As the Marvel Cinematic Universe grows by each movie culminating with Infinity War next year, another solo outing has been long clamored for by the public, and that is Captain Marvel, played by Academy Award winner Brie Larson (Room).
In a recent interview with SciFi Now Magazine, and can be seen on /Reddit, Brie Larson (Room, Kong) went on to describe Danver's personality, characterization and give a small tease on what kind of powers she has; " To be fair, there are a lot of iterations of her, so there's going to be some people there who think this isn't right. She's a believer in truth and justice and she is a bridge between Earth and space. She's fighting between the flaws that are within her and all this good that she wants to try and spread and make the world a better place. She can also fly and shoot things out of her hands. And she's really funny!"
Reading this interview, seems like Brie has done her homework on different interpretations and can tell she is just as excited for the film as much as the fans! Especially being the MCU's first female solo outing in its history! Who wouldn't be when she will be playing what Kevin Fiege said could be the most powerful hero the MCU has?
What do you guys think about her quick run down of her Carol Danvers? And do you think we will see her before the solo outing, perhaps in Infinity War? Discuss below!
Captain Marvel flies into theaters March 8th, 2019!