Marvel Comics Reveals Full 2023 Slate Of Events Including SUMMER OF SYMBIOTES And FALL OF X

Marvel Comics Reveals Full 2023 Slate Of Events Including SUMMER OF SYMBIOTES And FALL OF X

Marvel Comics has unveiled its 2023 slate of event stories, including those focusing on The Avengers, Spider-Man, X-Men, and the Marvel Universe's symbiote. You can find more details on those right here...

By JoshWilding - Oct 09, 2022 03:10 PM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Comics

We're used to Marvel Studios revealing slates of upcoming movies and TV shows, and Marvel Comics is now getting in on the action. In years past, we'd get maybe one status quo-altering event per year, but there's a whole host of them kicking off next month and taking us well into 2023. 

There's a big focus on the X-Men (no great surprise with mutants now starting to find their way into the MCU), though Captain America, Spider-Man, and even symbiotes will step into the spotlight. 

Here are details on what to expect from each of these stories:


Visionary writer Jason Aaron brings his nearly five-year run on Avengers to an incredible end. Joined by artists Bryan Hitch, Javier Garrón, and Aaron Kuder, Aaron will tie together his work on Avengers, Avengers Forever, and the Avengers of 1,000,000 in a multiverse-spanning saga that sees the Avengers go to war against an unprecedented army of villains and prove why they’re the Mightiest Heroes of All Earths!


The two spurned clones of the Marvel Universe, Madelyne Pryor and Ben Reilly, team up as Goblin Queen and Chasm to unleash their revenge in this Spider-Man and X-Men crossover that pays off decades of comic book storytelling! The dramatic event will fan the flames of the classic Inferno crossover and impact Spider-Man, the X-Men, Venom, Ms. Marvel, and more in a series of tie-in issues and limited series.


Mister Sinister’s devious machinations yield the darkest Marvel Comics future to date in this universe-melting X-Men event. Immortal X-Men, X-Men Red, and Legion of X will be transformed into Immoral X-Men, Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants, and Nightcrawlers as this overarching saga that propels further and further into an unforgiving universe where all things are Sinister! You can read more about that by clicking here.


Currently sharing the mantle of Captain America, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson’s current adventures collide in this crossover between Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty and Captain America: Symbol of Truth. A pivotal chapter in the 80-year history of Captain America, this espionage-fueled action thriller will be a culmination of various plot threads in this acclaimed new era including the rise of the Outer Circle, Nomad’s return, the brewing conflict with Wakanda and White Wolf, and Bucky’s new persona and mission.


Sun’s out, tongue’s out! Spinning out of titles like Venom, Carnage, and Red Goblin comes a slew of new symbiotic stories. Get ready for the return of old faces, the debut of new symbiote heroes, and exciting shifts for iconic symbiote stars. It’s a season of symbiote insanity!


The X-Men hoped Krakoa would last forever. Time to find out if they were right.

We're very intrigued by Fall of X, and we do wonder if the stage is being set for us to move on from the Krakoa era. Time will tell on that front, and you can find out when these events are dropping below. 

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN's New Writer Has Been Revealed Ahead Of Zeb Wells' Divisive Run Coming To An End

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Doomsday8888 - 10/9/2022, 3:05 PM
3 X-Men related events while AXE is still going...

Mother have mercy...

I still hate Hickman for leaving the X-books.
CorndogBurglar - 10/9/2022, 4:10 PM
@Doomsday8888 - I hate Hickman for what he did to the X-books lol. Hopefully Fall of X is a return to form for the X-Men. The Krakoa Era is by far the worst the X-Men have ever been.
Doomsday8888 - 10/9/2022, 4:20 PM
You hate it because you never got to see how he inteded to play out things with his run.

Krakoa was supposed to burn to the ground during his Inferno but Marvel cockblocked him.
CorndogBurglar - 10/9/2022, 4:46 PM
@Doomsday8888 - I hate it because it made no sense and it showed that Hickman had no idea what the X-Men are.

So Xavier just decides out of the blue (and it was out of the blue because none of this was hinted at or built to) one day that he want to go to Krakoa and turn his back on humans. He's going to create his own island nation where all mutants are welcome and humans are not allowed to interfere. And he's going to do this by blackmailing humans into giving them his cure-all plant in an effort to keep them happy and to not want to invade them.

He convinces every single X-Man to join him somehow, even though that goes against everything his dream ever stood for, and everything he's ever taught them. And, he lets Emma use her mind control powers to convince the world's governments to allow all of this.

This is not Charles Xavier. This is Magneto. In fact, Magneto uas tried this same thing on 2 separate occasions, with Avalon and Genosha. Both failed. But doing that isn't "protecting a world that fears and hates them". That is running away and turning your backs on what is right.

And not a single X-Man raised their hand and said, "Um, professor? This doesn't sound like the right move. What ever happened to protecting those that fear and hate us?" Sorry, but I'm not buying that. Xavier has done a lot of shady things in the past and the X-Men have carried on his dream in his absence multiple times. I highly doubt nit a single one of them would question this move.

And then all of their worst enemies start showing up on their island, agreeing with what they are doing. I'm not talking about people with differing sensibilities, like Magneto. I'm talking about outright evil villains. Sinister. Apocalypse. Omega Red. All of them show up. And that isn't a red flag that what they are doing might not be the best move? Lol

And don't even get me started on the instant revolving door of death and the hippy lifestyle they all started living.

I'll admit, some of it was my own biased, like the seemingly open relationships, and everyone appearing to party all day long. But this whole premise didn't make sense from a character/story standpoint. I refuse to believe that everyone would just drop the entire reason for them doing what they've been doing for so long. It's nonsensical.
oldnoname - 10/9/2022, 4:51 PM
@CorndogBurglar - it was implied in other books (like zdarsky’s F4/X-Men mini) that there was something going on with Krakoa and that how weird everyone was being was being noticed by a few notable characters. I don’t know if we’ll ever get the answers they were alluding to since Hickman left.
oldnoname - 10/9/2022, 4:52 PM
@Doomsday8888 - I miss Hickman too. I love most of the writers under the X banner but man, the energy is just gone
Ravenous - 10/9/2022, 5:02 PM
@CorndogBurglar - Is Krakoa really hard to believe? The Mutants are genocided near every2-5 years. Something had to give. I loved the Krakoa arc because it was completely unrealistic that they keep going back to a mansion school to do the same song and dance knowing the humans will find a new way to kill them tomorrow. And even through all this, they didn't actually give up on the dream.

- X-Men #4, Charles flat out admits he still believes in his dream, but he won't let them [frick] with them anymore.

- They make it a literal to kill no humans.

- Lets not forget Charles and Magneto know what Moira's seen and that everything fails and that Krakoa is the last hope.

In the beginning of this arc, I noticed a lot of people calling Charles evil for Krakoa, and I never understood why. In the absence of a perfect solution to a problem, do you accept defeat and wait for the end, or do you use an imperfect solution that's still better than what you had before (or knew was coming)?

Krakoa is that imperfect solution and I think they're right to try it and it'll be a shame if this ends with no trace of it left and them going back to a school that of course will get blown up again when they need to add stakes. If anything, hopefully the population of mutants will be finally restored before they do.
CorndogBurglar - 10/9/2022, 5:03 PM
@oldnoname - Yeah. It was so bad that I was convinced Xavier was really Cassandra Nova mind controlling everyone. Because he always had his Cerebro helmet on and you couldn't see his face. If that had turned out to be the case and we were eventually told that it was all a facade and they ended up realizing how ridiculous all of it was, then I would have been okay with it, I guess. But it still would have been a weird story with no real payoff.
CorndogBurglar - 10/9/2022, 5:10 PM
@Ravenous - Except that by doing this he is basically punishing all humans for the actions of some. He knows there are good humans out there. It's a different side of the same coin.

His whole message to humans was to not judge the entire mutant race on the actions of their bad apples. But then he turned around and judged all of humanity on the actions of their bad apples.

And he did judge them. He left and went to Krakoa and his plan was for humans and mutants to leave each other alone. For one thing, that is 100% not his dream. It's an altered version of it. Sure, if he got his humans and mutants would all be living on earth in peace. But that isn't what he ever wanted. Not like that. His dream was for everyone to live TOGETHER in peace.

And not killing humans doesn't make his dream a reality lol. Not if you sit back and leave humans to be decimated by some other threat. "Protecting the ones that fear and hate us". Protecting is a huge part of Xaviers dream. And he turned his back on that.
grif - 10/9/2022, 3:06 PM
Sun’s out, tongue’s out!

ok see yah
Asterisk - 10/9/2022, 3:08 PM
I love that they’re announcing these by putting them on a Kevin Feige-like slate, what strange times
Comicmoviejunki - 10/9/2022, 3:11 PM
@Asterisk - Feige is the boss of them. So it is Feige.
Asterisk - 10/9/2022, 3:27 PM
@Marveladdict - oh yeah I forgot about that happening. I mostly hear about him in association with the movies though
Comicmoviejunki - 10/10/2022, 11:32 AM
@Asterisk - yea. But the event model is pretty great.
SonOfAGif - 10/9/2022, 3:11 PM
Call me crazy but I would love to see an event where it's a bunch of Ghost Riders vs. Symbiotes who have corrupted Asgardians.
bkmeijer1 - 10/9/2022, 5:37 PM
@SonOfAGif - unexpected pitch, but I like it. For some reason I wanna add Red She-Hulk to the mix
SonOfAGif - 10/9/2022, 7:04 PM
@bkmeijer1 - It could work with Red Hulk. Perhaps The Venomous Asgardians lead by Symbiote Thor lead an onslaught killing The Avengers first to establish their dominance. But Zarathos made a deal with Mephisto to make more Spirits of Vengeance of the surviving heroes. The Thunderbolts begin to create an Earth stronghold with their only weapon Red Hulk.
malschla - 10/9/2022, 9:28 PM
@SonOfAGif - Uou, sir, are everything that is wrong with comic books.


But, in another sense… I agree with you IF that was a “What If?” story. My plan to save Marvel comics: no more multiverse, no more symbiotes. It’s getting a little obnoxious that everything ultimate almost goes back to those two concepts every time.
SonOfAGif - 10/9/2022, 9:41 PM
@malschla - Because whether you like it or not. Symbiotes are really popular. I agree that they should move beyond X-Men or Symbiotes having full out wars but it's what sells unfortunately.
bkmeijer1 - 10/10/2022, 3:53 AM
@SonOfAGif - oh yeah, that'll work for sure. Think that would be great
malschla - 10/10/2022, 2:11 PM
@SonOfAGif - And my kids like ice cream... but I don't give it to them for every meal. I'm fine with them being popular, but it is better business sense to use them a LITTLE more sparingly.
Superheromoviefan - 10/9/2022, 3:23 PM
i understand that the big events were always just stunts to gather interest and raise sales, but now they have gone overboard. soon they gonna have to make a monthly events with "the death..", "the return...." etc
FlixMentallo21 - 10/9/2022, 3:51 PM
@Superheromoviefan - Agreed. Just for once, I’d like either of the big two to put a moratorium on events, whether company-wide or merely line-wide, and just devote a year, at most, to nothing but standalone stories that are at least 1-3 issues long.

Would that be so bad?
WruceBayne - 10/9/2022, 3:27 PM
Don’t all symbiotes have the same powers?
RitoRevolto - 10/9/2022, 3:42 PM
Seems like the Krakoa stuff just started yesterday. I'm not ready for mutant paradise to be over. 😭
xfan320 - 10/9/2022, 3:47 PM
Booooooo! "Summer" of Symbiotes... "Fall" of X... there better be a "Winter" Soldier story, or "Winter of M" Arc next or I'm rioting!!! RIOTING!!!!
Drewwright816 - 10/9/2022, 5:52 PM
@xfan320 - no but they’re doing Spider-Man spring
PartyKiller - 10/9/2022, 4:06 PM
They must think it's 1990 and they still have an audience.
CorndogBurglar - 10/9/2022, 4:13 PM
Please God put an end to the Krakoa Era of X-Men....
Drewwright816 - 10/9/2022, 5:54 PM
@CorndogBurglar - I loved house/powers of x but haven’t read since then sounds like they went off the rails a lil bit
TheBlueMorpho - 10/9/2022, 4:18 PM
Nice but please no more Aaron Avengers comics
comicfan100 - 10/9/2022, 6:19 PM
@TheBlueMorpho - I think this is his last Avengers book. I've been ready for him to be off the book for a while.
marvel72 - 10/9/2022, 4:30 PM
Fall Of X sounds good, let's get Chris Claremont back on the book or Jonathan Hickman but have him write the story and make it the same level of quality as Hickman's Fantastic Four and Avengers.
TyrantBossMedia - 10/9/2022, 6:12 PM
Marvel has also partnered with Pfizer to release an "Everyday Heroes" comic book as propaganda to try to convince young people to get the proven and admittedly dangerous Covid "vaccine" that Pfizer even said can cause Myocarditis and Pericarditis (swelling of the heart).
Reporter - 10/9/2022, 6:50 PM
@TyrantBossMedia -

Good for Marvel.
PartyKiller - 10/10/2022, 4:35 AM
@TyrantBossMedia - Many still aren't ready for the truth. The brainwashing is too powerful.
comicfan100 - 10/9/2022, 6:18 PM
Looks like the Hickman Krakoa era is coming to an end and the X-Men are returning to the status quo. It was fun while it lasted...
marvel72 - 10/9/2022, 6:46 PM
@comicfan100 - House Of X and Power Of X were fantastic but it was pretty much everything else that spun off from it was bad.
Lokiwasright - 10/9/2022, 7:07 PM
Thor kills the marvel universe?
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