Captain America: The First Avenger will be in theaters this July, the last of the films prequel-ling the Avengers film next year. It follows the origin of Steve Rogers and his transformation into Captain America. But, what i want to know is what suit will we see in the 2012 movie set in the modern day...?
Will it be a similar to the one shown in The First Avenger?
Will it be the suit he is know best for?
Will it be closer to the Agent of Shield suit?
Now, i will give you my opinion and why. First, one of the biggest problems i heard when they tried to bring Cap to life was his costume. It isn't the easiest costume to make look good on the big screen, possibly the hardest to date. Not only does it involve a mask/ helmet, but it also has a "flag" type pattern, which i think they did a decent job translating to the big screen. But, in all honesty, i dont like the final product and i dont think Marvel does either. Now, this might just be for marketing Chris Evans face as Cap, but in almost all promotional images, he is not wearing the mask/ helmet. In my opinion, the best way to show of Evans' face in the Avengers, is to do away with the mask all together. I know many dont like the Agent of Shield look, but I think it is the most modern, up to date, and easiest to convert to an up to date movie and look good. Honestly, the part of his current costume i dont like is the mask/ helmet. It throws off the whole costume to me. Then, again that's just me.
What do y'all think?