Thanks to Bleeding Cool, we have some more details about the relaunched DC Universe. As you can see from the information below, some of the titles being released this September won't be complete reboots while others will. Even more surprising is the news that a handful of comic books will actually be set in the past, exploring the pasts of both the Justice League and Superman.

Most of the released solicitation images for the DC Relaunch are not the covers for the first issue – so look forward to all those being announced soon as well.
Action Comics and Justice League are set in the past, the Green Lantern, Batman and LSH books are all continuing without a reboot. DCU Presents, Green Arrow and Hawkman are picking up where Brightest Day left off.
But for everything else, yes, it will be more of a reboot/restart. They are basically keeping the books going that were financially successful for them and restarting everything else.
The Flashpoint books were also being done by teams not being used in the reboot to help give those guys more time.
What do you guys make of all this? Be sure to share your thoughts in the usual place! To read a few more details about DC's plans with the relaunch of their comic book universe, simply click on the link below to head on over to the site.