Mollie Fitzgerald (who has a small role in Captain America: TFA) was good enough to discuss her role in the movie, as well as various other aspects of working with the cast and crew etc. She also comments the rumors of a delay leading up to the first trailer as well as the possibility of working with Marvel Studios again. And, although not able to reveal anything about a third trailer she does suggest that impressive as the second trailer for the movie was, we haven't seen anything yet!..
CBM You must have been privy to quite a bit of footage etc before the majority of us were. Back when we last spoke rumors had hit that the footage that had been shown was met with a negative reaction, that must have been frustrating knowing how untrue that was, as we were all pretty much blown away when we got our first glimpse of the movie..
MF Yes, I believe the rumor was that there had been a delay when there actually wasn't or something of that nature. My reaction came more from a place of being flabbergasted than frustrated because I knew it wasn't true. It was a rude awakening that in this business, sometimes falsities hit the Internet and people run with them before those who are actually involved can tell the truth or even have knowledge of the false rumor's existence. Now I've learned not to give credence to things I read on websites unless they're quoted by a reliable source, but even then there are always two or more sides to a story. I love Captain America and the cast and crew who are bringing him to the big screen. I won't deny that I feel protective of everyone's hard work and, of course, the truth.
Unfortunately in this game many follow the "never let the truth get in the way of a good story" philosophy. You acted in the film yourself, can you tell us what your role is and what it was like being part of such a big production?

I have a small acting role in the film. It was a lot of fun to shoot, and I could go on for hours about the magic of Anna Sheppard and her team in the costume department. They were some of my favorite people to work with. Although my part is small in this film, I did get to work closely with Dominic Cooper for a few minutes and that was wonderful. Joe Johnston is an unbelievable director, and I've learned a lot about directing from him. Being a part of this production has been one of the best experiences of my life. From the standpoint of acting in the film, my part is very small so it didn't take long to shoot. I did get to work with two phenomenal dialect coaches, Paula Jack and Andrew Jack, while I was working on the movie. They're both very talented people to work with, and I am grateful to have had that experience. As far as being a part of this production over the entire course of its duration, it's been a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks to our great producers and production department, it's been a pretty smooth ride. There's a great deal of work going on all of the time, so you've got to pay attention and have complete awareness of your surroundings.
Sounds like there is hard work there as well as the fun stuff?
There's a lot of physical labor taking place on top of the mental, creative tasks going on. You've got to stay attentive to the issues at hand, while also giving the actors the time and space they need to remain focused on their work and keep things as authentic for them as possible. It got to a point when I really sat down to take it all in and thought to myself, "We're all relying on each other. Every single person counts in a big way, and everyone is stepping up and pounding out the performance that Joe needs. There have been numerous days of pure perfection from our cast and crew. I wonder how often that happens." We didn't have many egos to deal with, which was a very refreshing experience. Everyone wanted to do the best they could and create the best possible picture they could. We were there to tell a story. We were there to fight Red Skull and kill Nazis. It was great. I have to admit, there were days when I'd sit back and let my suspension of disbelief go wild. Those were days when I really felt we were all fighting Nazis. Those were my favorite days. I was ready to pull out a gun and go.
I can definitely imagine that. It sounds awesome. Were you a Captain America or a comic book fan before working on the movie? If not has the experience tempted you to pick up a few issues and see what all the fuss is about?
One of my close friends is a big fan of Captain America, so I was familiar with him before the movie was announced. As I've discovered more about him, I've definitely become a fan and started my own comic book collection.
Always good to hear. The movie opens in a couple of weeks but there are murmurs of a third theatrical trailer coming up. Have you see it? Can you let us know what to expect? The last trailer before a movie opens usually go all out.
I won't comment on this, but how fantastic was the second trailer? I enjoyed it, but even it doesn't do the movie justice. This movie is a thrill ride that also tells an incredibly special story. I'd much rather jump in and see the whole picture, so that's where the focus has been for me.
I did like the second trailer but I also thought that they seemed to be holding something back at the same time. That's great to hear! We know a sequel has been talked about and looks likley to go ahead at some point, is that something you would be interested in being a part of?
I can't comment on a sequel, but is it something I'd like to be a part of if it happens? Absolutely. Captain America has many more adventures to share with all of us. However, I think as more and more people tap into the Marvel Universe they'll find there are several other interesting characters aching to have their stories told, too. I'd love to be part of the development process for some of those characters and help them find their way to the big screen for all of us to enjoy. I can't say enough great things about how wonderful my experience has been in each and every area of this filmmaking process. I'd love to work with Marvel again, or even some the producers individually, such as Joe Johnston, Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Kevin Feige and Stephen Broussard. They're truly gifted people, and I'm incredibly grateful to have had the experience of working with them. You can't pay for the experience I've had, it's been an amazing trip.
Huge thanks to Mollie for taking the time to do the interview. Mollie is now focusing on her own career as a writer/director and has recently completed her first film, currently titled