Marvel revealed today at SXSW their strategy for the "Marvel Infinite Comics" series.
“What we’re doing with Infinite Comics is developing a new language for telling comic book stories," says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “We’re getting more and more sophisticated as we move along. We see a progress with each venture, and an expanding of capabilities. The technology improves and allows us to do things that we weren’t able to do before."
Four top Marvel characters will get their own 13 part, weekly Infinite Comic story, totaling up to 52 weeks of new Infinite Comics, one released every Tuesday. "WOLVERINE: JAPAN'S MOST WANTED" will be the first of this series (YESSSSSSSS), written by Jason Aaron and Jason Latour, with art by Paco Diaz. "WOLVERINE: JAPAN'S MOST WANTED" begins on July 9, lining up perfectly with the release of his new movie this summer.
“The reason we’ll be involving the monthly writer of each of these comic book stories we’re going to be telling through Infinite is that they’re all part of continuity," explains Alonso. "You know it’s as relevant to that particular character as anything you’ll find on the comic book stands that Wednesday."
"We’re at the forefront of developing a new language for comics," continues Alonso. "If we go back to the way comics were told, it started with a horizontal strip of panels and evolved into a comic book page. [Then] you could go vertical or horizontal and page design was a part of the process. Now we’ve taken it to the tablet and the handheld media and you’re seeing how, even in a short year or so that we’ve been doing [Infinite Comics], how we’re evolving this and getting better."
This all sounds good to me. Especially the fact that Wolverine is the 1st of this series. Can't have too much Wolverine in ya life.