Over the last few months DC has come under some heavy criticism from CBM fans for it's lack of promotion and early imagery not being up to scratch for certain franchises(Green Lantern/Wonder Woman).
Footage and photos were released early for these DC characters and we weren't happy, so we perhaps quite justifiably got on our keypads and grumbled a whole lot.
Time has passed and now with new footage coming out it seems if some of our problems have been addressed.
For Green Lantern, Hal's mask and suit were bashed for looking rubbish. Now his mask has heavily whitened eyes and is shaped better so now it's more in keeping with the comics and looks less like masquerade fancy dress. I don't know if it's just colouration but his suit is looking better to me too.
After the first Wonder Woman costume photo everybody complained about the blue boots and tacky material. First day of filming comes around and her boots are back to red and some shiny material has been replaced.
Now I firmly believe that these changes have been made just for us CB fans. Joe public wouldn't notice or care about these issues either way.
So showing us these things unfinished and early and then showing us nothing for a while thereafter does attract much criticism but in the long run isn't it better when things get changed and our opinions are shown to be important and matter.
Imagine if in the early stages somebody had said to us 'We're gonna make an X-men First Class movie, this is the line up.' Wouldn't it have been better to let us complain back when things were still changable.