First off, the man himself; David Hasselhoff as the one and only Beyonder:
The Beyonder is the sum total of a parallel reality called the Beyond-Realm or simply "Beyond", hence the name "Beyonder". This dimension is accidentally accessed by nebbishy lab technician Owen Reece. Part of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with near-infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man - potentially one of the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe. The remaining energy of the pocket dimension apparently gains sentience and curiosity. Using its vast powers, the Beyonder creates a planet called "Battleworld" out of pieces of various planets (one such piece being a suburb of Denver) and abducts a number of superheroes and supervillains from Earth so that he can observe the never-ending battle between good and evil that rages within humanity at large.
The Hoff is The Beyonder, no one beats The Hoff!
Nicolas Cage as The Watcher:
The Watchers are one of the oldest species in the universe, and are committed to observing and compiling knowledge on all aspects of the universe. This policy of non-interference is due to a well-meaning attempt by the Watchers to bestow knowledge on another race which resulted in that race destroying itself.
You cant cage the Cage.
Patrick Warburton as God:
God (Image comics) is the twin brother of Satan and one of the many children of the Mother of Existence. He and Satan were both given the Earth to decorate to their wishes. As the result of a different point of view, God and Satan constantly bickered to a point where they declared war on one another. God became ruler of the Firmament, while Satan became master of the lowest depths of the Earth, namely Hell. In all his creations, God created something unique, creatures known as mankind, who would serve as his lapdogs. In death they are raised to join the armies of Heaven and Hell, as randomly selected puppets in a war that will reach its climax in Armageddon. However, Satan gave humanity the gift of free will, which only increased their bickering and hatred towards each other.
What can i say, SPOON!
Dustin Diamond as Satan:
The Lord of Light and Prince of Darkness, Satan is the supreme ruler of Hell, and twin brother to God. They are but two of the many children of the Mother of Existence, the creator of the universe and gods and goddesses and destroyer of worlds. The Mother gave each of her children a world to mold in whatever way they desire, and gave the Earth to God and Satan. Of all her offspring they became her most bitter disappointment. The two squandered their talents in endless squabbling, making the Earth their playground.
Why Dustin, why not, i think he was put on Earth to destroy it anyway lol.
Josh Hartnett as The Living Tribunal:
The Living Tribunal is a virtually omnipotent entity empowered by the One-Above-All to oversee and maintain balance in the realities that constitute the Multiverse, from the mainstream universe (616) to all the alternate realities (e.g., What If) and pocket universes (e.g., Earth X).
The Living Tribunal only appears when needed, such as when passing judgment on Earth; monitoring the actions of other cosmic beings or acting as a referee on matters affecting an entire universe.
The character's power is apparently limitless, as the entity was stated to rival or exceed the combined power of the Infinity Gems. Josh Hartnett is The Infinity Gems.
Pee Wee Herman as Ani-Monitor:
The Anti-Monitor is not only an enemy of the Green Lantern Corps, but he is an enemy of the entire Multiverse. Billions of years ago, on the planet Maltus, there existed a race of beings, blue-skinned and immortal. One of these beings, Krona, was a scientist obsessed with the origins of the universe, even though a taboo existed amongst the ancient Oans concerning the viewing of the origins of the universe.
Krona created a machine that allowed him to see into the moment of creation. Somehow, his experiment disrupted the process of creation, with terrible consequences. The exact consequences have been rewritten over the years; originally, it was the unleashing of evil itself in the universe; later, it was assumed to be the creation of the evil antimatter universe of Qward.
Pee Wee the all and powerful destroyer, no brainer.
Hulk Hogan as Galactus:
Galactus considers himself a higher being than all non-abstracts and maintains his existence by devouring planets that have the potential for supporting life. In so doing, he has consumed countless worlds, resulting in the elimination of entire extra-terrestrial civilizations.
As a living force of nature set between the conceptual entities Eternity and Death, Galactus' true form cannot be perceived by most beings, and so each species perceives Galactus in a form they can comprehend, usually in a form similar to that of their own species.
Why Hulk, Hulk smash!
Eddie Murphy as Darkseid:
The son of Yuga Khan and Queen Heggra, Prince Uxas, second in line to the throne of Apokolips, plotted to seize power over the planet. When his brother, Drax, attempted to claim the fabled Omega Force, Uxas murdered him and took the power for himself; transforming him into a rock-like creature, and taking a new name: Darkseid.
Eddie hands down can pull of the rock like acting, oh yeah.
Jason Priestley as In-Betweener:
The hero Adam Warlock is the first Terran meta-human to encounter the In-Betweener, and the entity reveals that it is destined to force Warlock to transform into his villainous future self the Magus. Warlock, however, was able to escape this fate with help from the Titan Thanos.
The In-Betweener then claims to be the power behind the plan to alter the fabric of reality orchestrated by the group of sorcerers known as the Creators, but secretly seeks to impose his own concept of balance upon the universe. After an encounter with the sorcerer Doctor Strange, the In-Betweener is imprisoned as punishment for rebelling against his masters.
Jason Priestley perfect for the role, though hot damn, he's going to have to shave.
Jensen Ackles as Mephisto:
Mephisto is a demon and is the ruler of an extra-dimensional land of the dead, sometimes called "Hell" or "Hades." Mephisto is commonly mistaken for (and sometimes poses as) the biblical version of Satan. It is believed that Mephisto and many other "Hell Lords" were created from the primeval concentration of evil energy that remained of the Elder Gods when they were consumed by, and eventually expelled out of the entity Atum millions of years ago.
Well when i watch some of his acting i think i am in hell sometimes and anyway he makes a good devil, he'd be a great Mephisto.
Nick Nolte as Thanos:
Bitter at being an outsider, Thanos becomes fascinated with nihilism and becomes a worshipper of Death, embarking on his quest to "please" death, and begins by conducting a nuclear bombardment of Titan that kills millions of his race (Thanos' mother is thought to have died during the bombardment, but it is discovered that he kidnaps and then dissects her.[8]) The character travels to Earth, and prior to landing his vessel destroys a nearby car to prevent anyone from becoming aware of his existence. Unknown to Thanos, two of the family members in the vehicle survive — the father's spirit is preserved by the Titanian cosmic entity Chronos and is given a new form as Drax the Destroyer while the daughter is found by Thanos' father Mentor and is raised to become the heroine Moondragon.
Why Nolte, man just look at that chin.
Beyonce Knowles as Death:
Death is an abstract entity, the embodiment of the end of life in the Marvel Universe, and the opposite of Eternity, the embodiment of time.
The character appears sporadically throughout the Marvel universe. The entity appears in the title War Is Hell and forces soldier John Kowalski to undergo a number of lives and deaths as punishment for doing nothing to prevent the invasion of Poland, with Kowalski eventually becoming an aspect of Death; in the title Ghost Rider posing as "Death Ryder" to test Johnny Blaze and becoming fascinated with the Titan Thanos.
Come on, Beyonce would be the death of any comic book movie lol.
Michael Rapaport as The Monitor:
Thirteen billion years ago, the multiverse was born due to tampering with the creation of the universe by Krona, a scientist from the planet Maltus who was attempting to see the beginning of the universe. As a result of his actions, an infinite number of parallel universes were brought into existence side by side, separated only by minuscule vibrational differences, none of them as strong as the single universe that existed earlier would have been.
Monitor was born on Oa's moon, apparently as the living embodiment of all positive matter universes. One of these universes was composed entirely of antimatter, and on the moon of Oa's counterpart, Qward, a hideous mockery of life was born from its very soil, a being that would come to be known as the Anti-Monitor.
Rapaport because well look at that mug, only face i could ever see playing a comic book character.
Daniel Craig as Q:
The character Q is a mischievous, seemingly omnipotent being who has taken an interest in humans. Q's power is limited only in that he cannot overcome others in the Q Continuum, the peer group to which he belongs, and he is never seen being able to actually change a person's mind or make them take any specific action. Otherwise, he can do more or less whatever he wants, which most commonly leads to him annoying others (with or without intent).
Actually Rapaport might be good at this role too, he's annoying, but i will go with Craig because you can actually see him as a powerful being like Q. Also it don't hurt he's got an English accent and knows a Q.
Roseanne Barr as Infinity:
Infinity is a cosmic entity representing the totality of space, while its "twin" Eternity represents time. Together they represent the space-time continuum and the living force of the universe.
Need i say more.
Ryan Reynolds as um er, Another Beyonder (Just not Marvels):
Hey.... Reynolds would love to play it.
Now we cant forget about the legend himself, who is Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris as General Zod:

This Zod came from a Krypton in a pocket universe created by the Time Trapper. He, along with companions Quex-Ul and Faora, devastated the Earth of that universe following the death of its Superboy, despite the best efforts of a Supergirl created by this world's heroic Lex Luthor. Eventually, the survivors of this world managed to contact the Superman of the main universe to help them, and he was able to take away the powers of the three super-criminals with gold kryptonite (As he was not from that universe, the Kryptonite of that reality would have no effect on him). However, as the three vowed to some day regain their powers and return to Superman's world to kill him, Superman was forced to execute them with Kryptonite, and it was this action that caused him to question his powers and how to deal with evil doers. This version of Zod is based closely on the Pre-Crisis version, the significant difference is he has killed everyone on the pocket Earth rather than conquering them with ease since there's no Superboy/Superman to stop him.
Who could stop Chuck? He is General Zod, oh yes and i know Zod is not really a cosmic or a entity, but he is the man of man's. I say knell before Chuck!
LEEE777 - Well i hoped you liked them, whew took long enough doing them, keep cool and if you get cold put some clothes on, i is out of here, comments below! ; D