WRECK-IT RALPH Sequel Moving Forward With Plans For Mario

WRECK-IT RALPH Sequel Moving Forward With Plans For Mario

No surprises here but plans are already being discussed for a sequel to Disney's Wreck-It Ralph and one Nintendo legend will definitely be included for the next go-around.

By MarkJulian - Dec 07, 2012 01:12 PM EST
Filed Under: Disney
Source: Moviehole

Wreck-it Ralph is doing phenomenally well for Walt Disney Animation Studios (not to be confused with Pixar). With an estimated budget of $165M, the film currently has a domestic total of $159.5M and international gross of $44M for a combined $203.5M. The film just recently opened in France and still has another 2-3 weeks in theaters to add to its total. In an interview with Moviehole, director Rich More and stars John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman are confident that plans will move forward for a sequel.

Said Reilly, “Some of the big muckety-muckets at the studio, who I just saw the other night, were like ‘We’re talking sequel!’ The movie made $150 million dollars in eleven days, it broke the box-office record for Disney animated movies on opening weekend. If that’s any indication that we’ll be doing a sequel… I bet we’ll be doing a sequel.”

Moore is also treating the prospect of a sequel as a forgone conclusion. “At dinner last night we were already talking about”, he says, “So we’re talking ‘what could do they do? what kinda of things could happen? who could be in it? I love the group, I’d be crazy to ask someone else to take the reigns. We’ll really come up with something good for Mario to do [in the next film]“, says Moore. “To be able to present him in the sequel, would be great”."

It will be interesting to see how Moore introduces Mario in a film where the two main characters are essentially derivatives of Mario (or Jumpman if you will) and Donkey Kong from the latter's titular arcade game.

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UltimateTypeface - 12/7/2012, 2:08 PM
"Here we GO!"
lnTylerWeTrust - 12/7/2012, 2:15 PM
DoctorDoak - 12/7/2012, 2:18 PM
I figured this would happen with Mario! Awesome news. And yeah gotta get Charles Martinet on board -- no one else can voice Mario!
AmazingFantasy - 12/7/2012, 2:20 PM

Brb gotta go tell my childhood.
MutantEquality - 12/7/2012, 2:24 PM
Fantastic yes. Love it yes



Ok I'm better now.
write33 - 12/7/2012, 2:28 PM
budget of $165M, ......global of $203.5M........and that doesn't include Marketing costs.

that is NOT doing phenomenally well. no matter how try to spin it.....that's a not losing money sure, but "phenomenally" is an exaggeration
write33 - 12/7/2012, 2:29 PM

I'm with you!.....Production Budget: $92 million and global total of $631,442,092 and no sequel??? I don't get it.

plus, ya know. it's just a fantastic movie too.
TheAbomination - 12/7/2012, 2:33 PM
Saw Wreck-It Ralph on opening weekend. Very entertaining film. I'd be interested in seeing a sequel.
KelvTwelve - 12/7/2012, 2:40 PM
The Wreck-it Ralph sequel needs to have Donkey Kong as bros with Wreck-it Ralph.
third3ye - 12/7/2012, 2:45 PM
I liked the movie, do it Disney!
MatioShack - 12/7/2012, 3:04 PM
Can't wait! I loved the first one! Dickbelt is an idiot who can't do math!
NightBoyWonder - 12/7/2012, 3:20 PM
Make a sequel and call it Super Smash Brothers... or Wreck-It Ralph 2 works fine.
LP4 - 12/7/2012, 3:35 PM
[frick] yes! This movie was great but Mario will make the sequel so much better. Also hoping for Yoshi or even a Lakitu bro to pop up!
JorLBola - 12/7/2012, 3:44 PM
Maybe we have not a sequel for the incredibles, but this have to be awesome! If the sequel is as good as the first one, it's gonna be a huge success
Ghaleonausa - 12/7/2012, 3:45 PM

I really enjoyed the movie not sure why everyone thinks mario will make it better, it's not like any of the other video game cameos had a huge impact on the movie, Sonic was in it, as a public service recording, if mario is in it I am sure it will be a cameo role, and a cameo role does not by definition make a movie better.

Just my 2 cents.

fawfulmark2 - 12/7/2012, 3:46 PM
Mario is a must-have.

he is Mr. Nintendo, after all.
AnthonyMango - 12/7/2012, 3:56 PM
Donkey Kong and Mario being "the legends" that Ralph and Felix consider to be heroes and looked up to as role models. There's your hook. You owe me some of that phenomenal gross money, Disney lol.
DukeAcureds - 12/7/2012, 5:07 PM
Wouldn't mind seeing references to more modern classics, like Tomb Raider, Doom, Warcraft and such.
patriautism - 12/7/2012, 5:13 PM
This movie was an instant classic in my book. Sequel is for sure merited.
MarkJulian - 12/7/2012, 5:29 PM
@Snailflies Kano from Mortal Kombat was in it.
JredTheRed - 12/7/2012, 5:37 PM
make the sequel Wreck-it-Ralph Jr.
xstryker - 12/7/2012, 5:37 PM
They ought to get Grim Fandango in there.
DukeAcureds - 12/7/2012, 5:52 PM
JredTheRed@ Like Donkey Kong Jr?
JredTheRed - 12/7/2012, 6:13 PM
why not?
Optimus83 - 12/7/2012, 6:36 PM
I want Mario Bros. ...and Wario Bros for the sequel
johnblake - 12/7/2012, 6:40 PM
watch he gona have a 30 second cameo.
DukeAcureds - 12/7/2012, 6:48 PM
Jred@ Awesome
Mrcool210 - 12/7/2012, 7:03 PM
dickbelt, yeah its totally a flop cause its disneys biggest opening thats not a pixar movie
willyburz - 12/7/2012, 7:16 PM
Awesome, and Im actually hoping for a trilogy. Awesome story, and sooooo many great homage pieces throughout! Loved it :-D
eleven59 - 12/7/2012, 7:53 PM
9 mil domestically over the budget and that's good? Made 150mil in first eleven days but only 9 in the month since? That isn't good at all
mgeoff88 - 12/7/2012, 8:05 PM
You have to have Mario!

This is wishful thinking on my part, but I would love it if these characters were in the sequel:

-Terry Bogard
-Solid Snake
-Toe Jam and Earl
-Commander Keen
AUSSYACE - 12/7/2012, 8:43 PM
Haven't even seen the first one yet...

Has not been released Down Under yet...
RedBaron2814 - 12/7/2012, 8:51 PM
"Wreck-It Ralph" was a really, really good movie. It just does /not/ need a sequel.
spectre88 - 12/7/2012, 10:24 PM
Would love to see some sort of Fix-It Felix Jr/Wreck It Ralph rivalry against Mario/Doney Kong then eventually team up in the end.
DCjohnny - 12/8/2012, 3:32 AM
haven't seen it yet ... will rent it
DCjohnny - 12/8/2012, 3:50 AM
let Mario be a supporting character instead of cameo
MOSESivviOC - 12/8/2012, 10:53 AM
how about we ditch the wreckitralph sequel and just make a Super Mario Bros. movie instead? A disney/nintendo collab would potentially be epic.
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