Fresh from doing battle with the Fantastic Four and the Incredible Hulk, the King of the Monsters is set to stomp across everyone's favourite wall-crawler on April 30 in the pages of Marvel Comics' Godzilla vs. Spider-Man #1.
Written by Joe Kelly (Amazing Spider-Man), with cover and interior art by Nick Bradshaw (The Thing), Godzilla vs. Spider-Man #1 will be set in Spidey's post-Secret Wars era, complete with a black costume, a Black Cat, and '80s work woes at the Daily Bugle.
Thanks to the official Godzilla website, we have a first look inside the issue and it looks nothing short of spectacular.
As well as revisiting one of Peter Parker's most beloved comic book eras, we see the hero avoiding the iconic Kaiju's atomic breath before Godzilla's roar causes some major problems for Spidey's alien costume.
Here's the official description for Godzilla vs. Spider-Man #1:
Fresh from the original SECRET WARS, PETER PARKER A.K.A. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN returns to Earth with a spiffy new (alien) costume without a care in the world except for a complicated love triangle with MJ and Black Cat...and unbelievable pressure at the Daily, and GODZILLA IS IN NEW YORK CITY with all its destructive power aimed squarely at the wall-crawler! Don’t miss the two most popular characters in pop culture history absolutely going at it in this kaiju-sized slugfest for the ages!
Talking to the site, Kelly said, "Godzilla has been haunted by extraterrestrial creatures and cultures since the early days. Even though Spider-Man does not yet know that his black suit is more than just some cool, outer space threads, it’s an alien life form - and that is Godzilla bait! Seems like a great excuse to get Spider-Man and Godzilla together!"
"Godzilla always had a place in my heart - my favorite monster by far. I grew up watching Godzilla movies on TV, the cartoon series, and a prized possession of mine was the Shogun Warriors Godzilla."
"I loved that it was mysterious - a 'good guy' in some movies and a 'bad guy' in others, though as a kid I preferred the former. That unpredictability made Godzilla stand out for me," Kelly concluded.
With Spider-Man's alien costume in play for this standalone tale, we have to believe the King of the Monsters will bond with the Venom Symbiote at some point in the story. That's going to be a sight to behold, as will Peter's attempts to hold Godzilla at bay.
Check out a first look inside Godzilla vs. Spider-Man #1 below.
Written by JOE KELLY
Variant Cover by GREG LAND
Variant Cover by LEE GARBETT
On Sale 4/30