Back in 2012, DC Comics released one of the most influential Joker stories of the decade with Scott Snyder's Batman: Death of the Family crossover, which expanded on his relationship with Batman as he targeted the entire Bat-family at once. This story had several lasting consequences on the DC Universe, two of the biggest being the reveal that the Joker had known Batman's secret identity for years and a scene where the Joker finally admits his true feelings to longtime lover Harley Quinn, causing them to break up. This led to Harley Quinn branching off to become her own independent character, which has had a major affect on DC Comics media, with the breakup being adapted into the Harley Quinn animated series and the upcoming Birds of Prey film. Seven years later, it looks like the Joker will not remain single for much longer.
Batman writer James Tynion IV is planning a major crossover for the Joker's eightieth anniversary titled Joker War, which will have consequences of its own, not the least of being the introduction of the clown prince's latest ally Punchline. Tynion promises the story to be the "biggest Joker story since Batman: Endgame back during The New 52":

"Who is this character on the amazing Yasmine Putri Batman #92 cover?! But when does she appear for the first time? Is it Batman #89? Is it Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3? Am I writing her origin story in the Joker 80th Anniversary Special? Is she Joker’s new girlfriend? Is she a part of 'Joker War'??! Who the heck is this Punchline, and why does she want to stab everyone?!?!?!?!?!?!
"Wait, I'm not supposed to say that’s Punchline yet, am I? I'm not supposed to say any of this! And what about this incredible character design from Jorge Jimenez…? Well, while we’re here… Maybe I'll let you be the first to meet her. I am very excited for her to start showing up in the books. Spoilers. She is not a nice guy.
"This story is going to have huge, huge ramifications for Gotham City. You'll see all the seeds planted for 'Joker War' in the background of [current Batman story] 'Their Dark Designs' especially as it hits its climax in April, but the big story starts in May. It is going to be a very, very scary story. I can't say much about it yet, other than you should probably read it and order lots and lots and lots of copies, just in case you get too freaked up and tear one of them up from the excitement."
Joker War begins in
Batman #95, which doesn't have a release date quite yet.
Batman #93 releases on April 15.