Anne Hathaway on being questioned about Catwomen role: “I’d rather let this one be a surprise, there are so few surprises left in movies because of the Internet.”
(Hathaway Interview, Seacrest Top 40, audio below)
As we wait patiently for breaking news on the new Batman and Superman films, Anne Hathaway urges we forget about the rumors and wait for the big surprise.
Anne Hathaway joined Ryan Seacrest on the TOP 40 Countdown Friday for an interview via telephone. She called in to talk about her new film Rio, but Seacrest could not help but ask about Hathaway’s upcoming role as Catwomen in The Dark Knight Rises. Seacrest tells Hathaway his staff told him “Get her to say anything, it doesn’t matter what she says, whatever she says tomorrow will end everywhere.” Hathaway gives nothing; she is bound to a signed disclosure agreement. She says she is happy to have such a great excuse; she would rather keep the secret. Seacrest presses, “that will be hard to do in today’s day of age of access and Internet and video and social media, and he asks Hathaway “how do you keep that a secret?
Hathaway responds:
“By not saying a thing you just can’t say anything from the beginning because people take keywords and just run with them and make whole articles about it and then all of a sudden…it’s not particularly misinformation but it’s blown up information. And so then if I were to answer whether or not I’ve seen a cat suit then someone spins it and it becomes something completely different. And I’d just rather, I’d just rather let this one be a surprise. There are so few surprise left in movies because of the Internet.”
Hathaway makes a solid point—every surprise counts when you are trying to experience a movie for the first time. Just like a movie’s predictability can ruin it, too much information, too many spoilers can ruin your first experience with a film.
I can’t say I don’t enjoy the Lindsay Lohan Superman rumor mill. I want some of that breaking news action. I want nothing more than to break that confirmation. Yes, it would be nice to get a big reveal from the trailer or the theater with some casting surprises, but that is not a reality not because of comic book movie articles but more due to the movie’s studio or director.
This week the news arrived that Marion Cotillard and Joe Go-Levitt are confirmed in the Dark Knight Rises in confusing and small roles straight from a press release from the Warner Brothers and director Chris Nolan. Cotillard as Miranda Tate and Levitt as John Blake? What about the big surprise? Or what about the small surprise, because these roles could be exciting but the announcement itself really lacks excitement beyond the confirmations. If the characters are both mostly Nolan creations, why tell us anything at all? To try to end the rumoring? This leads me to think that Blake and Mirada are more on the misdirection side. They could both be potential villains with different alias then in the villain’s comic book past, or, as some are implying, this announcement could be all misdirection (covers for sons and daughters, Alberto Falcone and Talia Al-Gul). Either way it seems the surprises and confirmations are never final. Also I heard Tom Hardy isn’t playing Bane in the Dark Knight Rises he is playing Lex Luther in the Man of Steel, that is why he is bald in that not-too-stellar fan picture that is up on the net of Hardy on TDKR set.
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@Ryan Seacrest
Interviewed Anne Hathaway and FINALLY got her to talk about playing catwoman in Dark Knight Rises! Kinda...
8 Apr via web
My transcript of the interview/audio clip below starts at 6:15
Ryan Seacrest: So you are cast as catwomen in the new batman movie, right?
AnneHathaway: Yes
RS: The Dark Knight Rises, Christian Bale going to be starring in that,
Have you gotten the cat suit yet? How far along are you in the process?
AH: The most beautiful thing about this project is that when you sign the contract (yes) they make you sign an omertà and, so, I really can’t tell you a thing about it
RS: That will be hard to do in today’s day of age of access and Internet and video and social media…how do you keep that a secret?
AH: I just think you literally without saying a thing you just can’t say anything from the beginning because I think people people take keywords and just run with them and make whole articles about it and then all of a sudden…it’s not particularly misinformation but it’s blown up information. And so then if I were to answer whether or not I’ve seen a cat suit then someone spins it and it becomes something completely different. And I’d just rather; I’d just rather let this one be a surprise there are so few surprise left in movies because of the Internet
RS: You’re so smart because before you came on everyone here was like just ask her anything about that role and whatever she says will just end up everywhere…our guest has outsmarted once again…
I caught this interview on the radio the other day: the radio waves can still break news.
Audio: Catwoman questions start at the 6:15 minute mark and the conversation runs until about the end of the clip.