Here are the main highlights which have been taken directly from Newsarama's live feed:
Johns is teasing surprise guests for the Green Lantern movie panel in Hall H tomorrow.
Johns says he's looking forward to incorporating all the comic characters we love to movies, television and toys.
The audience is now going to get a Blue Beetle test video. Jaime Reyes was woken from his sleep and fully transformed into his costume.
Johns surprised many of the audience by saying Parallax is in the GL film and now they want more.

Johns just announced they've started work on a Suicide Squad video game. Very violent.
The Blue Beetle show is still in development but Johns says he has plans for lots more characters getting the spotlight too.
The Green Lantern movie costume has come up. Johns said it will not have nipples. He says when you see it in motion and the final actual costume, he has faith that the purists will be very happy.
Cassandra Cain fans will be very happy to hear there are apparently plans for her outside of comics.
Johns says he knows something about development of a Wonder Woman movie in the months and years ahead but can't say anything other than that.
Johns says there's a lot of discussions about Shazam outside of comics.
Johns is having a hard time keeping a secret he is going to reveal this weekend.
Phew! Some pretty big bits of news in there, huh? It would appear that DC have a lot more projects lined up that they've previously talked about. Share your thoughts about these and speculate in the usual place!