BLACK PANTHER: Rumored Plans For The Hero Reveal That Shuri Will Pass The Mantle To [SPOILER]

BLACK PANTHER: Rumored Plans For The Hero Reveal That Shuri Will Pass The Mantle To [SPOILER]

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever introduced us to T'Challa's son, also called T'Challa, and a new report claims that he's next in line to become the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Black Panther. Check it out!

By JoshWilding - Jun 28, 2024 07:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Black Panther
Source: The Cosmic Circus

Before actor Chadwick Boseman passed away in 2020, the plan had been for him to take centre stage in a Black Panther sequel as T'Challa. 

Few details have been revealed, though we know the idea was for him to clash with Namor the Submariner while getting to know the son he'd only just discovered existed after vanishing during the Blip. Marvel Studios decided against recasting the role and instead had T'Challa die off-screen, with a reluctant Shuri inheriting the "Black Panther" mantle. 

While Letitia Wright is expected to reprise the role in upcoming MCU projects, it appears she's just keeping the suit warm for the next Black Panther.

According to The Cosmic Circus' Alex Perez, "Shuri is still taking time for herself, as she is not interested in the slightest in being Queen of Wakanda. She is still keeping the mantle of Black Panther, BUT, I am hearing that she will eventually pass on the mantle to the one true successor of the throne of Wakanda, the young Prince T’Challa, son of King T’Challa."

"It is to my understanding that she, along with Okoye and Nakia, are raising this child so he can eventually take on the mantle and become the next ruler of Wakanda and Black Panther."

This development is one we expected after Black Panther: Wakanda Forever but it's how Marvel Studios handles the transition which will now be interesting. The MCU's rumoured soft reboot would allow the new T'Challa to be aged up; otherwise, we'll have to wait this out in real-time and will potentially get a teenage Black Panther. 

For what it's worth, Perez adds, "[The] story they have planned with his son is absolutely lovely, and I quite frankly would love to see it unfold as they have planned."

Wright was recently asked about her MCU future and, despite playing coy, all but confirmed that she'll return to the role pretty soon. 

"If it's, uh, let's just say, let's just say..." Wright started, clearly choosing her words carefully. "I would like to continue with Shuri. She's one of my favorite characters, such a blessing, honestly, I kid you not. I'm so grateful for her."

"There's a lot coming up," she then teased, likely referring to Avengers 5 (according to The Hollywood Reporter, Marvel Studios has yet to officially greenlight Black Panther 3).

How do you feel about T'Challa's son potentially picking up where his father left off? As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

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TheMetaMan - 6/28/2024, 7:08 AM
Makes sense. Who else was gonna take the mantle M’Baku? 😂
I imagine the next film will feature time jumps in which we will see T’Challa’s son grow from a teenager into a young man who eventually becomes the blank panther.
UncleHarm1 - 6/28/2024, 7:25 PM
@TheMetaMan - Tchalla's character was so much more interesting in Civil War than in his own movie, I would argue he was already the Blank Panther
TheMetaMan - 6/29/2024, 1:05 PM
@UncleHarm1 - i actually have to agree with you, he was more interesting in Civil war.
UncleHarm1 - 6/29/2024, 1:14 PM
@TheMetaMan - Difficult character arc to top. It's ironic that BP was the guy with the least going on in the otherwise pretty solid BP movie
Origame - 6/28/2024, 7:14 AM
They could've also just recast to begin with instead of making a movie cashing in on the death of a real person.
Ryguy88 - 6/28/2024, 8:07 AM
@Origame - they cant help but inject real world issues into their escapism entertainment at every chance.
Origame - 6/28/2024, 8:11 AM
@Ryguy88 - especially when Chadwick wanted tchalla to be the James bond of black people.
TheLight - 6/28/2024, 8:29 AM
@Origame - User Comment Image

All of this could've been avoided if Disney weren't so greedy and some of the fans weren't so selfish. Chadwick, rest his soul, wanted T'Challa's story to continue on. I understood the grief that the fans suffered at his sudden death, but labeling that real event into a fictional one was arrogantly egotistic. Most people today act like recasting is some taboo restriction when it's been part of cinema for decades.
Origame - 6/28/2024, 8:48 AM
@TheLight - what they should've done is wait like 2 years for people to calm down then announce the recast.

But no. They saw dollar signs in marketing this as basically chadwicks funeral and that year announced they were just killing off tchalla. Then pretended they had a middle ground by introducing his kid, even though he's objectively a different character with different life experiences.
CorndogBurglar - 6/28/2024, 9:30 AM
@Origame - I've been saying this since day one. They should have recast Chadwick, Chris Evans, and RDJ. Because the Marvel Universe is just weird without those characters.

I know it would have been hard to get people over those actors being replaced. But of they had taken their time and made thoughtful casting choices it could have worked. The characters and universe are more important than the actors playing them. Always.

When we first found out they weren't going to recast Boseman I was even told by another user that I just didn't understand black culture so I wouldn't understand why they aren't recasting him. I asked him 3 times to please explain it to me then, and he wouldn't. "I just wouldn't understand". Lol
TheLight - 6/28/2024, 6:30 PM
@Origame - "what they should've done is wait like 2 years for people to calm down then announce the recast.

But no. They saw dollar signs in marketing this as basically chadwicks funeral and that year announced they were just killing off tchalla. Then pretended they had a middle ground by introducing his kid, even though he's objectively a different character with different life experiences."

Exactly! And yeah now by zooming in his kid as a band-aid, they think all will be forgiven. Like you said, T'Challa Jr will be different and if he isn't received well, then that's it.
JDL - 6/29/2024, 4:01 AM
@Origame - @CorndogBurglar @TheLight

Recasting T'Challa

You guys are 100% convinced that recasting would work and I'm not. In my gut I am 100% convinced that the AA fan base would have never accepted it. But for the sake of argument lets say it I'm not 100% right. Had you all considered the types of a-holes who review bomb for the fun of it or just like to stir up trouble because they hate the MCU ?

These days you just can't recover from negative internet campaigns easily. Given that we have seriously lowered box office expectations on all but a few releases the risk associated with a recasting isn't justifiable.

The other thing is that if a complete MCU reboot is coming in the near future why bother for one or at most two films ? Recasting is controversial so you go with something safer.
Origame - 6/29/2024, 7:18 AM
@JDL - dude, I've seen plenty of African Americans wanting a recast.

And the threat of review bombing is greatly exaggerated.
JDL - 6/29/2024, 6:17 PM
@Origame - > dude, I've seen plenty of African Americans wanting a recast.

Quite believable. However you don't seem to grasp the underlying facts.

1) Fewer people are going to see movies. Of those that do repeat viewings are down. Overall B.O. is down.

2) A sizable minority consider recasting the part as blatantly disrespectful to Chadwick Boseman. They will NOT shut up.

3) Movies are greenlit on what is foreseeable in the industry and certain basic assumptions. You assume for example it's decently acted, written, has reasonable vfx and an audience. You postulate a box office based on that and calculate production & promotion costs.

What's forseeable is more nebulous. Generally speaking it takes things into account such as theater attendance stats, trends in what kind of movies are doing well and which are not, etc., etc..

It is eminenty forseeable that the sizable minority mentioned above will not see the movie in a theater and will continue acting pissy about it. The risk of losing a quarter or more of your audience makes recasting at this point D.O.A. as too risky given the cost of making the movie.

>And the threat of review bombing is greatly exaggerated.
I disagree. ::shrug::

In any case it increases risk and the suits are risk adverse whether it's a reasonable fear or not.
Origame - 6/29/2024, 6:25 PM
@JDL - 1) and why is it? Could it be that companies like disney keep making unpopular decisions?

2) so you admit it's a minority. And it doesn't matter how loud they are. The majority that want the recast are also loud....and are the majority.

3) so you think the solution was to replace a popular superhero with a female version, even though marvel have been doing that and that's where the downward trend is coming from?
JDL - 6/30/2024, 1:10 AM
@Origame -
>1) and why is it? Could it be that companies like disney keep making unpopular decisions?

No. It's Covid and Streaming and increased prodcution costs.

>2) so you admit it's a minority. And it doesn't matter how loud they are. The majority
>that want the recast are also loud....and are the majority.

It is absolutely a minority. This isn't a matter of choosing the most popular. If the most popular won't make enough predictable profit to be worth making it doesn't get made and that's the case here.

>3) so you think the solution was to replace a popular superhero with a female version,
>even though marvel have been doing that and that's where the downward trend is coming

No. How they dealt with the content after deciding not to recast in WF is a different issue than whether to recast or not.

As far as the female version goes that was a swing, a miss, the bat came loose, flew into and hit a fan or two in the seats. Ugh.
Origame - 6/30/2024, 7:14 AM
@JDL - 1) covid is no longer a valid excuse. And streaming? Really? Streaming services are struggling too.

2) then they should've just stopped making black panther movies by that logic. Not alienate the majority by going against what they want.

3) dude, they basically had to make it sharing because she's the only family member left and was black panther in the comics. What, you think mbaku would've been the right choice?
JDL - 6/30/2024, 2:27 PM
@Origame -
>1) covid is no longer a valid excuse. And streaming? Really? Streaming services are struggling too.

Covid made changes that either haven't gone away or have only partially recovered. Theater attendence is one of them. As for streaming the point is not so much the financial cost as it is that it substitutes for going to the theater for many. Whether or not a service is profitable doesn't matter right now. In the future, if a bunch go toes up, maybe.

There are trade-offs from staying home. No premium screens but no cesspool of germs. No crowd to share the experience with but cheaper homegrown concessions. No drive and parking. Pause button. No a-holes using their phones.
>2) then they should've just stopped making black panther movies by that logic. Not alienate the >majority by going against what they want.

If they majority was going to be that turned off by not having a recast then yes, but it wasn't. They didn't recast and it did pretty good. That said with Chadwick it would have done better.

>3) dude, they basically had to make it sharing because she's the only family member left and was black >panther in the comics. What, you think mbaku would've been the right choice?

I would not have had any Blank Panther at all.
UniqNo - 6/28/2024, 7:14 AM
That makes sense. I mean why introduce T'Challa II otherwise.
Apophis71 - 6/28/2024, 8:20 AM
@UniqNo - Seems to me there may always have been a plan that there could be a T'Challa II to take over from T'Challa at some point considering the Son was always meant to be introduced even before Chad's passing which is sensible with adaptions that may go on for a long time.

Recasts don't always work, I would go as far as saying they fail more oft than landed well and can never be sure how long an actor will continue in a given role.

In the comics you can have a character live for 200yrs and never age, in film you can't thus even more of a need to have in place legacy characters than there is in print.

I do get the 'should have recast' PoV but it is an incredibly tough choice to have forced onto a project which isn't a given they could effectively do in a connected universe that thus makes it less easy to delay a film for years if a key part of the long term plans.
UniqNo - 6/28/2024, 8:41 AM
@Apophis71 - I was happy with the choices they made in the wake of Boseman's death. I just don't think the movie would have done much to add to the MCU's legacy long term of they went with a straight recast. To me what we got is one that will have lasting power, more so than the first. Felt quite timeless, especially with all the Namor stuff.
McMurdo - 6/28/2024, 1:41 PM
@UniqNo - Hes literally 8 years old. You can't make him Panther any time soon. This is dumb lol
TheVisionary25 - 6/28/2024, 7:16 AM
User Comment Image

I mean , we pretty much knew this since the ending of Wakanda Forever…

It alllows them have their cake and eat it too in that they don’t have to recast Chadwick’s T Challa but can still have a version of T’Challa be the Black Panther eventually.

I could see a time jump having happened between WF and the next movie we see him in where he’s older or likely , we get him as an adult in the soft reboot post Secret Wars as has been speculated.

Either way I’m cool with it though I don’t mind Shuri being BP aswell , there’s precedent in the comics but moreso I like the character and the arc she had in the last one especially to be become it so if they keep it on her for a while aswell then im ok with it.
TheVisionary25 - 6/28/2024, 7:18 AM
He might be too old by the time we get to it but I would still love Aldis Hodge as older Toussaint/T’Challa.

User Comment Image
Ryan - 6/28/2024, 7:21 AM
I foresee Marvel Studios making their own original story and the comics copying it poorly.
Origame - 6/28/2024, 7:25 AM
@Ryan - so they'll copy it accurately 🤣
Turklander - 6/28/2024, 7:25 AM
I wish they just recast TChalla

That being said, having Shuri be the placeholder Black Panther was the best choice they could've gone for. I was legitimately worried they were gonna make M'Baku the next Black Panther which would've been horrible and made no sense. Nakia and Okoye also wouldn't have worked as the Black Panther at all either
ZomZom - 6/28/2024, 7:34 AM
Big fat NO. So what? We have to wait ten plus years for this kid to grow in to the mantle, whilst in the meantime we're stuck with his weedy sister. Err nope.
HashTagSwagg - 6/28/2024, 7:57 AM
@ZomZom - Throw his ass in one of these and let time travel do it's thing
User Comment Image
Rosraf - 6/28/2024, 8:20 AM
@ZomZom - He already looked 6-7 in Wakanda Forever two years ago. So you could start filming in 5 years and have him be 16/late teens by the time movie comes out.
ZomZom - 6/28/2024, 8:41 AM
@Rosraf - I get what you're saying but we need an adult Black Panther in the next 2-3 years or the franchise is frigged.
Fogs - 6/28/2024, 9:25 AM
@HashTagSwagg - wait was biden in EG? Missed that!
bkmeijer1 - 6/28/2024, 7:34 AM
Obviously. How is that even a rumour? That's pretty much a given. Just makes that Shuri was always gonna be the bridge.

Anyway, Secret Wars would be a good opportunity to bring in a T'Challa variant and have him stick around.
BlackStar25 - 6/28/2024, 7:37 AM
Makes sense? Nah...It actually doesn't unless you guys are looking forward to a Young Avengers Black Panther...
TheVisionary25 - 6/28/2024, 7:54 AM
@BlackStar25 - User Comment Image
ObserverIO - 6/28/2024, 7:57 AM
@BlackStar25 - Just age him up a little in the reboot.
BlackStar25 - 6/28/2024, 9:43 AM
@ObserverIO - You would have to age him up alot. Currently the MCU is at 2026. The kid would be 7 years old. If its a legitimate reboot I dont think it would matter tho.
Forthas - 6/28/2024, 7:44 AM
This story could write itself if done right. I would introduce Achebe and make it so that he is the one responsible for T"Challa's death and his son is now primed to discover it and seek revenge as well as the throne of Wakanda. Could be epic!
McMurdo - 6/28/2024, 1:42 PM
@Forthas - he's barely 6 years old kiddo
Forthas - 6/28/2024, 3:20 PM
@McMurdo - Depends on when the events of Wakanda Forever takes place and when we revisit that world.
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