While doing roundtables for She's Out Of My League, Vogel wasn't too forthcoming with I09 about his Cap screen test. All the Cloverfield star would say is..
"I don't want to comment on it too much, keeping 'em crossed [fingers]. We'll see what happens. I'm very excited."
Asked if he was a fan of the comics he simply said he was a, "Big Fan."

But the bigger story here is that this is the first time we have heard anything from any of the rumored shortlist since they were announced online as such..although Vogel has spoken about screen testing prior to this. Vogel is part of the "infamous 5" list of names that were apparently leaked online last week as being Marvel's final short list. Although the story was ran by practically every trade and site on the web, its yet to be officially confirmed or denied by Marvel. Well, thats one down, 4 to go! But its a safe bet that if Vogul tested, then at least some, maybe all of the others(John Krasinski, Michael Cassidy, Chase Crawford, Scott Porter,) did too. Watch this space for more updates.
Thanks to MTV for the pic.