ETERNALS Final Trailer Finally Reveals The Celestials And Deviants, Promising A Marvel Movie Like No Other

ETERNALS Final Trailer Finally Reveals The Celestials And Deviants, Promising A Marvel Movie Like No Other

The first full-length trailer for Eternals is also the final one, but trust us when we say this is more than enough to leave you counting down the days. Check out this epic, breathtaking sneak peek here...

By JoshWilding - Aug 19, 2021 02:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Eternals


That feels like the best possible way to describe this second and final trailer for Eternals, a movie that really does appear to be unlike anything we've seen from Marvel Studios before. 

There's obviously been only a single teaser before this lengthy sneak peek (it clocks in at almost three minutes), but the reveals come thick and fast. The Deviants have finally been unveiled - including the villainous Kro - as have the Celestials. The latter look absolutely jaw-dropping on screen, and the visuals from Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao are staggering. 

As for why these superheroes are finally making their presence felt, it seems Tony Stark using the Infinity Stones has opened the door to the "emergence" beginning, and that doesn't sound good. 

It's impossible to escape the feeling that Eternals is going to be something special, and it's clearly a movie that's going to have major ramifications for the MCU moving forward (Galactus and mutants being tied to the Celestials and Eternals makes a lot of sense when you stop and think about it).

Check out the new trailer and poster for Eternals below:

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RUMOR: We May Know When We'll See The ETERNALS In The MCU Again

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Vanillain - 8/19/2021, 12:31 AM
Vanillain - 8/19/2021, 1:29 AM

SpideyQuad - 8/19/2021, 5:59 AM
@Vanillain - HYPER!
ThorArms - 8/19/2021, 12:34 AM
Damn. This looks very, very good.

Hype for this and Shang Chi is growing!
JosephCronos92 - 8/19/2021, 12:34 AM
My God, this looks truly beautiful.
MarDCel - 8/19/2021, 12:35 AM
A way better trailer than the last. That ikea remark got a laugh outta me
FinnishDude - 8/19/2021, 12:37 AM
I imagine, unless they are portrayed as silent unapproachable Gods, there will be fun secret stunt castings on the voices of Celestials.
Skrull - 8/19/2021, 12:45 AM
@FinnishDude - I don't remember the Celestials ever speaking in the comics. They made their will known, but silently, as far as humanoids were concerned.
FinnishDude - 8/19/2021, 12:50 AM
@Skrull - They are usually silent, but have occasionally speaked.

GwenLantern - 8/19/2021, 1:48 AM
@Skrull - All I can remember is that moment in the Thor annual when Arishem gives a big cheesy Chuck-Norris-style thumbs up.
LukeCage2155 - 8/19/2021, 12:37 AM
Dope poster.
ThorArms - 8/19/2021, 12:38 AM
Also lol @ those that said Selma was dying in the first 5 minutes
ThankMeLater - 8/19/2021, 12:44 AM
@ThorArms - actually look at Icarus towards last part of trailer. Same setting as the 5 year talk but he appears emotional with glowing eyes.
ThorArms - 8/19/2021, 1:03 AM
@ThankMeLater - I mean there is a reason she’s not with him to gather the rest of the Eternals, she could die. But there could be another reason for her absence.
Chappers - 8/19/2021, 1:26 AM
@ThorArms - I hope the leaks aren't true but she is missing for 90% of this trailer and the shots we do see of her look like they're from early on in the movie/flashbacks
ThankMeLater - 8/19/2021, 2:32 AM
@JakeyChappers - keeping my fingers crossed
SpideyQuad - 8/19/2021, 5:58 AM
@ThorArms - There have been many rumors this year about multiple deaths to the characters but hey they are Enternals... They will be back
BigBoiJoe - 8/19/2021, 12:40 AM
THIS IS JUST MY OPINION SO DONT BITE MY HEAD OFF, I think it looks really dull
TheAstoundingMan - 8/19/2021, 12:42 AM
@BigBoiJoe -
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