Jason Statham for Captain America!

Jason Statham for Captain America!

There's alot of rumors going around over who's going to portray Capt.America. We've heard everyone from Brad pitt to leonardo Dicaprio to John Cena. In my opinion the best person suited for the job should be none other than Jason Statham and Here's why?

Editorial Opinion
By Thekevin - Dec 22, 2009 08:12 AM EST
Filed Under: Captain America

There's alot of rumors going around over who's going to portray Capt.America. We've heard everyone from Brad pitt to leonardo Dicaprio to John Cena. In my opinion the best person suited for the job should be none other than Jason Statham and Here's why?

I'm not in to Marvel Comics nearly as much as I'm in to DC, But I did purchase both of the Avengers movies and really enjoyed both. But when I heard they were making an Avengers movie I watched both movies again and couldn't help but think Jason Statham would be awesome as Captain America. The way Captain America was portrayed in the Avengers was a no nonsense kick ass Super soldier who has only one thing mind and that defending his country. I'm not knocking anybody's choice on who should play captain america. Worthington, Ackles, all those guys maybe good. but I'd rather see a super soldier than a pretty boy. Jason statham really looks like he can kick your ass. He's not as flashy as Tony Stark and He's isn't a Thunder God. He's a soldier a Super Soldier, A born leader. And if you saw the Transporter movies The guy did some pretty phenomenal things and he had me believing he could really do those things and I think if he dawns the Red white and blue Sheild, He'll have us believing a supersoldier really Exist.

Beside if he did play Captain America you know he'll be back for the sequels I mean C'mon the dude made two "Crank" movies.

I know I'm gonna catch hell for this one. But Let me know what you think.

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ClintEastwood - 12/22/2009, 9:22 AM
I love his movies but he's terrible for Cap, he could be good for Hawkeye I've thought though.
Betty - 12/22/2009, 9:22 AM
Robsaggs - 12/22/2009, 9:22 AM
Sorry but here are my reasons against.

1. He's not American

2. He can't act
NERO - 12/22/2009, 9:46 AM
You don't read Marvel?

Ha, you know I couldn't tell in the least. You obviously know so much about Cap. Wait, I know; let's cast Jean Claud Van Dam as Superman. I mean he's great right? Because in Street Fighter, when they put his kicks in slow-mo, WOW he looks like he is flying.


Seriouly though; not American, can't act, can't even do an American accent. Is he cool in his movies? Oh, yeah. The guy is badass, but just not as Cap.

Ultimates Hawkeye, maaaybe. But again, the weak acting makes me say no on that too.
Stumblin - 12/22/2009, 10:04 AM
x2 on what Betty said.
brycied - 12/22/2009, 10:23 AM
for everyone saying statham isnt a good actor, hes a great actor! just dont watch crank to try and find it lol. watch italian job or the one where he robs some bank in england. i cant remember the name of it.

but i have to agree he is not cap. theres no way he can fix that accent. and i think there are others better suited for it.....LIKE GEORGE STULTS!
CorndogBurglar - 12/22/2009, 11:14 AM
no way, lol. plus, Cap doesn't have the look of a grizzled badass. he actually has the look of the all american pretty boy. think aaron eckhart's look.
ecksmanfan - 12/22/2009, 11:55 AM
Ummmm...no. His acting really depends on the script. He's good in the Italian Job, but did you see A Dungeon Seige Tale (or whatever the hell it's called)? That movie was terrible!

I just don't see Cap at all when I look at him.
Shaman - 12/22/2009, 11:56 AM
Statham sucked ass as an actor in In the name of the king, The One, War, Death Race etc. He really is a bad actor. He also looks nothing like Steve Rogers. He has an annoying voice and has trouble holding his accent. I love watching him kick ass on screen just not in a leading role with multiple lines and ESPECIALLY NOT an important role such as Cap!!! So Statham as Cap??? NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!! Sorry buddy.
BLADE4040 - 12/22/2009, 12:28 PM
Statham: Great in the Transporter movies and a few others but as Cap...NO WAY!!!

He's too old

He cant ACT

Isnt Cap a die heart American ?I dont think he'd speak with an accent of any kind but mid-western,southern,or northern LOL.

Let's face it Cap is suppose to be the height of human perfection Statham is too hairy,too ugly,and too short he doesnt have the right LOOK.
himynameiszach - 12/22/2009, 1:03 PM
yaa if he was a better actor like more assertive and shit then ya....and if he had hair? and didnt look like a drunk but thats just me. maybe cap is a alcohalic drunky who knows....no ones ever met him
InTylerWeTrust - 12/22/2009, 1:14 PM
1. Can't act.

2. Can't act.

3. Can't act.
Roscoe182 - 12/22/2009, 1:56 PM
he is a shit actor if you could even call him that
1chris2 - 12/22/2009, 3:10 PM
he cant act. cast sam worthingto,and ben foster as riddler or the joker for the next batman.
EditNinja - 12/22/2009, 3:30 PM
I dunno about Statham as Captain America, but Red Skull!
StephenStrange - 12/22/2009, 4:26 PM
What Blade4040 said.

I don't hate Statham, but he's all wrong for that part
TheBumblingIdiot - 12/23/2009, 1:47 AM
dud i like statham but not as cap the guy cant do acsints sorry bad spelling but mabye cap britt
IRONRED - 12/23/2009, 5:08 AM
Statham can really kick some ass on screen but his actor skills are really lame. Plus, he is not american and do not have the correct look. If i have to choose some foreign actor, i would go for Daniel Craig, but i think producers are looking for some young actor.
Thekevin - 12/23/2009, 5:31 AM
I agree Ironred! I love this site!
BubbaDude - 12/23/2009, 5:34 AM
I like Statham. However, he should not be Cap because...1 great at action, not so good at ACTING. 2 he's too old. At the time Steve Rogers becomes Captain America he is 22-23. Statham looks to be around 40.

Statham would be perfect for Union Jack. British kick ass guy who was a WWI vet. Rumor has it that Union Jack will have at least a cameo in the Cap movie so there you go.
GarageNinja - 12/23/2009, 10:29 AM
Um, anyone see The One?? His American accent is pretty awful.
BLADE4040 - 12/23/2009, 10:34 AM
Statham as Union Jack.... I can see that.
Spock - 12/23/2009, 2:24 PM
This is such a NO GO. I like Statham just not as Cap!
LEEE777 - 12/23/2009, 4:30 PM
Um no!!! ; D

He's TASKMASTER!!! ; )

: D
Joker1zero - 12/23/2009, 7:58 PM
jabondo - 12/23/2009, 10:00 PM
Matt Damon should be Cap. Done.
jabondo - 12/23/2009, 10:01 PM
Matt Damon should be Cap. Done.
TheDurkinKnight - 12/24/2009, 9:23 AM
You have a good point dude, as far as his athleticism and his reliability to make sequels. The guys is a B-Grade action movie whore!! But I think the fact that he's British (I think) and also that he's not the best thespian would inhibit a movie with him in it.
@jabondo...dude, Matt Damon comes across as a grade A prick...and he's getting up there in age.
Runefyst - 12/24/2009, 10:47 AM
@jabondo - I agree 100% buddy.

As for Statham....I like the guy enough, Crank was awesome. But no way is he the Cap!
jabondo - 12/25/2009, 1:21 PM
Matt Damon may be a prick (but not as much as Ben Affleck), he is a killer actor! And he's American.
Timerider84 - 12/25/2009, 1:31 PM
Shouldn't we pick the best actor for the part instead of some fan boys dream guy, who can't act. Not that I'm dissing Jason Statham, I like his movies, they're different and unique. I'm just stating in general, let's get the right guy for the part. Have him come in and audition, have him put on the costume. Get the list down to 3 candidates and do another audition and pick him. DON'T GO BY NAME ALONE. It could kill the movie, then what do you have, nothing. AUDITION, AUDITION, AUDITION THE CANDIDATES FIRST.
jusme6 - 12/25/2009, 6:17 PM
I feel you Blackout. Captain America has got to be a real tough guy that you could imagine really knocking some heads in a bar. Statham is totally qualified to do the action parts of Captain America. Statham could definitely make it look believeable that he could kick the sh*t out of 10 guys at the same time.
No way he'll ever get cast though cause... well, he's got nothing else really going for him (as mentioned by everyone else).
What about Statham as Namor on the Invaders? I really wish Marvel had the rights to Namor still.
BubbaDude - 12/25/2009, 8:13 PM
They don't have the rights for Namor? Dang, was really hoping to see the invaders in the Cap movie....well, hopefully at least Union Jack(again...Statham for Union Jack!!)
TheDurkinKnight - 12/26/2009, 12:10 AM
@Jabondo...I actually like Ben Affleck...maybe cause he had a slight comeback, I dunno. I just think Damon is like that cocky asshole from high school who you know is full of shit. Affleck is more the dumb jock whose a decent guy, but kind of a douche.
jusme6 - 12/26/2009, 8:36 AM
@Bubba: I just did some research. Apparently, the movie rights for Namor are owned by Universal. There is hope though. Hulk's movie rights were also owned by Universal and after Ang Lee's Hulk, they let the rights go back to Marvel. So Universal is not like Fox who will make a sh*tty direct to video Fantastic Four movie, just to hold on to to the rights.
I would love to see the Invaders and the Defenders on the big screen. Unfortunately Fox owns rights to the Silver Surfer.
KingoDaUndead - 12/26/2009, 7:25 PM
Paul Walker for CAP
marvel190 - 1/2/2010, 1:31 PM
he was good in Lock, Stock, and Two Smokin' Barrels, but NO WAY is he a Captain America. Captain Britian might be better for him. the fake American accent he'd have to pull off would be unbareable. I agree he is an at least somewhat underestimated actor, but he is simply NOT Captain America.
marvel190 - 1/2/2010, 1:32 PM
I do agree with Paul Walker though he isnt a great actor either
WIZARDKI - 1/8/2010, 5:30 PM
I'd have to agree with the no-go for Jason on this one but he is a PERFECT choice for either Captain Britain or better yet, Union Jack IMHO. Later all.
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