THE BATMAN Drops An Action-Packed, Slightly Spoilery New Extended TV Spot During NBA All-Star Game

THE BATMAN Drops An Action-Packed, Slightly Spoilery New Extended TV Spot During NBA All-Star Game

Warner Bros. shared another extended TV spot for The Batman during last night's NBA All-Star Game, and it features some intriguing and action-packed footage as the Dark Knight takes flight in Gotham City.

By JoshWilding - Feb 20, 2022 11:02 AM EST
Filed Under: The Batman

Warner Bros. is pulling out all the stops to build excitement for The Batman, though that's hardly a surprise. The movie stands a chance of being the biggest box office hit since Spider-Man: No Way Home, and after a year of sacrificing theatrical revenue for HBO Max subscribers, a record-breaking opening will be welcomed by the studio.

In this minute-long sneak peek released during last night's NBA All-Star Game, even more incredible footage from Matt Reeves' DC Comics adaptation is revealed. It gets a little spoilery in places, though, as we see Batman squaring off with The Riddler and learn more about the Caped Crusader's dynamic with Catwoman in this "Batverse."

There's also a unique shot of Batman gliding through the streets of Gotham City with the camera showing a closeup of the Dark Knight's face in what looks like an intense moment for the vigilante. He is only in the second year of his crimefighting career here, so may still be learning the ropes.

Check out this newly released TV spot for The Batman below:

In The Batman, two years of stalking the streets as the Batman, striking fear into the hearts of criminals, has led Bruce Wayne deep into the shadows of Gotham City. With only a few trusted allies - Alfred Pennyworth, Lt. James Gordon - amongst the city's corrupt network of officials and high-profile figures, the lone vigilante has established himself as the sole embodiment of vengeance amongst his fellow citizens. When a killer targets Gotham's elite with a series of sadistic machinations, a trail of cryptic clues sends the World's Greatest Detective on an investigation into the city's underworld.

Joining Robert Pattinson in the star-studded ensemble are Zoë Kravitz as Selina Kyle; Paul Dano as Edward Nashton; Jeffrey Wright as the GCPD’s James Gordon; John Turturro as Carmine Falcone; Peter Sarsgaard as Gotham D.A. Gil Colson; Barry Keoghan as Officer Stanley Merkel; Jayme Lawson as mayoral candidate Bella Reál; with Andy Serkis as Alfred; and Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot.

The Batman is set to be released in theaters on March 4.

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THE BATMAN - PART II Gets A Promising Production Update From Alfred Actor Andy Serkis

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GhostDog - 2/20/2022, 11:34 AM
Where did the wing suit come from I wonder? Guess he built it into the suit somehow
UniqNo - 2/20/2022, 11:41 AM
@BlackBeltJones - It's an interesting one to study. Maybe the cape hooks onto the gauntlets and boots? Kinda of giving it an actual function and reason for being on? I Look forward to seeing how they explain the functions of this iteration of a 'grounded' batsuit.
GhostDog - 2/20/2022, 11:46 AM
@UniqNo - I agree. At first glance it kind of looks like bullshit. In one pull it just materializes and for something grounded (seems more so than Bale too since he doesn’t have any Wayne Tech.) Seem this iteration of Bruce is an engineer of sorts so maybe he figured a realistic way.

I think you’re right in that the cape becomes a wing suit by hooking onto the boots and gauntlets.
UniqNo - 2/20/2022, 11:49 AM
@BlackBeltJones - Maybe, he's going to need something to cushion that landing aswell. I hope its not just a 4 second sequence and we've already seen it all in the trailers.
GhostDog - 2/20/2022, 12:15 PM
@UniqNo - I envision a rough landing but yes he will need something to cushion it for sure. Especially in an urban landscape
Se4M4NSt4ine - 2/20/2022, 1:48 PM
@BlackBeltJones - After piecing together the suit, and why it looks the way it looks, I think it’s actually far more realistic than Bale’s suit.

If you look at the design of the suit here:

It’s got harness and lace like attachments. This is actually a really similar method to how pilots used to use early day wing suits concepts. They would hit a fast releasing mechanism that would detach their belts and oxygen, and allow the suit to release the laces to unravel the wing suit around their body:

I think they ditched the method due to impracticality and costs, but it definitely could’ve been the inspiration.
AmazingFILMporg - 2/20/2022, 11:35 AM
Did not watch🙂
regularmovieguy - 2/20/2022, 12:08 PM

I’m weak.
McMurdo - 2/20/2022, 7:49 PM
@regularmovieguy - yup no control
MosquitoFarmer - 2/20/2022, 11:38 AM
Didn't like the vibe of that trailer, but the movie does look awesome.
NightBoyWonder - 2/20/2022, 11:39 AM
That music… sounds… familiar…

BoW - 2/20/2022, 8:12 PM
@MonkeyDLuffy - It’s a mix of this
BlackStar25 - 2/20/2022, 8:34 PM
@MonkeyDLuffy - To this day....I will never understand how a Live Action Batman Bryond hasn't been greenlit yet. Just the concept itself would a futuristic setting. I'd watch the hell outta that
Moriakum - 2/20/2022, 11:41 AM
Batman Begins 2.0
UniqNo - 2/20/2022, 11:44 AM
@Moriakum - You reckon? Begins has got to be the gold standard for an origin story.
regularmovieguy - 2/20/2022, 12:06 PM

Batman Begins 2.0 looks [frick]ing sick, bro!!
MG0019 - 2/20/2022, 12:23 PM
@Moriakum - I’m with you man. Every time I see the shot of Penguin in the car shouting “I got you!” I keep thinking of Begin’s “He’s Flying On Rooftops!!”

I will still see the movie, & I hope it’s good.
Dredd97 - 2/20/2022, 6:25 PM
@Moriakum - except it isn't an origin story
UniqNo - 2/20/2022, 11:41 AM
It was kinda funky.. I kinda dug it. Nice to know they're trying to add some fun in there. Prob should add some lightness in a 3 hour piece. ..
TheHumanSpider2 - 2/21/2022, 8:06 PM
@UniqNo - Loved to see him smiling, maybe the whole "I'm vengeance" only last for the first two acts, and by the third one he learns, thanks to Selina, he still can hope for a better future.
billnye69 - 2/20/2022, 12:29 PM
If this movie doesn't deliver, DC entire 2022 slate will flop.
Zoldyck93 - 2/20/2022, 12:33 PM
This movie is going to be amazing, but I haven't seen a good trailer for it.
kylo0607 - 2/20/2022, 1:21 PM
@Zoldyck93 -

I honestly don't know what some of you on this site are smoking.

If any film has got to be a runner up for perfect marketing, it has to be The Batman.

Literally EVERY single trailer for the film has been amazing.

Every. Single. One.
QuiGonsGhost - 2/20/2022, 1:34 PM
Looks so good
AnthonyVonGeek - 2/20/2022, 1:39 PM
What’s with movies and recent shows like this, The Mandalorian and Book Of Boba Fett where the bad guys just aim for the armored parts of the heroes body and not the unarmored parts?
MG0019 - 2/20/2022, 1:55 PM
@AnthonyVonGeek - With Batman, no idea 😂

With Mando & Boba I have a head cannon. I think the Beskar attracts the blaster bolts. Remember in Mando season 1 when his low tier armor is damaged. Repairing it shows a bunch of electronics underneath the armor and even some arcs of energy. In my mind, this leads me to believe Star Wars armor isn’t just hard metal, but also incorporates some kind of energy shielding.

Beskar armor is super durable, almost impenetrable. Add to that the energy shielding, which pulls blaster fire toward the Beskar like a magnet. So bad guys will aim for the exposed head, but bolts get pulled to the chest.

Also, plot armor apologetics 😂
Nunyabiz - 2/20/2022, 2:10 PM
The more I see of this movie, the less I want to actually see it.
Feralwookiee - 2/20/2022, 2:22 PM
@Nunyabiz - I'm totally with you. I've been Batmaned out to begin with, but the more I've seen of this flick, the more I'm not digging it.

Just in this trailer alone there's a bunch of visual callbacks/ripoffs of Batman Begins. That release date still has me iffy on it too. If they were really confident in this thing, they'd have released it in the summer next to the other big blockbusters. It might turn out to be great, but the more I've seen, the more reservations I have.
Nunyabiz - 2/20/2022, 3:14 PM
@Feralwookiee - Batman was one of my favorite characters growing up and I thought it would be impossible to produce something that I wasn’t eager to see, but this is it. Back in the 1970’s I would still watch Adam West in reruns to get a Batman fix.
EZBeast - 2/20/2022, 10:28 PM
@Nunyabiz @Fearlwookie - I was the same way with Spiderman but was pleasantly surprised with no way with home. Gotta be optimistic!
NinnesMBC - 2/20/2022, 3:21 PM
That was pretty cool, from the presentation to the actual TV spot.
Lokiwasright - 2/20/2022, 6:56 PM
The trailer will be trying A lot harder than the players.

Side note: did anyone catch Kobe in the celebrity basketball game?
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