Here is an excerpt from TV Guide:
"It's an ensemble book with Clark Kent at the core. Clark just so happens to now be Superman." That ensemble includes Lois Lane, his fiancé and fellow reporter; his childhood best friend, Chloe; and Oliver Queen, aka the Green Arrow. As was teased in the finale, Chloe and Ollie are now married. (In fact, she's going by the name Chloe Sullivan-Queen.)"
Bryan Q. Miller also hints at Lex's hostility towards a man that can move planets.
Personally, I like what I'm hearing about the story. What I find noticable is a different Superman costume to the one we have seen in the finale.
What I anticipate is how Miller will deal with this: Are Co-workers like like Cat Grant just going to forget what Clark looks like without glasses?
The finale of Smallville seems to have split the audience at many points from Chloe and Oliver having a child in the future to CGI Superman. Perhaps season 11 will bring the closure that some of the fans really wanted and the fix that every fan craved since the show ended in May.
May can't come soon enough!