The above photo is a recent pic from Christian Bale's new film about two boxers that get in the ring and fight at some point(SHOCK.) This pic is kind of horrifying as Christian Bale reminds me of someone that has white chapped lips and will steal all your stuff only to sell it for 50 bucks. That's right I'm talking about Tyrone Biggums/ Christian Bale in the above photo reminds me of a white Tyrone and its downright scary.

I wonder if this was the same look he had on his face when he was turned down for the roll of Robin in "Batman Forever." That's right ComicBookMovie fans you heard it here first. Christian Bale was in the running to get the Robin role that Chris O'Donnell landed. According to the only registered Comic Book Historian in the United States; Allen Stewart (who was 5th in line by the way to get the Robin roll) Bale auditioned but did not get the part. Could this be why Bale does not want Robin to be in any Bat film that he is in? From the looks of it, Bale is still sour about not getting the role that probably would have done more harm to his career then good.
Thanks to for providing the pics. The content is from my own journalistic investigating abilities.