If you've read my other Aquaman reviews then you know that I've been loving the series so far. I'm pleased to say that Aquaman is still great in issue 3.

We get another touching flashback to Arthur's father that is pretty poignant. We then get a great action scene continuing from last issue with Aquaman and Mera battling the Trench-Creatures. After a fierce battle, the Trench-Creatures do eventually retreat, and we get to learn more about them from a corpse of one of them. Aquaman has to bring the corpse to his old childhood teacher, a marine biologist who is bitter that Arthur never showed him Atlantis. The biologist is living in a messy pile of research. It's clear that he is obsessed with Atlantis and Aquaman, so he could be dangerous, but he's not entirely unsympathetic. I felt bad for the guy, he has nothing to show for all of his life's work and he's likely a laughingstock for believing that Atlantis is real but not being able to prove it. To add insult to injury, Aquaman doesn't even let him keep the Trench-Creature corpse. We learn a lot about the creatures from the scientist's analysis of the corpse, I won't go into it, I think its better to actually figure it out from reading the comic. There is also a pretty sad moment when a cop tells Aquaman that they genuinely appreciated his help, but there isn't anything more he can do to help them. It just furthers the whole "nobody respects Aquaman" theme while at the same time taking it seriously and not just using it as a joke.
Ivan Reis does a fantastic job this issue. He gets to go all out with some great action scenes. There's not much I can say about his art that I haven't already said; it's just great. The leader of the Trench-Creatures looks really fearsome and powerful in this issue as well.
Overall, this continues to be a great book. 'Nuff said.