EDITORIAL: Will A Deadpool Movie Work?

EDITORIAL: Will A Deadpool Movie Work?

After an announcement that a spin-off movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine will be made starring Ryan Reynolds as the fan favorite Merc With The Mouth, Deadpool fans went crazy. But after struggling to find its momentum on it's way to the silver screen, A lack of knowledge of the character outside of the fanboy community, and an oversaturation of the comic book market, is a Deadpool movie still going to work well on the big screen?

Editorial Opinion
By bleedthefreak - Jan 29, 2011 02:01 PM EST
Filed Under: Deadpool

Before we start here is some background on the character of Deadpool courtesy of WIKIPEDIA:

Deadpool (Wade Wilson) is a fictional character, a mercenary and anti-hero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by artist Rob Liefeld and writer Fabian Nicieza, Deadpool first appeared in The New Mutants #98 (Feb. 1991).

A disfigured and mentally unstable mercenary, Deadpool originally appeared as a villain in an issue of New Mutants, and later in issues of X-Force. The character has since starred in several ongoing series, and shares titles with other characters such as Cable. The character, known as the "Merc with a Mouth", is famous for his talkative nature and his tendency to "break the fourth wall", which is used by writers for humorous effect.

I am big fan of Deadpool, I have read many comics starring or featuring the characters for several years now. So when it was originally announced that he would be heading to the big screen, with Ryan Reynolds who portrayed his alias Wade Wilson on the big screeen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I was overjoyed.

Things looked good at first when the writing duo of Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, the guys behind the popular horror/comedy Zombieland would be writing the script. Then we got word that Sin City & Machete director Robert Rodriguez was approached to helm the project, who some fans believed his gory action and witty humor would do the character justice. But Rodriguez was forced to turn down the project, leading to a bunch of crazy rumors of who would take the directors chair.

This sadly was not the biggest thing to harm the project. Star Ryan Reynolds, who had made a commitment to making Deadpool only weeks after the release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, had become part of another franchise based off a comic character. Ryan Reynolds had gotten the lead role in WB's Green Lantern movie as Hal Jordon. Green Lantern would be on the fast track to theaters leaving the struggling Deadpool movie in the dust.

This was not Reynolds only other commitment, The less struggling adaption of R.I.P.D. had Reynolds interested, not to mention it actually had a director. With both movies attempting to make a move into theaters, Reynolds said some thing Deadpool fans were not to fond off. He could make Deadpool or R.I.P.D., but not both:

"I never say I'm doing a movie until I break for lunch the first day. Because it's such a crapshoot, this industry. Everything's so fickle and so contingent on so many factors, aside from just an actor. And because it has an actor, and because these films have interested directors, it's obviously likely that they'll both get made."

"But, I think it would be more likely that only one of them gets made with me."

The folks still begging for Reynolds to play Deadpool were getting worried due to R.I.P.D. being the surest thing to get made out of the two movies. So now we are left with a driector-less movie with an actor who is unsure about how commited he is to the movie.

Marvel comics had obviously known Deadpool was moving on to the big screen. They of course decided to bombard us with Deadpool books, or every other book had an appearence by him. I know I am not alone in being upset by this. The large amount of books just made the character lose its appeal. The character was driven to a point of unfunny one liners, Slapstick, and pointless attempts to relate to the general youth who technically shouldn't even have their hands on these books (including myself).

This leads to another problem, does the general public know or care enough about who Deadpool is to see a movie?

X-Men Origins: Wolverine may have been a success but people knew Deadpool as the guy from Van Wilder or the funny guy with the swords. Deadpool is not Batman or Spider-Man where people have heard of them from other forms of media, Deadpool just does not get that publicity.

Ryan Reynolds may star in this movie but his face WILL be covered by the mask and wear the costume regardless to some people belief:

"He’s going to be the Merc with the Mouth, we’re going to give all those answers that everyone wants. He’s going to have the scarred-up face, he’s going to be in the suit — and, it’s going to be incredible."

With Reynolds face covered the big name star won't even be recognized. Unless some big name star is brought in to co-star in a supporting role to attract the audience. They could also bring in a big director to pull in the public, but with a contraversial character like Deadpool it would not be easy.

So what are your thoughts on the matter? Leave comment below.
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bleedthefreak - 1/29/2011, 2:30 PM
LEEE777 - 1/29/2011, 2:48 PM
I'd say lose REYNOLDS and FOX and we have a winner! : P

Your right, I said that too, we want mashed up face DEADPOOL so no to pretty boy... hell he's gigs at GREEN LANTERN now!

Gr8 write up man!
DeadPoolLax - 1/29/2011, 3:05 PM
excellent article. i just wish that something would happen; tell us (the fans) what is happening (or not happening) and not leave us in suspense. there was so much promise when we first heard that this was going to happen, and it seemed like everybody was on board. and now, it seems as if nothing is going to happen; havent heard anything in several months. i think that this movie has become a bust and likely wont get made, as sad as it is to say. hopefully deadpool goes back to Marvel in the near future and they can do something with him, if its a animated movie or whatever. it would be nice to see DP on the big screen though.
marvel72 - 1/29/2011, 3:10 PM
any way you can move that "blue info site advert" because i can't read your editorial.
ecksmanfan - 1/29/2011, 3:13 PM
As much as I'd like to see it happen, I'm skeptical we'll see a Deadpool film in the near future. There are too many things going against it now. I'm with LEEE, get this one back to Marvel and let them handle it the way it should be.
HarrisonBergeron - 1/29/2011, 3:21 PM
I had never heard of Deadpool before the Wolvie movie,from what little I have read I think I could really like a movie about him. The problem would be that it should have to be rated R, right? With an R rating it will not get the treatment it deserves from the studio.

Casting RR is a waste of money, there has go to be a nobody that can play the character better, why pay for a face when no one will see it?
LEEE777 - 1/29/2011, 3:24 PM
Ozy @ Hes too busy with SUPERMAN lol! : p
AllyndNoir - 1/29/2011, 3:30 PM
"The star won't even be recognized"

Which is why all CGI movies with big name cast members fail to make any money.
RockNRollCC - 1/29/2011, 3:36 PM
[frick] RIPD!

Ryan needs to do Deadpool! Those saying he should leave are [frick]ing ignorant. Ryan has been spearheading the project since they first announced it. He can't just ditch it. He's said numerous times, that he loves Deadpool! I think he'd want to see this movie done right, and with him as Deadpool. Which means, he wouldn't have ANY problem making his face look [frick]ing screwed up.

Plus, you can't replace Ryan! He'd be perfect for Deadpool. Sean William Scott is WAY too goofy for Deadpool, same with Matthew Lillard! Dane Cook would be too much of a [frick]ing douchebag to be Deadpool. Deadpool isn't supposed to be the court jester, or a total [frick]ing douche. He has that sly sence of humor. He's a badass mercenary, still being able to be [frick]ig hilarious! RYAN IS DEADPOOL! Have you people seen Ryan in Blade Trinity? Yes, that movie was bullshit, but still, Ryan was awesome in it! He has stated, that he was practically playing Deadpool! If he can do that again, for a whole movie himself, with the title being "Deadpool," i see no problems there.

If this movie is made:

1) it MUST be rated R, if it's being distributed by FOX, for it to work. The only way i could see PG13 working is if it's in Marvel's hands. FOX

2) If done right, this movie could look like Smokin Aces + Kick-Ass + Kill Bill + Zombieland! IT WOULD BE FRIGGIN EPIC!

3) IT CAN'T BE DIRECTED BY AN UNKNOWN! Rob Rod would be perfect to direct this! [frick] Spy Kids! Rob Rod, Joe Carnahan, Ruben Fleischer, Zack Snyder, or Quentin Tarantino are my choices.
JoshJones - 1/29/2011, 3:39 PM
Come on, dude. If people saw [frick]ing Blade, they'll see Deadpool. Especially if Ryan Reynolds ends up doing it.
Gutts81 - 1/29/2011, 3:40 PM
@ lee I agree with losing both fox and reynolds cause green lantern is going to get a sequel(hopefully 2!)and i think we need some new blood to bring in that 'feel' of deadpool. And am i the only one that want a deadpool/venture bros crossover? I cant help but hear the venture bros theme every time i see a merc with a mouth cover. LOL!
LEEE777 - 1/29/2011, 3:55 PM
OZY @ Cool lol!

ROCK @ After Barakapool I never wanna see Reynolds in the DP role, unforgivable lol.

Better to get Deadpool bk at Marvel Studios anyway, no matter what Fox say, it'll end up like the last two X-movies, oh and the forth coming one too!

I agree it needs to be R though!

GUTTS @ Yeah man, fingers crossed for GL II better happen!

Anyways if we get Reynolds, you just know half or even most of the film, it wont be mashed up Deadpool!

Hey that'll be an epic crossover @ GUTTS!
marvel72 - 1/29/2011, 4:12 PM
@ johnathan smith

cheers for that blue ad removal,very good article mate.

you raised some good points,my two biggest concerns is with dc/warner not letting ryan reynolds make this film by holding him up by wanting to film green lantern 2 & 3 back to back,you know you've got your green lantern film let him go & make deadpool.

2nd fox they've ruined every comic book movie they've touched x-men 2 is there best but that still is a film that is just filled with moments.

if fox made the film r-rated & kept to the leaked script that i read i'd be all for this,but i don't think they can.

also agree far too many deadpool comics,they should keep it at three.

deadpool team up
uncanny x-force

i think now the best bet would be let marvel studios make it & maybe recast the role,its the only way we're guaranteed the deadpool movie we all want to see.

@ racerrex

cheers for the tip.
TheREALHumanTorch - 1/29/2011, 4:21 PM
basically...he was made to play Wade..if you watch all his dumb comedy movies..he's the merc with a mouth. He acts like Deadpool in a lot of his movies..the way he's over the top in his delivery of jokes and whatnot.
Joe6Pack74 - 1/29/2011, 4:36 PM
Even though many comic fans like the character it would not make a profitable movie. The don't make movies intentionally to fail, it happens though.
JohnTom88 - 1/29/2011, 4:41 PM
Ryan Reynold's heart goes to Deadpool project even though GL is a more lucrative project with established universe and fanbase.

WireySpindell - 1/29/2011, 4:57 PM
The script is so good, pleeeease get made...
lukecage1974 - 1/29/2011, 5:15 PM
In regards to finding a replacement for Ryan Reynolds the studio could always go with Sean William Scott. He's played many a wise ass and he can definitely get in shape when he needs to, he looked jacked in The Rundown. As for the public not knowing who Deadpool is shouldn't matter as long as the script is awesome as well as the cast and Director it should be a hit. Look at Blade, the public didn't know anything about him and the movie was a success, so much so it had 2 sequels and a tv series. Deadpool can definitely work.
MarkCassidy - 1/29/2011, 5:16 PM
Anyone who has read the INCREDIBLE script knows that nobody else but RR could play the role. It's written for him.
DarkVenom - 1/29/2011, 5:36 PM
I hope this gets made, I've been anticipating it ever since it was first announced.

RR is the most ideal choice but given the fact he would be masked, etc it's not essential, just please make the movie! Seriously, imagine the action sequences in a Deadpool film, it would appeal to a whole other audience besides fans.
thunderforce - 1/29/2011, 5:44 PM
I don't really care if this gets made or not Deadpool is basically wolverine with swords instead of claws anyway .
Joker08 - 1/29/2011, 5:47 PM
Hey, does anyone have access to the script? I never got to read it...
marvel72 - 1/29/2011, 6:30 PM
@ joker08

aishiteru - 1/29/2011, 7:05 PM

Ghola - 1/29/2011, 7:11 PM
America needs a new rating system between 13 and 18 kids grow up alot how about something like a Mature rating ie 15+ like in Australia or hell even 16+ you can drive at 16 but you cant go to the movies to see a movie where they say the f work more than once .... seems kinda crazy. Just for the record im singleing out the USA because Hollywood is where most of these movies are made. end rant.
Murraymaker - 1/29/2011, 8:43 PM
Having met Ryan and from what I know of the script, he's perfect for the film but I agree it has to be rated R. Do it up Zombieland style, breaking the 4th wall, drop f bombs, make it a cult film
satanors - 1/29/2011, 9:03 PM
frick ryan. Get nathan fillion as dp and with wheadon directing.
woodbear52 - 1/29/2011, 11:34 PM
I honestly think that a movie won't work as much as I would love for it to but I just feel that the studios that get behind it would not stay close to the story ala wolverine I mean c'mon that really was an insult when deadpool finally appeared. But I completely agree with deathmetal brian, that it would make a great HBO show. I think Deadpool and Spawn have the same problem when it comes to movies where the story gets lost in the special effects and " catering to the audience needs". I feel that if they made it a show on HBO I belive it could start a cult following and get more exposure for Deadpool to where it would maybe be a little better chance for a quality Deadpool movie to get made. But I feel it will either be awesome or suck total taint but Deadpool does need somehting to get out there.
erth2drew - 1/29/2011, 11:36 PM
frink deadpool...such a lame arse character. He is a fad that will fade away.
yankeemanf - 1/30/2011, 12:48 AM
if done rite this could be one of the most high grossing movies eva...but keywords r if done rite
SKGannbit - 1/30/2011, 12:51 AM
every thought that the fan boys have thought of has been put in print and it becomes front page worthy? maybe i need to put up an article about taking a sh!t and it'll be put on main! let's just hope that marvel gets the rights back and can put out a deadpool movie with ryan as the star and do it the way it was meant to be done!
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