Lionsgate is planning to tackle another property one that involves a lot of Ninjas. Yeah that's right Lionsgate is planning to do a Movie Adaptation of Naruto.
According to Variety who are to be honest usually very much right about these things Lionsgate has closed the deal for the rights to the series and are planning to make a live action movie out of the series because that worked out so well for DragonBall and Fist of the North Star.
Avi Arad the guy responsible for ruining Spider-Man will be producing it through Arad Productions and Micheal Gracy is the one they want to direct the project.
While personally there are some anime that do work well when it comes to be adapted personally i feel Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 1 (Which is basically a B-Horror Vampire Movie in Manga Form) and Part 7 which is set in the twilight era of the Wild West and features a race across Amercia on horses and the main villain is the American President (Wouldn't you want to see that adapted). Other shows especially Shonen like Bleach, One Piece and Naruto do not work for this type of adaptation. Full credits if they managed to make it good though but right now my thoughts on this..well Sasuke can sum it up for me.

At the very least it will be better than the Last Airbender Movie which should be burned by all Avatar Fans.