Heyo! well I am back for a few days as I haven been given Vacation (victory Block leave) from my basic combat tranning of the Army, but it's not all about me...well yeah it actually is, but I am here to share about how amazed I was and this is why...
During my week's away I thought I would be a cast away in a lonely military island with no one to talk to (share) my Nerd/Geek/Fanboy side with but boy was I wrong, but more than wrong I was [frick]ing shocked! as I was resting during one of my breaks in our barracks I overheard my fellow initial entry soldiers talking about several topics that made me smile, they talked about comics and anime, I slowly walked closer to the group as I did not want to look so desperate for a place to let my fan juices flow but I found it, a group of 3 we started with talking about the new DC universe with the planned slate of movies DC has released before I left, from there we talked about the ups and down of the Marvel universe (I took care of pointing ALL of the downs) from there we went on to talk about just about everything, comics, movies, series, anime, the group ended up going into double digits, there was the future military of the United states, giggling and smiling talking about DBZ, DC, Marvel and more.
Yet like always there was the DC purist, the Marvel purist, the one that watches and enjoys all, the one that barely knows anything and so on, but I have to say, I am amazed on how popular shows like Flash and Arrow are to the casuals, how sad it is that The Walking Dead is more of a show than a comic and how hated AOS is outside of this community again, to say the least I was amazed, never would I think that I would find soldiers interested in these things like me, not only that but I was able to help people understand, get into and want to explore new things, like shows, games and comics I was able to give a little bit of that CBM.com effect onto others.
Now a lot of people think that love is the universal factor that unites humans, but man I have a few good reasons to give and show that COMICS (and all of there related elements) are stronger and can unite anyone even more, no one is assured love in life, I have been lucky to find it, a wife that not only loves me but tolerates, enjoys and shares my love for DC and their shows, movies and more but there are people who never find love, but on the other hand there are people who pick up a comic, who watch a show or movie or just simple know who Superman, Batman, Spiderman and the rest of the worlds heroes are, I amazed at this, I am amazed that people in the military love comics, I am amazed that you can go from strangers to friends by the simple connection of a character that you both like or hate, I am amazed that comics are so strong and we take them for granted and some times do not see the impact they have made.
Well that about summons up my feelings and thoughts on how comics and the miltary have become one in my life, I am sorry for my spelling mistakes, using the computer after 6 weeks of no tech is kind of off putting, anyways glad to be back, sad that I have little time to share with you guys. feel free to ask anything (respectfull) below on my experience