Hungry for any details about the Star Spangled Avenger's live-action adventure? You're in luck, True Believers!'s Amy Nicholson got the chance to talk with director Joe Johnston about Marvel's most anticipated feature film:
What can you tell me that people might not have already heard about Captain America?
"It's not going to be a Captain America that you expect. It's something different. It is influenced by the comic book, but it goes off in a completely different direction. It's the origin story of Captain America. It's mostly period - there are modern, present-day bookends on it - but it's basically the story of how Steve Rogers becomes Captain America."

"The great thing about Captain America is he's a super hero without any super powers. Which is why this story, among the hundreds of super hero stories, appealed to me the most. He can't fly, he can't see through walls, he can't do any of that stuff. He's an every man who's been given this amazing gift of transformation into the perfect specimen—the pinnacle of human perfection. How does that affect him? What does that mean for him emotionally and psychologically? He was this 98-pound weakling, he was this wimp, and he's transformed instantly into this Adonis. You'd think he got everything he wanted. Well, he didn't get everything he wanted. The rules change at that point and his life gets even more complicated and dire. For me, that's the interesting part of the story. It's got some great action sequences in it and some incredible stuff that we've never seen before. But at the heart of it, it's a story about this kid who all he wants to do is fit in. This thing happens and he still doesn't fit in. And he has to prove himself a hero—essentially go AWOL to save a friend. Eventually at the very end, I don't want to give away to much, but he does fit in. But it's the journey of getting him there that's interesting. And it's a lot of fun."
Information courtesy of
MPP - So, what can we discern from Joe Johnston's synopsis:
1. There are modern day bookends in the movie: Meaning that, while the bulk of the film will take showcase the WWII era, the beginning and end will take place in the present time. Could it possibly be Nick Fury searching for Cap at the beginning and his being thawed out of the ice at the end? Sounds like a direct lead-in to
The Avengers movie!
2. During the middle of the film, Cap will have to go AWOL (Absent Without Leave, commonly known as desertion) to save a friend: The most likely mainstream candidates that come to mind are Bucky or possibly even Union Jack.
3. 'It's not going to be a Captain America that you expect. It is influenced by the comic book, but it goes off in a completely different direction': To me, this means the film won't favor one continuity. The most logical assumption is a 50/50 mix of the mainstream and Ultimate Marvel universes with a dash of originality added throughout to keep us all surprised.
Well that's definitely enough to keep me happy for today! Many, many thanks to Amy at for finally getting us crazy fanboys some Cap news!
Make sure you all follow the jump to read the rest of the interview where Joe talks about the future of Jurassic Park 4!