Josh Wilding Reviews: AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #1

Josh Wilding Reviews: AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #1

The first issue of Avengers Vs. X-Men goes on sale in select stores at midnight tonight and in all good comic book shops tomorrow. Does it live up to the hype?! Hit the jump for my take on this action packed opening chapter. [Minor Spoilers Ahead]

Review Opinion
By JoshWilding - Apr 03, 2012 06:04 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

Ever since the event was announced last year, the hype surrounding Avengers Vs. X-Men has continued to grow both with fans and in the media. The same can be said for just about all Marvel events of recent years and so it is unfortunate that the past few (Fear Itself being the most recent example) have ended up being completely underwhelming. Thankfully, the first issue of this particular series seems to be a step in the right direction for the publisher. As you may expect, there's not a huge amount which goes on in this opening chapter, but Brian Michael Bendis successfully sets the stage for what's to come and one can only imagine that we are all in for one hell of a ride if they manage to keep the momentum up for the next eleven issues.

Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 tells new and old fans alike everything they need to know. The premise is a fairly simple one. The Avengers learn of a threat headed towards Earth (the Phoenix Force) and head to Utopia in order to take Hope into "protective custody". As you can probably guess, this doesn't sit well with Cyclops and things rapidly go downhill from there. There's really not a lot more that goes on in this issue, although you needn't worry about it being either a boring or disappointing read. Considering that the event is set to last for twelve issues in comparison to the usual seven or eight, it's a little surprising just how quickly they get to the point in fact. However, whether or not this means there will be more to the series than meets the eye remains to be seen (twelve solid issues of the X-Men and Avengers fighting may be overkill).

Bendis is pretty spot on with his characterisations. The voices he gives each of the characters fits perfectly with what we have come to expect from them and the stark contrast between the two teams is made clear through their individual introductory sequences. At this point, neither side is "the bad guy" (unlike Civil War, which many justifiably argue vilified Tony Stark and his pro-registration team). Who you ultimately end up rooting for in this fight is sure to come down to either which characters you prefer or the events in the book. If it's the latter, you may just find it difficult to decide. At a first glance, Captain America's actions seem too extreme and Cyclops may also be viewed as slightly over the top. Personally, [SPOILER - Highlight Text To Read]I thought the decision to have Cyclops strike the first blow felt entirely justified and in-keeping with how his character has developed in recent years. Between this and Captain America's overly aggressive show of force acting as the spark which lights the fuse,[END SPOILER] everything from Schism to The Children's Crusade end up having a clear influence on the events of the story.

The only problem with this comic is just how light a read it ends up feeling. Bendis' script is packed with great dialogue and some epic action, but far too many scenes (Captain America's meeting with Wolverine for example) feel far too brief and this is more than likely down to the fact that they'll be followed up on in the various tie-in issues. However, this is a minor complaint, especially as it has become such a common occurence in ALL event books these days. It also seems a little odd that the Avengers are all of a sudden so concerned with the return of the Phoenix Force to Earth. Perhaps if the recent events of "The Iron Age" (in which Tony Stark sees Phoenix destroy the Earth) were mentioned or Avengers Vs. X-Men #0 had done a better job of making it a convincing threat, the whole situation would make more sense and the stakes would feel even higher. John Romita Jr.'s artwork is often a divider among comic book fans and his work here is unlikely to change anyone's opinion either way. This is some of his better work, but a few characters do end up looking a bit off here and there. This doesn't really distract from what is a damn good looking comic though.

This is a great first issue in what seems to be a return to form for Marvel events. Whether they can keep this going through another 11 instalments and two more creative teams remains to be seen, but Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 is a must-read for any comic book fan.

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JDUKE25 - 4/3/2012, 6:51 PM
That a boy Cyclops!

The art it pretty decent.
Wildaniel - 4/3/2012, 7:01 PM
Respectfully get the hell off my island! LOL, picking this up first thing in the morning!
ScottScottScott - 4/3/2012, 7:11 PM
Bleeding Cool respectfully disagreed with you. TBH I'll go with what a neutral party says over a fan boy.
TonyChu - 4/3/2012, 7:24 PM
Just pres ordered my issue. Too bad I have been hearing the first two issues are decent.
MadTitan - 4/3/2012, 7:24 PM
i'd like to see Cap kick some major Cyke butt there, lol
superotherside - 4/3/2012, 7:29 PM
Cool. Can't wait to read it.
Jarvisjackrabbit - 4/3/2012, 7:38 PM
It's out already on Comixology for all the digital readers. The attatched debut of Marvel's Infinite Comics featuring Nova's frantic flight to earth to warn the world of the impending arrival of the Phoenix is freaking fantastically well done. The actual AvX issue was terribly bland by comparison. I am, however, still looking forward to the next year of Marvel.
CaptainRon - 4/3/2012, 7:45 PM
Cyclops gets assassinated in issue #3.
SageMode - 4/3/2012, 7:51 PM
I really resent the fact that they used JRjr of all artists to helm the drawings in the main AVX event. I mean seriously. No Mike Deodato, Andy Kubert, Leinil Francis Yu, or someone else but him, SMH......
ironpool007 - 4/3/2012, 7:51 PM
Hopefully one of the Midtown Comics in NYC will still have copies when I go down there on Friday or Saturday.
Unas - 4/3/2012, 8:03 PM
The art is garbage!
JustDame - 4/3/2012, 8:11 PM
Pre-ordered the Skottie Young variant. I get my comics a week after the release, idk if i can wait till next Monday to read this.
thewolfx - 4/3/2012, 8:43 PM
[frick] cyclops
XxSnakeProxX - 4/3/2012, 8:59 PM
Good review. I completely agree, although not perfect, it really is a great issue, along with #0. I was pleasantly surprised, seeing as I was expecting the event just to be multiple scenarios as an excuse to have members of the xmen and avengers fight. The story set up and the dialogue feel geniune, and there seems to be good reason on both sides to come to blows. Looking forward to more.
XxSnakeProxX - 4/3/2012, 9:01 PM
Oh, and for those wondering, many shops got the issue a week early. The shops were asked to not sell them until the official release,but most are doing it anyway.
hero4life - 4/3/2012, 9:20 PM
art does suck i hope they chang artist
Lizardking310 - 4/3/2012, 9:29 PM
hate the art
Ha1frican - 4/3/2012, 9:46 PM
The way you handled that spoilr was awesome, eeryone should do that for avengers articles so I don't have to risk it.
Ha1frican - 4/3/2012, 9:48 PM
Ans yeah the art sucks, I mean look at ca and his shield.... BALLS.
SageMode - 4/3/2012, 9:55 PM
MARVEL87 -" @0sagemode0 Andy Kubert IS drawing this event. He's doing the third act of AvX. Mike Deodato is drawing the New Avengers tie-in issues"

It's ADAM KUBERT that's apart of the event, not his brother ANDY KUBERT. I meant Deodato being one of the ones I mentioned to helm the main one, not the tie-ins.
ralfinader - 4/3/2012, 10:13 PM
@Yoss - lol, Buddy Cap
FlixMentallo21 - 4/3/2012, 10:53 PM
Stupid events. I dream of a world where the Big Two finally give up and stop trying with these.
Sweep - 4/3/2012, 11:41 PM
Caps pose = BAM!
acidbath - 4/3/2012, 11:53 PM
Hey josh ...I don't know if there is a solution to it I haven't looked into it but the highlight to reveal doesn't work on smart phones...good article otherwise definitely made me start looking forward to the graphic of it
loki668 - 4/4/2012, 4:17 AM
Cap's giving him the "Buddy Jesus" pose with a stone face. These are mixed signals and clearly a sign that Cap is employing psychological warfare. Cyclops was justified. You never open negotiations with the Buddy Jesus and you NEVER give the Buddy Jesus without smiling! What kind of amateurs are we dealing with here?

Lord Loki has spoken
SuperSomething616 - 4/4/2012, 5:08 AM
Good review ;) I look forward to reading this when it is released as a trade...
TheCapelessCrusader - 4/4/2012, 5:30 AM
My LCS is an X-Men store, and I initially came down hard on the side of the mutants in this one.

I'm having a hard time, since Cyke does strike first. Doesn't exactly give you the moral high ground...
DBek23 - 4/4/2012, 6:14 AM
Great review. Someone should probably point out that this was Bendis and not Aaron.
AGENTJAY1130 - 4/4/2012, 6:34 AM
The art is just unacceptable for something that's supposed to be so big.
tomasocelot - 4/4/2012, 8:11 AM
hand to hand yes cap should take cyke. But cyke could take out caps knees. that should dont cover his whole body or back. Im sure now with wolverine popping in its gonna turn into a wolverine emo. fest. thats the fight i want cyke and wolverine. and this time no sucker punches or giant robot distracting them. Cyke is gonna own someones a$$
ralfinader - 4/4/2012, 8:28 AM
Anyone remember when Scott got his ass handed to him by a powerless Storm for leadership of the X-men? Ahh, I hated Cyke for almost 30 years...why stop now? If a powerless Storm can take down Cyke...well...seems silly to think Cap would do a poorer job than Ororo. Hoping Avenger's win this, and stay 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes', Cyke and Magneto get drummed out of the X-men, and they finally bring Jean Grey back to end this Utopia villianous x-men BS (seriously, Uncanny looks like the 70's SuperVillian Team-Up right now, with only one unquestionable hero on the team: Storm).
Shadowmaster35 - 4/4/2012, 8:44 AM
I'm still on the fence for who I'm pullin for, but I hope two things happen. First, I hope Cyclops gets a face full of shield because I'm gettin sick of his attitude as of late, Second I hope Cap gets his butt kicked off the island because he's become a little pig-headed since he became top cop. He should just let the X-Men deal wit tha Phoenix Force since they have a good track record with it so far. Well, it depends on what everyone wants to do with the thing when it gets there, that's when i'll decide who needs to come out on top.
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