After the destruction of Wayne Manor by Ras Al Ghul in Batman Begins, both that and the Batcave were missing from The Dark Knight. While reconstuction was mentioned at both the end of the the former and during the latter, we still have no idea whether we'll see either of the iconic locations in the third and final installment of Chris Nolan's franchise. However, a recent report makes it seem likely that we will!
Here are a few excerpts from
Perez Hilton:
Production of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises is scheduled to begin in May of 2011, and according to sources, the crew is heading back to the UK for a least a portion of the shoot!
Filming will once again take place in the Cardington Hangars, outside of Bedford.
Batman Begins filmed in the UK for a variety of locations - including Wayne Manor and the Batcave - so hopefully this means that they'll be back for round three!
Are you looking forward to seeing the return of these locations? Anything specific that you'd like to see in the upcoming sequel? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place!
The Dark Knight Rises is set to be released on July 20, 2012!