THE DARK KNIGHT RISES' Matthew Modine Compares Nolan to Kubrick

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES' Matthew Modine Compares Nolan to Kubrick

Matthew Modine starred in Stanley Kubrick's great war film Full Metal Jacket and he sees quite a few similarities with the brilliant Christopher Nolan.

By nailbiter111 - Mar 09, 2012 11:03 AM EST
Filed Under: Batman

The Following Has Been Translated.

Actor Matthew Modine recently spoke with the international website Tribuna about his experience working with Christopher Nolan.

"Working with Kubrick marked me forever, it was a great experience. Two years were dedicated to Full Metal Jacket, and I have no words to describe the impact that had on me. He liked to ask the right questions to an actor, to the intent through the understanding of a character, which is something I've revived with Christopher Nolan on The Dark Knight Rises."

"My relationship with Nolan became very interesting towards the end of filming, because I started asking questions similar to those experienced with Kubrick, and although I only spent a few months on the set. I find it very important that, a director question his actors. Something that often does not happen. It is a mistake many (directors), will only just say what to do and nothing more, when to lead and invite to play through the understanding of the character's situation."

Man, is there a more overrated director than Stanley Kubrick? Gee, I really don't think so. If boring your audience to tears is something worth praising than Stanley Kubrick is a God. While Christopher Nolan just creates one masterpiece after another. I could watch a Nolan movie over and over and never tire of it.

Oh sure Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket is a wonderful film, and The Shining is at times top notch, but after that his filmography is filled with stale movies that have been heaped with undeserved acclaim. There are three films that really stick out, 1971's A Clockwork Orange, 1968's 2001: A Space Odyssey and 1964's Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

Now, mind you I'm not saying any of these films are bad, and to be honest Kubrick never made a bad film, except for 1999's Eyes Wide Shut with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Sadly his last film was his worst, but there are still people that pretend to enjoy that movie because they think it's the posh response. You know those same people will never watch it more than once. And to me that is what makes a good movie great.

If you don't want to re-watch a film a couple weeks, months, or years after seeing it, it wasn't a great film. Go see how many people have watched Kubrick's Lolita more than once, and wasn't a pedophile. Trust me you won't find too many. But if you ask someone if it's a good movie and they know Kubrick made it, they are sure as shoot gonna say it's good or even great.

Back to Batman for a second, also in the interview, Modine had this rather interesting quote about The Dark Knight Rises:

"It will be a fantastic movie, because in addition to telling a story about Batman, there is a parallel story about corporations, (...) the parable of the world in which we live."

The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters July 20th 2012 and stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon, Tom Hardy as Bane, Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake and Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate.

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StrangerX - 3/9/2012, 11:40 AM
Loved me some Joker
PaulRom - 3/9/2012, 12:04 PM
I always thought of Nolan as the new Hitchcock.

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jessepostal - 3/9/2012, 12:32 PM
Clockwork orange is a classic! Don't hate
MrReese - 3/9/2012, 12:41 PM

Break The Bat!!! XD
superotherside - 3/9/2012, 12:54 PM
I agree with PaulRom Nolan is the new Hitchcock.
Rowsdower - 3/9/2012, 12:58 PM
Kubrick & Hitchcock didn't need to attach their names to a legendary comic book character to gain notoriety.
cmay13 - 3/9/2012, 1:02 PM
nailbiter, watch the killing and then get back to me
MarkJulian - 3/9/2012, 1:03 PM
Kubrick is overrated? You sir are a curmudgeon.
Emjeed - 3/9/2012, 1:08 PM
I've seen all those movies.. and none of them was short of great.. besides "Eyes wide shut".. and yet i also agree with you that Nolan is a phenomenal film maker. so i think the comparison is sound
TonyChu - 3/9/2012, 1:13 PM
I don know if he is the best director of this decade but he damn sure is in my top 5. Also don't call him the next Hitchcok because he is not but there are some similarities none the less. Nolan is a great director and I support TDKR to the fullest. Its a shame some people on this site bash him because they are Marvel fanboys.
DylansMyDog - 3/9/2012, 1:17 PM
Nolan is a good director, but no where near as good as Kubrick, sorry. I mean 2001 is one of the greatest achievements in cinema. Nolan could get there, but he hasn't yet.
HelaGood - 3/9/2012, 1:22 PM
valeriesghost - 3/9/2012, 1:26 PM
Wow, thought this was a news article, not an editorial.
Going from:
"Man, is there a more overrated director than Stanley Kubrick? Gee, I really don't think so. If boring your audience to tears is something worth praising than Stanley Kubrick is a God."

"and to be honest Kubrick never made a bad film"... is quite a change in opinion. makes me think you're what, 16? Not saying you are, and there is nothing wrong with being 16 if you are. I'm just saying opinions or "comments" should be left in the comment section. You spent more time on this "batman" article giving us your opinion on a dead filmaker then on the content of the actual story. If you just tossed in your opinion as a quick after thought that is one thing, but this is obviously not what happened.
I understand that this site, which i love, is run by a bunch of users such as myself, but there is a place for editorials. This article didn't even originate in Editorials...or scoops, fan fics, comics...just on the front page news section. which this article is not.
thewonderer - 3/9/2012, 1:29 PM
I agree with Dylans except for the no where near. Chris Nolan hasn't made one bad film as of yet and I hope it continues.

This is why I love Nolan. He won't just make a comic book film. ANYONE can do that. Whats revolutionary is taking the comic book characters, personalities, and stories and mixing them with our real world problems. This provides immense impact as we can relate

Now The Avengers and Spiderman, though hopefully will be good, are just going to be fun movies. They won't change the way you think about life. They won't question or do anything to really think hard about the world.
MovieMann - 3/9/2012, 1:32 PM

"If boring your audience to tears is something worth praising than Stanley Kubrick is a God."

The Killing
Dr. Strangelove
The Shining
A Clockwork Orange
and Barry Lyndon
you find these movies boring?

Is Kubrick the type of filmaker whos films just don't click woth you? (understandable)

Or are you a person who just wants superficial enjoyment from a film and nothing beyond that?
valeriesghost - 3/9/2012, 1:32 PM
@videocolor no shit! i usually let stuff like this slide on here, but this was so bad i had to call out on it. This site has a bad reputation for journalistic integrity because of articles like this.
HelaGood - 3/9/2012, 1:33 PM
@thewonderer i dont want my comic book movies to change the way i think about life.
marvel72 - 3/9/2012, 1:36 PM
kubrick is the only director to make a good-great movie in every genre.

unlike nolan,that just makes good films.
Mrcool210 - 3/9/2012, 1:37 PM
WOW, [frick]ING WOW, Im not suprised nolan hired a nolanite who wil continully suck his dick and give him praise,
GingerBird - 3/9/2012, 1:37 PM
@rowsdower you ever hear of Memento, The Prestige, or Inception?
MovieMann - 3/9/2012, 1:39 PM

"The last quote kinda scares me, I hope he doesn't turn this movie into a political commentary instead of a Batman movie"

The best movies, that last through time, are the ones that entertain, while also saying something about the world.
Whether it is making a statement, or raising questions.

TDKR probably will have political undertones, but juging from BB and TDK, I don't think he is going to just say "f[ri]ck batman let's talk about the economy for 2 hours and let batman show up a couple times so people think it is still about him"

That is just as stiupid as making some forgettable brainless, and substanceless (don't know if that's a word) action film out of it.
MovieMann - 3/9/2012, 1:43 PM
"Whats revolutionary is taking the comic book characters, personalities, and stories and mixing them with our real world problems. This provides immense impact as we can relate"

i dont want my comic book movies to change the way i think about life.

Comic Books do it. Why can't Comicbook Movies do it?
MovieMann - 3/9/2012, 1:45 PM

"WOW, [frick]ING WOW, Im not suprised nolan hired a nolanite who wil continully suck his dick and give him praise"

Yeah he should have been like "f[ri]ck this movie that I was in that I got paid for! Avengers ALL THE WAY!!"

MovieMann - 3/9/2012, 1:46 PM
^^^By the way I am also excited to see the Avengers
SpiderFan35 - 3/9/2012, 1:47 PM
Good Lord, I can't believe more of you are not slamming this article.

The point of the story that intrigued me is that (imo) it is a bold statement by Modine to compare Nolan to Kubrick, who is one of the greatest directors of all time and always will be.

Nolan IS good and will continue to improve, so the comparison is possibly valid, it is an interesting idea.

But instead of discusiing that, nailbiter goes on to attempt to say that Nolan is better and Kubrick is actually not so great? Please.

I say attempts to because he goes back and forth with every second sentence:

-Man, is there a more overrated director than Stanley Kubrick? Gee, I really don't think so.

-Oh sure Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket is a wonderful film, and The Shining is at times top notch

-...filled with stale movies that have been heaped with undeserved acclaim.

-Now, mind you I'm not saying any of these films are bad (!?)

-to be honest Kubrick never made a bad film (???!!!)

Jee-sus, adult ADHD much?

If you are going to try and write about the history of film and the art of film direction, you might want to come in with more ammo than if you wanna watch it lotsa times over and over it means it's a good movie.

(However, if I may pander to this juvenile theory, I have watched many of Kubrick's films multiple times, and not because I wanted to see the batpod driving up the side of a wall again).

Not trying to be a dick on a Friday afternoon but this really threw me.

I am prepared for the rebuttal...
Kingdork - 3/9/2012, 1:48 PM
What the serious [frick]? Kubrick being a boring overated hack while Nolan is a perfect revolutionary genius? GTFO! Seriously. Sure Nolan is a really talented and really smart director and most of his movies are really good movies, but come on... None of his movies have or will, change or redifine some aspects of cinema the same way Kubrick movies did. Movies not being to your taste is one thing, but denying an entire director's work, saying his movies don't deserve the ranks of classics because they're not worthy of your well refined taste in cinema is complete and utter bullshit. I'm sorry but it is. Please don't post that sort of crap again and grow up if you want to be taken seriously. Sincerly.
SpiderFan35 - 3/9/2012, 1:49 PM
Update: In the time it took me to write my rant, many people started saying similar things, thank God.

I almost lost all faith in humanity :)
thewonderer - 3/9/2012, 1:51 PM
Am I the only one who sees people insulting Nolan just because of what fans of his say? What did Nolan personally do or say to suggest such criticism. The man is a creative and intelligent saint. At least respect him for making unique films and trying new things. He puts effort into it. Jesus marvel fans ALL competition is a good thing
GingerBird - 3/9/2012, 1:56 PM
Just some facts:
Nolan's only been around 14 years and 5 out of his 7 movies are in the IMDb Top 250 films of ALL TIME:

8th: The Dark Knight
13th: Inception
32nd: Memento
70th: The Prestige
115th: Batman Begins

His only 2 films not on there are "Insomnia" which has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 92%,
And "Following", which was his TINY directorial debut, costing him $6,000 to make, and has a score of 76%.
Both these films were very early in his career AND are his only 2 films to not get an academy award.

Now some of you might be able to see why so many people love Nolan as a director, respect him and have faith The Dark Knight Rises will be nothing short of a great film (not just a great comic book movie).
capMO - 3/9/2012, 1:57 PM
Like Nolan, like Kubrick, dont see any similarities between them though..

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marvel72 - 3/9/2012, 1:57 PM
@ thewonderer

nolan's bat trilogy doesn't make me think about life or how i veiw the world either.
SpiderFan35 - 3/9/2012, 1:57 PM
lol Tea, you always know just what to say (sniff).

I am calmed down now, and it is also time for me to leave work lol. yay!
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