Recently I posted an article on why I believe Jeffrey Donovan should be Batman in the rumored and possible reboot. I decided to finish the job. So here it is, my choices for the legendary characters. I tried to find pictures of the actors that lined up with pictures of the characters, to help imagine them in the role. Some work better than others, but nevertheless, here you go.
Bruce Wayne/Batman: Jeffrey Donovan
As I’ve stated in my previous article Why Jeffrey Donovan Should Be Batman, he is an amazing actor. He’s got a great emotional intensity as well as having over 20 years of martial arts training. He currently stars on the show Burn Notice, where he plays a down and out spy. His ability to play multiple characters within one role is brilliant, and a skill needed to be able to play the multiple sides to Batman.
Alfred Pennyworth: Sir Ben Kingsly
Yeah, I know what you’re going to say, that I’ve cast the Mandarin as Alfred Pennyworth. Truthfully, I thought he would be an amazing Alfred years before the casting of Iron Man 3. He would be the youngest to play Alfred, being 69 years old, but Alfred’s age and look has varied throughout the history of Batman.
Commissioner James Gordon: Bryan Cranston
An obvious choice for obvious reasons. Bryan Cranston is an amazing actor, and if you’ve seen an episode of Breaking Bad, you already know that. A fan favorite for the role, and he played the part of Gordon in the animated film Batman: Year One. No more really needs to be said.
Selina Kyle/Catwoman: Gemma Arterton
This was a tough one for me, because a couple of actors came to mind when I thought of who could pull off Catwoman. I originally thought of Kate Beckinsale, Keira Knightley, Olivia Wilde, and Gemma. Kate I thought didn’t quite look right and was pushing the age a bit, even though she certainly doesn’t look like it. Keira Knightly I remembered as auditioning for TDKR, but I eventually crossed her off. Olivia I thought had an interesting look to her that would really look good for the part, but I just think she’s too widely known. Plus she’s a little petite and I wanted an actress who wasn’t well known, and had some meat to her. Gemma is a great actress, who can definitely pull off the badass side of Selina and the sexy/playful side. She’s downright beautiful who I think looks like she jumped right off the page.
Joker: Sharlto Copley

This was BY FAR the hardest one to nail down. I thought harder than I have in a very long time, just trying to think of people who could pull off the Joker in every way possible. Jack Nicholson gave us a very classic Joker that pleased nearly everyone, and Heath Ledger gave us an unforgettable performance as a psychotic anarchist who won all our hearts. A lot of people suggest Crispin Glover, who I think is a great choice as well, but I have someone else in mind. I eventually thought of an actor who I think could potentially walk among them as a great Joker, and that’s Sharlto Copley. I’m sure you all have seen his amazing performance in one of the best science fiction films in the past few years, District 9, where he shows he can give off a riveting, and intense character. Along with that, we see him play the mentally unstable Murdock from The A-Team, where he shows that he knows how to be funny in the sickest and quirkiest way possible. I think he’s got the right look for the Joker, due to him not being the cleanest cut looking guy. He’s got a face that already looks unique and manipulated (and I mean that in the nicest way possible), that he all he would need is the red, white and green.
Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze: Alan Rickman
Mr. Freeze has always been my favorite Batman villain, and perhaps my favorite in the entire DC universe. Whenever I was a kid, and the animated series came on, I would pray it was Mr. Freeze. I loved the concept that he wasn’t really a bad guy, and he was just a desperate man, with some awesome tech. I really only had one actor in mind when it came to casting Victor, and that man is Alan Rickman. He’s an amazing actor with a lot of experience. I think he could pull off the emotional scenes of desperation with Nora, and the frustrating lashing out at Batman and whoever is trying to stop him from harming anyone.
Edward Nigma/The Riddler: Timothy Olyphant
I believe Timothy could completely own this role if given the chance. He’s got the perfect look for Edward, and I think he could play the creepy, narracist side of The Riddler that could give Batman a real challenge. I loved how Edward used his riddles in Arkham City, they gave his traps almost a Saw vibe to them. I think it really enhanced the idea that he really is quite insane and deadily, it elevated him on a whole other level of dangerous. That’s something I think would translate well to the big screen if he is ever done again, it would fit in with the darker themes of the Batman lore. No more mind control/brain drain though please…oh and Battleship.
Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin: Toby Jones
I originally had the idea that Toby Jones would be an awesome Penguin back when I wondered who could play him and make him fit in Nolan’s universe. The rumor was that Phillip Seymour Hoffman was going play him, but he has already stated that it is a role he won’t do. Jones is a fantastic actor who I think could play the short and stout mobster very well. Toby Jones isn’t exactly a new face in the comic book movie genre, having already played Arnim Zola in The First Avenger. On top of being a great actor, his look is what really strikes me as being perfect for Oswald. It’s going to be hard to write this without sounding mean, but his features lend well to the role of the unattractive Cobblepot.
Harvey Dent/Two Face: Ioan Gruffudd
This was a tough one, mostly because I had no one in mind for the role. I loved what Aaron Eckhart did with Harvey The Dark Knight. I was looking for actors who had a great, stoic look to them, along with the acting ability to back up Gotham’s DA. I eventually remembered Ioan Gruffudd, and I started thinking that he would be a great Two-Face. I know he’s already been Mr. Fantastic, and he played it well, I just don’t think that it’s a role that defines his career. He’s a great actor, with the right look to his eyes to be able to play the murderous Two Face, and has the ability to look dignified to play the esteemed District Attorney role. The other actor I had in mind for Two Face is Ewan McGregor. I also think that he would be great in the role. I put Ioan up as the official choice because I liked his look a little more. Both are great actors though.
Thomas Elliot/Hush: Ethan Hawke
Hush has recently become one of my favorite Batman villains, and I think he has the potential to be amazing on the screen if done right. I think Ethan Hawke is the man for the job to bring Thomas Elliot to life. He’s a great method actor who has done everything from crime drama to action thrillers. He’s played the “killer” roles before, which would give him the experience needed to pull off an authentic and deadly Hush. I think he’s a great choice, and a unique one. I don’t see him in many fan casts, which is a shame. On top of that, Donovan and Hawke are close in age, 2 years actually, so it would be easy to claim that they are childhood friends.
Bane: Javier Bardem

This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. I never hated Bane, but he wasn’t one of my favorites. Then I saw The Dark Knight Rises, and Tom Hardy blew me away. I loved his performance as much as Heath Ledgers Joker, sometimes even more. Something about Bane’s style, and sarcastic antagonism won my heart. Bane has been a favorite of mine ever since. I saw Javier Bardem pop up almost every time when fan casts get to Bane, and I ultimately agreed. You know what the problem is with trying to find a Spanish actor for Bane? Either they are all too old and can’t handle the physicality, or they are too young and can’t act for crap. If anyone can handle it, it’s Javier. If he bulked up for the non CGI parts, and wore a motion capture suit for when he hits the venom, I think he could pull it off amazingly. He’s an amazing actor, and has a lot of experience with playing a villain from films such as No Country for Old Men, and more recently Skyfall. The other choice I would have had was Dwayne Johnson, because he is a decent actor who can DEFINITELY look intimidating as Bane. I know he's not hispanic, but neither was Hardy, and he was awesome. I felt more comforatble with Javier though.
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane: Jackie Earle Haley
I originally thought of Robert England in the role, since he is one of the masters of horror, but I then I thought he is a little old to be running around fighting Batman. So then I thought, why not get his Freddy Krueger successor? Jackie is an amazing actor, who’s shown he can be a deadly force of nature in Watchmen, and downright creepy in Shutter Island and Nightmare on Elm Street. I didn’t think of him just because he is the new Freddy, but because he’s got a great, intimidating voice and a creepy way of moving and speaking. Though it does help that in Arkham Asylum, the fear gas glove is highly reminiscent of the dream killer’s blades. But you already knew that…
Killer Croc: Brian Steele (mocap and suit work)/Tony Todd (voice)
I know Kevin Grevioux is a fan favorite for the role, but just because he’s a big black guy and can play a werewolf doesn’t mean he should be the only one suggested. Croc is another one of my favorites, and I’d love to see him be the big, menacing version that hunts in the sewers. I think to correctly achieve the effect of Croc, we could use the “man in the suit and dubbed” voice trick. Brian Steele is the perfect man for the job with the practical suit effects and any motion capture required. He’s been Sammael and Mr. Wink in the Hellboy movies, T600 in Terminator Salvation, one of the Predators in Rodriguez’s Predators, and a lot more. And the perfect voice for the job: Tony Todd. He’s got a great, deep voice that would sound awesome coming out of the scaly monster. He’s famous for Candyman, and has lent his voice for The Fallen in Revenge of the Fallen.
Black Mask: Guy Pearce
I thought of Pearce as Mask when I was writing a story for a sequel to The Dark Knight Rises (which I may post someday, if I ever finish it). He’s got the right style and personality needed to make the gangster work. He’s a good actor who isn’t a rookie to action, having already worked on Lawless last year with TDKRs Tom Hardy and Gary Oldman, and many other films. I think he’s got the skills needed to pull off a sick and twisted Sionis that can terrorize Gotham and give Donovan’s Batman a hard time.
Harley Quinn: Zooey Deschanel
I think there are a lot of actors out there that could play Harley very well, but Zooey stands out to me. She can really pull off the crazy and quirky aspects of Harley, and I think she has the right look to be a murderer if given the chance. Plus look at her eyes, they’re freaking huge, though beautiful, which I think really adds to her look. On top of that, I think she would look great standing next to Sharlto Copley’s Joker.
Ra’s Al Ghul: Edward Norton
I thought this one was going to be tough, but Ra’s turned out to be one of the easier ones. Norton is one of my favorite actors. He’s no stranger to comic book movies of course because of his role as Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk. Much like Ioan, I think he played it very well; it just wasn’t a role that defined his career and made him known around a lot more. He’s got the perfect look to play the leader of the League of Assassins. And a fact that many people may not know about him, he’s a very physical actor. He can transform his body into a ripped powerhouse. He will be able to handle any action and sword fighting he would be doing with the Dark Knight.
Talia Al Ghul: Kate Beckinsale
I kept Kate in mind from my Catwoman casting, and ultimately decided she would be a better Talia Al Ghul. I was also thinking fan favorite Emily Blunt for her, but I think Kate looks more like she could be the daughter of Edward Norton. She’s a great actress, and has been in films from action to dramas, such as Underworld to Whiteout to the most recent Total Recall remake. She has proven she can work with the best, and has the looks to back it up. Seriously, she’s one of the most beautiful things to walk the earth. I can see her romancing Donovan’s Batman, while also working alongside Norton’s Ra’s.
Poison Ivy: Rachael Nichols
I decided to go with a fan favorite on this one, because I think that it’s one that works really well. Rachael is a great actress, and has the beauty to pack up the green seductress. She’s got the right ability to pull off the sexy side of her, and the villainous side to Ivy. Plus I can see her standing next to Zooeys Harley and looking like a pair of genuine friends. And yes, if you’ve seen Star Trek, you know she looks good in green and red.
Clayface: Andy Serkis
I’m really kind of surprised that no one has suggested Andy for Clayface before, at least what I have seen he hasn’t. I don’t want to type cast him as the guy who can only do motion capture, because he’s not. He’s a great actor who can challenge the best of them. His ability to play a character through CGI though is amazing, just look at Gollum or Caesar. Andy can play Basil Karlo before he becomes Clayface, and play the monster later on. Whether they actually do a film with him in a headline, I really don’t know. If we ever do see him, I would guess we would see Clayface already made, and his origin alluded to.
Firefly: Walter Goggins
A recently inspired choice, Walter Goggins is a scene stealer. He was amazing on the Shield, and even for his smaller part in Django Unchained, he was able to play off a great villain. He’s got a great and almost creepy look to him that would be perfect for the role of the arsonist. He’s intense and he’s powerful in everything he’s a part of, and a perfect fit for Firefly.
Hugo Strange: Robin Williams
He's been rumored for the role before, and I think he would be a fantastic choice. He's known more for his comedic roles, but he's an amazing actor. There is an episode of Law and Order SUV he stared in, where he plays a criminal who psychologically analyzes people, and eventually puts them through torture. The entire time I was watching it, I was thinking that it completely backed him up as Dr. Strange.