being said, Im sure he has lost a tooth or two over the years, countless battles lol.
bkmeijer2 - 4/10/2019, 7:44 AM
I really expect the first act to be set in those weeks after the snap, only to have act 2 and three 3 take place a year or more later
TheBlueMorpho - 4/10/2019, 8:06 AM
@MalseMarcel -

I'm thinking that support group Cap is in or shown in that Super Bowl spot takes place after they get whooped by Thanos after they decide to go after him.

Remember in the 1st trailer when him and Black Widow are in the Quinjet. And she says "This will work" and Cap says "I know it will. Cause I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't". Well it doesn't work and a dejected Cap goes to a support group to cope with it.
TheArlington - 4/11/2019, 10:20 AM
@TheBlueMorpho - I agree with you 1000%. This is definitely what happens. Plus, Captain Marvel gets killed in that initial encounter. Bet on it.
SpideyPuffsMJ - 4/10/2019, 7:44 AM
Imagine reading this...
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