This comes from IMDB, and the only reason I post is because it sounds plausible as the direction Nolan could go with the character. Plausible, not PROBABLE. Again I only post to gauge opinion on whether this could be a good way to go about utilizing Bane as something of an unstoppable opponent for Batman.
Bane is discovered after Ra's burns down a village with the league of shadows --- every citizen completely wiped out -- they watch as the mayhem ensues.
However, before leaving, a young boy rises from a BURING PIT, the boy (young bane) is covered in flames.
Apparently, he doesn't even flinch which makes Ra's intrigued.
They take him in and teach him everything he knows So basically,
Bane's only real advantage is that he has a genetic mutation that makes him impervious to pain. No super strength or chemical enhancers (tht i was made aware of)
The poster claims to have come by the information from a PA as the set was being locked down. It ties in with the pictures we have seen of the "Lazarus Pit", and is imo a good way to have Bane match up to Batman without getting into the whole enhanced Venom strength business from the comics. The "genetic mutation" could well be simply a variation on a (real) disorder that kills nerve endings and thus numbs pain. The bit about being covered in flames is strange though, unless that's how they mean to explain Bane's use of a mask? I'm not sure Nolan would be keeping Hardy behind a mask, or full of burn makeup for the course of the movie though.
What do you guys think, is this a possibility?