Dan Slott recently stated in a interview that Peter Parker is dead and is not coming back for a long time. I have to admit I was one of those rabid fans that was not happy with the events of #700. I have been giving the new story a try and although it is interesting it is anything but Spiderman.
Let's look at the facts. Otto became Superior because he killed Peter Parker, lets not forget all the other people he has killed also. So all of his past acts can be forgiven and forgotten. He already has killed in Peters body and beaten crooks to a pulp leading the avengers to intervene.
I've read the letters and people supporting the new direction and well its a little disturbing to see what is now acceptable in todays generation.
For starters James Holmes the lunatic who killed all those people in the movie theater. What if he was able to look inside some one's mind just like Ock did in the comics and he decided to change and go out and do good. Would all the families and people of the world feel the same? I'm just wondering because a whole lot of people seem to forget the fact that Ock is a lunatic and is only where he is at, because he killed Peter Parker, which I still have my doubts, being that Peter is still able to control his body from time to time. Which I still think proves that Peter never died. The greatest trick Ock pulled was to make Peter think that he is Ock. Peters brain is still inside his body and as long as it is he's still Peter, just a screwed up version.
Moving on to Slott's recent interview proclaiming that Peter is dead and gone. The only real reason Superior is really doing so well is because it still is Peter Parker with Peter's ghost by his side. Even without the ghost it still is Peter. Take Peter completely out of the picture and put Ock without Pete's body in a suit and see how well the story line does. I wonder how many people are actually only reading Superior because of the hope that Peter will return?
I've also read fans saying Peter Parker is boring. It's not our fictional characters fault, Marvel keeps preventing Peter Parker to ever truly grow as a character. Parker was never boring. Parker has lost it. He's crippled sin eater so bad he nearly killed him in a past story line. He even accidently killed Wolverines girlfriend in Wolverine vs Spiderman, and Morlun in self defense.
Peter Parker would never kill in cold blood because if he did that would make him just like the people he was trying to put away. Kaine I can accept as a character because he knows he's done things that not even he can forgive himself for. Ock on the other hand has no remorse and if he Parker did truly change Ock then why try to rid Parker to begin with which in a sense would be like killing Peter again making Ock the same old super villain, with a new generation of followers happy the bad guy finally won. I do understand its fiction and one day somebody else will take over and just like those supporting the new direction and writing how happy they are with a Spiderman who kills in cold blood. I'm entitled to write my opinion about the one that doesn't.