I know...I know. ANOTHER Batman article from some dude about the prologue and trailer. I am not here to review them, tell you how awesome or lame they were. I simply want to try and speculate on what we did and did not see. So lets get started.
First thing I noticed about the trailer was Selina Kyle's little "get ready" speech to Bruce. She seems to know something is going down. So is it possible she is working with or at least has intimate knowledge of Bane's plans? If so how and why? Most people believed her to be a rogue to the storyline. No direct involvement with Bane and maybe not even an enemy to Batman. Is it possible she will be a straight up villain that is connected to Bane's group?
Second thing I noticed was the complete no show of Miranda Tate. Hmm. Maybe Nolan wants us to have no idea of what she is about or who she is. This definitely leaves the door open for any possibility. Including the Talia rumours. It doesn't look like we will know anytime soon.
Third thing was the Bane comment to Batman about not letting him die until Gotham is in ashes. Could this be the conversation after Batman is broken? Is this Bane paralysing Batman and leaving him to witness the destruction of Gotham as he is unable to help?

Lastly the battle scene between Bane's group and the city. Is it possible Nolan goes full circle with the concept raised in Begins. Batman will fight crime to show the city it has the power to do good? Batman is the symbol of Gotham? Could Batman's ending cause the city to "rise" against Bane and battle his group. Could we actually see an ending where Batman does not win the day but rather the city fights back and destroys evil??
I know a total of 8 minutes worth of footage isn't going to tell us much. I have no answers and this really just a lot of "could it be..."
Would love to hear from the fans to see what they think...