FAN CAST: ARMIE HAMMER as Captain America Casting and Others By LEEE777

FAN CAST: ARMIE HAMMER as Captain America Casting and Others By LEEE777

This is a Captain America casting, but this one is not as such a "Captain America: First Avenger" casting as more of a casting of Captain America characters. You'll be pleased to know i'm not one for using the same actor over and over again, so no Jason Lewis, Sam Worthington, Ryan McPartlin, etc here. Again i have found a Captain America to keep it fresh and some of you fan boys will be pleased to know not only is he young, tall, blonde, blue eyed, but he's all American too. Keep in mind this is not just a Steve Rogers solo casting, now come on in and have a look...

By LEEE777 - Jan 13, 2010 06:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Fan Fic
Source: Wikipedia

Captain America is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941), from Marvel Comics' 1940s predecessor, Timely Comics, and was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Over the years, an estimated 210 million copies of "Captain America" comic books have been sold in a total of 75 countries. For nearly all of the character's publication history Captain America was the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a sickly young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States war effort. Captain America wears a costume that bears an American flag motif, and is armed with an indestructible shield that can be thrown as a weapon.

An intentionally patriotic creation who was often depicted fighting the Axis powers of World War II, Captain America was Timely Comics' most popular character during the wartime period. After the war ended, the character's popularity waned and he disappeared by the 1950s aside from an ill-fated revival in 1953. Captain America was reintroduced during the Silver Age of comics when he was revived from suspended animation by the superhero team the Avengers in The Avengers #4 (March 1964).

Armie Hammer as Captain America (Steve Rogers):

Captain America was the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a sickly young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States war effort. Captain America wears a costume that bears an American flag motif, and is armed with an indestructible shield that can be thrown as a weapon.

Armie Hammer born 28 August 1986, Los Angeles, California, USA, all American blonde blue eyed guy. He is 6' 5" just a little over Steve Rogers but at least he's not 5 foot nothing, he would have a great presence on screen. Hammer is a really good actor, probably better known to some as the son of the devil on "The Reaper" TV show. He is in his twenties, perfect for a World War Two Steve Rogers/Captain America, he looks just like Steve Rogers, like he's jumped right out of the Marvel/Timely comic book pages, and better still he still has that 'unknown' factor about him, perfect for the start up of the Captain America franchise!

Hammer is currently filming the movie "The Social Network" and what can i say, this is Steve Rogers.

Rosamund Pike as Spitfire:

Jacqueline "Jackie" Falsworth was born in Maidstone, England, and is the daughter of the original Union Jack (and the sister of Union Jack II). As a teenager during World War II, she met the superhuman team the Invaders. Baron Blood attacked her, and the original Human Torch rescued her. She was revealed to have been bitten by Baron Blood, who abducted her again; this time she was rescued by Captain America. She received a transfusion of artificial blood from the Human Torch, which endowed her with superhuman speed. She used these new powers to save the Torch from the Blue Bullet. She became an adventurer and took the name Spitfire and joined the Invaders, and went on her first mission with the Invaders. She operated as a special agent for the United Kingdom and Allied Forces during World War II, as well as the United Kingdom's Home Guard.

Okay i made a boo boo casting Yvonne Strahovski (Chuck) as Spitfire in The Invaders casting, not only is she better off as cast as another Marvel superhero but really, she isn't even English and what we need if an English rose here, which i reckon would be great if Bond girl Rosamund Pike who's totally English and a great actress too-boot could easily play the character and she has that World War II sexy feel to her as well, that World War II look, plus she can kick Nazi ass, great stuff.

Daniel Day Lewis as The Red Skull:

Johann Schmidt, the true Red Skull, as with many supervillains, Johann Schmidt had a traumatic childhood that warped his mind, paving the way for villainy in his adult life. Johann Schmidt was born in a village in Germany to Hermann and Martha Schmidt. Schmidt's mother died in childbirth and his father blamed Johann for it and tried to murder him, only to be stopped by the attending doctor. The father later committed suicide and Johann was orphaned. He grew up on the streets as a beggar and a thief struggling to survive and his hatred of humanity grew with each day. A key episode was when he fell for a local Jewish girl, but when she spurned his clumsy advances, he murdered her, finding a release for his frustrations. With that, his depravity grew still more.

Later on he emerged as the Red Skull for the first time. His role was the embodiment of Nazi intimidation, while Hitler could remain the popular leader of Germany. To that end, The Red Skull was appointed head of Nazi terrorist activities with an additional large role in external espionage and sabotage. He succeeded, wreaking havoc throughout Europe in the early stages of World War II. The propaganda effect was so great that the United States government decided to counter it by creating their own equivalent using the one recipient of the lost Project Rebirth, Steve Rogers, as Captain America.

What can i say that i have not said already, Daniel Day Lewis is Red Skull, he'd own the part and whats even better, he'd attract so many of Joe public to the theatre, it'll be mind blowing! Check out the other Red Skull in The Invaders casting.

Ralph Fiennes as Baron Von Strucker:

Born in the late 19th century to a noble Prussian family who had relocated to Strucker Castle in Bavaria following the Franco-Prussian War, Wolfgang von Strucker became a Heidelberg fencing champion, and was disfigured by facial scars.

Strucker fought for Germany during World War I, during which he first encountered the jewel "Momentary Princess," which was fated to appear and disappear at regular intervals of time. Wolfgang pursued the jewel in the decades that followed.

When Adolf Hitler rose to power in Germany in 1933, Baron Strucker joined the Nazi Party, becoming infamous in the following years. In 1936 he and Geist, one of Hitler's top men, allied themselves with the Egyptian mentalist Amahl Farouk (secretly the Shadow King) in an attempt to dispute the lineage of England's royal family and install a new king who would be sympathetic to the Nazis.

Ralph Fiennes, quality actor with many quality roles under his belt, need i say any more. He totally is Baron Strucker, no one else could come close.

Okay enough of all the World War II characters, i had to put a couple up but to see Bucky, The Invaders and the rest of the World War II Cap villains check out this Invaders The Movie casting on this link (if you have not seen it), just click it >>>>>>> THE INVADERS

Now to the more modern day Captain America castings:

Susan Smythe as Diamondback:

Rachel Leighton was born in Austin, Texas. She was once a part time sales clerk at a boutique, but later became a mercenary. She reveals to Captain America that she has a brother and that when she was younger was introduced by him to the super- criminal known as The Trapster. In exchange for weaponry that The Trapster provides her with, Leighton suggests that in return she prostitutes herself to the criminal. One of the members of the original Serpent Society, Diamondback was a seductively sly woman with expertise in hand-to-hand combat, being trained by Anaconda at Taskmaster's academy. Her gimmick was that she threw acid-laced or poison-tipped diamonds at her enemies. After her first confrontation with Captain America while on assignment to find MODOK, she was instantly smitten. Diamondback was assigned to take Captain America into custody from the Porcupine. She later attempted a partnership with Captain America to locate the Scourge of the Underworld. Since then, they have dated and got very close.

Susan Smythe has done a lot of independent films and grated, i have only seen her in one but her performance blew me away, not only can see act but she is a real martial artist as well as an actress, perfect for the character of Diamondback and it doesn't hurt she has the looks too.

Wentworth Miller as US Agent:

John Walker was born in the town of Custer's Grove, Georgia. He grew up idolizing his older brother, Mike. Mike was a soldier and helicopter pilot who died in the Vietnam War. John wanted to honor his brother's memory by enlisting in the military, becoming a soldier himself.

After John received an honorary discharge from the United States Marine Corps, he was told by a friend about the Power Broker, a mysterious individual who gave people superhuman abilities. Walker and his friend received the treatment, which granted the gifts of superhuman physical power.

What can i say about Wentworth Miller, he is an amazing actor and would so own John Walker, no one else comes even close. Check out his best stuff like "Prison Break" to see for yourself. Miller is currently filming in the new "Resident Evil" flick.

Kevin Durand as Crossbones:

Young Brock Rumlow led the Savage Crims gang on New York's lower east side. After he brutalized fifteen year old Rachel Leighton, two of her brothers assaulted Brock, and the elder brother was killed. Rumlow fled, entering Taskmaster's school for criminals. Within three years, he became an instructor there under the name Bingo Brock.

As a mercenary, Rumlow enlists with the communist Red Skull (Albert Malik) in Algeria, serving him under the name Frag until he was sent to invade Arnim Zola's Switzerland chateau. Ultimately the only team member to survive the assault, Rumlow there met and impressed the original Nazi Red Skull (Johann Shmidt); this Skull accepted Brock’s services, code-naming him “Crossbones.”

Yes i know Durand has been in a Marvel Universe movie before as the Blob but i think he'd rise to the challenge of this Marvel character and yes i did cast Cena lol for the role way back, but Durand has the chops for this part and Cena is best off in a role like a cameo villain like Rhino in a Spider-man movie. Plus Durand hasn't got a big Hollywood head, he'd keep the trademark Crossbones mask on, he'd make an amazing Crossbones.

Jason Statham as Taskmaster:

Taskmaster is a mysterious figure believed to have been born in the Bronx, New York City. He has the ability to mimic the physical movements of anyone he witnesses; writers differ on whether this counts as a "super power". He claims that he has had this ability since childhood, although he was on one occasion identified as a mutant.[1] He works as a combat instructor and trains others to become lackeys for other villains by utilizing the techniques he has learned from his observation of superheroes and participates in mercenary jobs from time to time. Initially portrayed as a villain, he has also been shown as training U.S. Agent and other neophyte superheroes at the behest of the US government. A mercenary, he has no ideology except for that of his employer. Due to his ability to imitate the techniques and armory of other heroes and villains, the Taskmaster has occasionally been used to impersonate other characters.

In his early career, the man who would become Taskmaster first demonstrated unusual abilities during childhood. After watching a cowboy show on television, he found himself able to duplicate the sophisticated rope tricks he had just watched the cowboy perform. Psychiatrists, called in at the mother's request, determined that the boy had a form of photographic memory which they called "photographic reflexes". He employed his power several times during his youth for personal gain, most notably when he became a star quarterback of his high school football team after watching one pro football game. Upon graduation, he briefly considered a career as a crime fighter, but opted instead to become a professional criminal, which he perceived to be far more lucrative.

I love the "Transporter" films, and this guy can kick ass, he would be amazing as Taskmaster and i have noticed a lot more and more people are noticing it too which is really cool because the guy is made for the part. So i'm sticking to my original pick, he is the Taskmaster.

Diane Kruger as Viper (Madame Hydra):

It is known that Madame Hydra was orphaned as a child in Eastern Europe (Hungary) and that part of her face was scarred at one time, but this is obviously no longer the case. She rose through the ranks of HYDRA and frequently came into conflict with Captain America and the organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. She first appeared as a leader of HYDRA under the codename Madame Hydra, and first fought and captured Captain America while trying to contaminate New York City's water supply. She captured Rick Jones to bait a trap for Captain America, and then subdued the Avengers with gas, and battled Captain America again. Some time later, it was revealed that the Space Phantom had exchanged places with her, and her whereabouts at the time were undisclosed.

She severed ties with HYDRA. Madame Hydra helped Jordan Stryke, a supervillain codenamed Viper, escape custody in Virginia, only to proceed in assassinating him and usurping his codename and leadership of the group known as the Serpent Squad. As the new Viper, she kidnaped Roxxon president Hugh Jones in order to put him in thrall of the Serpent Crown. She battled Nomad and Namor the Sub-Mariner. The previous Viper was the founder and leader of the elite criminal underworld through sheer ruthlessness, treachery, and the cunning of her black heart.

Madame Hydra is a professional terrorist and has her own organization. Who better to play her than Diane Kruger, check out "Inglourious Basterds," she screams Viper. An yes i know, a lot of people see her as the Invisible Woman, heck i was the first to cast her as that character way back when, when i did that Fantastic Four casting and yes she would play a good Sue, no doubt about it she is a talented actress, but she would make the greatest Madame Hydra, Viper.

Matt Damon as Flag-Smasher:

The Flag-Smasher was born in Bern, Switzerland, the son of a wealthy Swiss banker-turned-diplomat. He wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and become a diplomat until his father was trampled to death in a riot at a Latverian embassy. He came to believe that humanity needed to do away with the concept of countries and nationalism that made people feel superior to those of different nationalities.

In modern times, the Flag-Smasher uses terrorism to spread anti-nationalist sentiment. He conducted a one-man terrorist campaign in New York City against nationalist symbols, and held hundreds as hostages until he was eventually captured by Captain America.

He founded ULTIMATUM, the Underground Liberated Totally Integrated Mobile Army To Unite Mankind. He served as the Supreme Commander of the anti-nationalistic terrorist organization. With ULTIMATUM, he hijacked an American airliner and held its passengers hostage. He demanded the surrender of Captain America for execution in return for the hostages' freedom. His plot was thwarted by Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Yeah he'd make a good older Cap but he'd also make a great Flag-Smasher, the guy is an actor through and through and would bring justice to the role.

Armadillo would be all CGI with voice actor Philip Voss:

Antonio Rodriguez was born in San Antonio, Texas. He was given superhuman strength and durability by Dr. Karl Malus. This process bonded his costume to his body giving him a freakish appearance, causing him to resemble a humanoid armadillo.

The Armadillo's original motivation during his criminal career was to get enough money to be able to pay a doctor to discover a way to cure his girlfriend, Maria, of an unspecified terminal illness. When she was cured from her treatment, Maria abandoned him because of his appearance. Since that time his motive has been to secure enough money to pay the Power Broker or some other scientist to reverse the process which transformed him.

Voice actor Philip Voss from "Lord of the Rings" fame would be great to voice Armadillo, with that deep and hard voice he does and yes Armadillo would have to be all CGI though it would look so much better than the way Hulk has turned out on the big screen and i don't mean the films, i like the movies, i'm on about the way they CGI the Hulk, hopefully one day they can make it more real, hopefully for "The Avengers" anyway.

Vincent Cassel as Batroc:

Georges Batroc was born in Marseille, France, and served in the French Foreign Legion. He is a French costumed mercenary who specializes in savate (also known as "La Boxe Française"), a form of kickboxing. Although he has primarily appeared in the pages of Captain America, he has also faced off against the Punisher, Spider-Man, Deadpool, Hawkeye, Iron Fist, and Gambit. Batroc has occasionally led his own team, "Batroc's Brigade", whose membership has changed over time. The group has primarily fought Captain America.

He has functioned as a member of Baron Zemo's Masters of Evil (one of the stronger recurring villain teams that plague the heroes of Avengers).

In Batroc's first appearance, he was hired by THEM to steal the Inferno-42 cylinder. He first battled Captain America during this mission. He was again hired by HYDRA and abducted Sharon Carter for them. He lured Captain America into a rematch, and again lost.

Birth name; Vincent Crochon, Cassel is a fantastic actor and born in Paris France is perfect for Batroc. He done many movies, French too, you may know him from stuff like "Ocean's Thirteen" etc, but my personal favorite is the French comic book movie he's done called "Blueberry." Right now he's in the movie called "black Swan" that is currently filming, and damn this guy can act, he'd so bring Batroc to life its not even funny, he was born for the role.

Many thanks to Wikipedia for the information on characters.

LEEE777 - That took too long, well hoped you liked it, thanks and if you have the time check out any of these other castings, "Femforce The Movie" is the most recent, cheers.




























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LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 6:29 AM
Heres some PICS that i made up but didn't use:


; )
StuckInPanels - 1/13/2010, 6:52 AM
great casting choices....especially Daniel Day Lewis ;)
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 6:53 AM
BlackAirs87 @ Cheers man!!! ; )

lc - 1/13/2010, 6:54 AM
look's ok.
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 7:01 AM
lc @ Lol! ; D
MisterFixit - 1/13/2010, 7:04 AM
Lee@ ok you didn't go to sleep :-D good job
Jeri - 1/13/2010, 7:10 AM

Great article, and great cast picks. Check out my article on how to reboot the spider man franchise in the mean time! You wont regret it!
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 7:24 AM
MisterFixit @ I did lol! ; D

Cheers man!

JARREN @ Thanks, an i'll go abnd check that out now dude!!

I'd like to point out, still have my favorites for CAP though ARMIE looks like he could do fine damn job as ROGERS and anyway, doesn't huert to add to the CBM's Captain America fold! ; D

LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 7:56 AM
BulliedNerd @ NO and NO, obviously you havn't seen the guy act!!
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 8:33 AM
Angelo @ ARMIE SHIELD, i like it lol!!
Dmon - 1/13/2010, 8:49 AM
I love this casting LEEE I especially like that you made Damon Flag Smasher what a perfect pick lol. This is your best one yet.
lc - 1/13/2010, 8:51 AM
yeah LEE sleep for like maybe 5hours
then his on here what a man of my dreams
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 9:00 AM
DMON @ Cheers buddy, really appreciate that man, great one!! Yeah for Flag-Smasher lol! ; D

lc @ Lmao!!
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 9:20 AM
MOVIELAD @ Cool dude!!

NERD @ The guys [frick]ing 6'5'', you cant have a 6'5'' BUCKY and he's way too old lol!
DogsOfWar - 1/13/2010, 9:25 AM
Nice cast Lee! I haven't seen him act but Hammer fits the bill for looks and is the right age to play Cap for years
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 9:53 AM
Cheers @ DOGS, i know everyones got their pick or two of CAP, thought it'll be cool to put a fresh face up there and he can act!

Yeah, your right, he could play CAP for years and thanks man, appreciate it!!
lc - 1/13/2010, 10:12 AM
lol@shhh he spents more time this
than me lol
gibbyblaylock - 1/13/2010, 10:20 AM
ARMIE HAMMER eh? Wasn't he rumored to have landed the role of BATMAN in the failed Justice League project?

He certainly looks the part for Cap, definitely NOT Batman. This makes way more sense.
SHHH - 1/13/2010, 10:21 AM
nice cast leeee u spent a long ass time on this! This for u

tazmaniak - 1/13/2010, 10:24 AM
I think he would make a great Cap in the solo movie.It would be kinda weird in the Avengers movie, though.He's already taller than Hemsworth and after working out, he'd be buffer.You can't have Cap being bigger than Thor.I'm sure they could get around it by not filming them together, but I don't know.
thegreek - 1/13/2010, 10:26 AM
Lee- When i first looked at this Armie guy i was like ehhh... But then u look at him and if he bulks up alittle he is the all-American boy from that era... I can see him as CAP
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 10:34 AM
SHHH @ Lol cool, funny! ; D

Hey i just wrote a comment for you an you deleted your comment lol! And thanx dude!!

KENNY @ Its HOLLYWOD i'm sure there gonna make HEMSWORTH bigger than he is anyway, he's a [frick]ing God lol!!

GIBBY @ Cheers dude and as you mentioned it, yeah he did, great point dude!! And thanks for your comment!

Damn, ive just saw something on TV about the SPIDEY reboot and GREEN LANTERN movie lol!
lc - 1/13/2010, 10:36 AM
LEEE be my spidey to nite big boy lol
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 10:37 AM
GREEK @ Cheers man!!! Yeah he is a big guy and a bit of bulking up he'd truly be the superhero!!

Hey GUYS @ This is more than a CAPTAIN AMERICA casting you know, what do you think of the other castings, i luv the BATROC one myself, CASSEL own the part!!
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 10:38 AM
lc @ Web fluid ready!! : D
lc - 1/13/2010, 11:29 AM
you ready now or do i have to wait till you web all over my t!ts lmao
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 12:21 PM
lc @ Lol!! ; D

ANIL @ Im [frick]ing LEE dude!!!

And cheers bro!
OptionFour - 1/13/2010, 12:27 PM
. . . Huh. Very different, but a really good cast, that I find very satisfactory. Well done.
InTylerWeTrust - 1/13/2010, 12:32 PM
I don't like Hammer's face. It doesn't look like it could take a punch at all. It looks way too young.

He's a pretty decent actor, but he's even a little too tall, he'd tower over Hemsworth. And I'm not sure he's got the chops. He's not a bad actor, at all, just not at Captain America level maybe.

The rest I like except for, you know, Taskmaster, but that's about it.
SHHH - 1/13/2010, 12:33 PM
I noticed it on the main page mins later.
THEHAWK - 1/13/2010, 12:45 PM
Well done LEEE. This is the first Cap pick you have come up with that I can halfway agree with. He has the right build, right age, He is a good pick.

I like the others, my least favorite being:

Cassel as Batroc. He is too good an actor for a campy role like that!

Kruger for Viper- You only cast her for that cause she was in Inglorius Basterds! lol
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 12:45 PM
OptionFour @ Cheers buddy!! ; )

TYLER @ Check out the REAPER dude, some of them pics arn't too flattering, he ain't a pretty boy lol, oh and i knew you'd say that about STATHAM lol, thanks for your comment dude!

SHHH @ I thought that was the case lol! ; D
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 12:50 PM
HAWK @ Cheers lol!

Heyyyy CASSEL is my master pic of the whole casting, he's perfect for BATROC and even better he's a French actor, is what we need for BATROC!!! And why would BATROC be campy, this guy would be a lot like BULLSEYE or even serial killer like in the movies!

No i actually cast KRUGER for VIPER because she has the look, the accent and the acting skill to pull the part off, but yeah she was good in BASTERDS lol! ; D

contrast - 1/13/2010, 1:17 PM
@LEEE--Great cast man! I'm actually surprised nobody picked Hammer as Cap earlier... The first time I saw him on Reaper, that's immediately what my mind went to.
LEEE777 - 1/13/2010, 1:49 PM
CONTRAST @ Cheers dude and i know, im really surprised too!

Great mind eh!? ; D

Thanks for your comment man!
TANKGIRL - 1/13/2010, 2:30 PM
LEEE77 i thought you want sam but i dont like baroon von stucker and spit fire
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