"Is the device ready?" asked a impatiant client. "I dont know,is your money?" Retorted Bane. "Of course,let me open the suit case." Said the other man as he opened his expensive looking black suit case. After he opened it,it was easy to see he had more than enough money to pay in there. "I know you only said 2 bil, but I threw in a few extra G's to show you my respect." Said the man. Quickly Banes henchmen took the case,pulled out silenced guns and shot the man navy style. Two in the chest one in the head. "Good I can use his money now and keep the teleportal." Bane smirked under his mexican wrestling mask. "What now boss?" Asked one of his goons. "Now im gonna use my machine and pay you two with the cash to make sure no one messes with it while in use." Mean while in Marvel U's New York City. "Hey how many times do I have to tell you Gobby,just cause your green doesn't mean your breath has to be,I mean when's the last time you brushed?" The web slinger joked at the Green goblin. When BOOM! A blast happened behind the two foes. "THOSE NO GOOD TWO TIMERS! I WANTED IN GOTHAM BANK NOT ANOTHER UNIVERSE!" Said a steaming Bane. "Guess you missed me again Webhead HAHAHA!" Jibed the Goblin as he flew off. "So who are you,the new Wrestler there introducing at this year's wrestle event or something?" Spidey joked. "You are a superhero in this universe Im guessing?" Bane asked. "Yeah just your friendly neiborhood spiderman." Spiderman replied. Bane thought for a minte 'If super heros are as big a deal as they are where Im from,here then I could squash this bug or arachnid if I want to be technical and gain more than enough rep to start underground fighting again.' He attacks the spider who quickly dodges. Who wins? vote in the comments section.

Powers:Already peak human body strength which is enhanced to super strength with his special 'venom' steroids mix.He has mexican wrestling skills on top of street fighting and MMA styles. He is a genius with photo graphic memory.His weakness is getting his venom supply cut off.
Powers:Enhanced strength,speed and reflexes,a spidey sense,and web shooters.He fights with a arachnid like style and talks banter to distract his opponets.
Who wins? comment your vote.