note:This is not reboot cast this cast i did a long time ago before movie
A Green Lantern is equipped with an item that is regarded as one of the most powerful weapons in the DC Universe, called a Green Power Ring. The Power Ring enables its bearer to manifest their thoughts into hard-light constructs and other various properties only limited by the ring's amount of power and the user's willpower and imagination. The Power Ring is based on advanced technology rather than having its power magically derived.
Mainly, the ring is used for anti-gravity, to unleash torrents of energy, to translate alien dialects and to create hard-light constructs of any shape or complexity. Though, in the past, it has been unable to affect yellow-colored objects, this impurity has been overridden by Hal Jordan's power of will.
The ring must be periodically charged by contact with a Power Battery (a.k.a. Lantern) which in turn draws energy from the Guardians Of The Universe' Central Power Battery on the planet Oa, the central headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps at the center of the universe.

Clive Standed as Green Lantern ( Hal Jordan)
Harold "Hal" Jordan, a second-generation test pilot, having followed in the footsteps of his father, Martin Jordan. He was given the power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien named Abin Sur, whose spaceship crashed on Earth. Abin Sur used his ring to seek out an individual who was "utterly honest and born without fear" to take his place as Green Lantern. Jordan became a founding member of the Justice League of America and as of the mid-2000s is, along with John Stewart, one of the two active-duty Lanterns in Earth's sector of space.
He is DC Universes second Green Lantern and the first human ever inducted into the Green Lantern Corps and founding member of the Justice League of America. Bearer of a Green Lantern ring, he patrols and fights for justice on Earth and outer space for all of Mankind.
I was never fan of Reynolds as Hal. Thought his actor could be better Clive Standed a bristish actor who started in many British series just like robin hood he stand for 6”2’ and good looking guy which can attract girl and he is 30 years old I saw him firs time in a bollywood movie he good at pulling off the cocky and Changeable and bucket head like hal and he kind look like him better than Ryan does
Michaela McManus as Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire)
As Ferris Aircraft's Vice President, Carol Ferris, the only child of aerospace mogul Carl Ferris, hired Hal Jordan and quickly found herself attracted to the fearless test pilot, who was secretly the superhero Green Lantern. However, the young couple’s romance quickly became complicated when Carol took over the company from her father and the Zamarons crowned her the new Star Sapphire. When the Zamarons discovered that she was in love with Green Lantern, a servant of their estranged friends, the Guardians of the Universe, they sent her to defeat Green Lantern in battle as Star Sapphire.
Over the years, Star Sapphire and Green Lantern would duel again and again, but each time Jordan would defeat Ferris and revert her to normal.
Michaela came across as unknown actress she start in series like one tree hill and law and the order SVU I catch her for first time in law and order thought she was very convincing as lawyer she played sassy and strong part very well and I am sure she can play Compulsive and obsessive Star Sapphire
Jason Issacs as Sinestro
When Hal Jordan joined the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was assigned to be his instructor. Jordan was horrified at his new mentor's totalitarian methods, though Sinestro maintained that his iron-fisted rule was necessary to protect his people from alien forces. During his training, Jordan helped Sinestro repel an attempted invasion of Korugar by the alien warlords known as the Khunds. When Jordan called for help from the other Green Lanterns, Sinestro's dictatorship was exposed and he was forced to appear before the Guardians for punishment. Katma Tui, the leader of a Korugarian resistance movement who felt that
Sinestro's "protection" kept her people from growing as a society through contact with other alien races, was recruited as his replacement in the Corps. Though Katma Tui eventually grew into one of the most respected Green Lanterns, she and the rest of Korugar initially resisted her appointment to the Corps; due to Sinestro's actions, Korugar had come to consider the symbol of the Green Lantern Corps an emblem of terror and oppression, similar to the swastika of the Nazi regime on Earth.
I think Jason Issas Is a top notch actor he plays Self-indulgent and greedy and evil character so good check him in harry potter he been my choice for long time ago because he look like character and very capable actor just painted him with yellow and you got sinestro
Tim Routh as Hector Hammond
Hammond is a petty criminal on the run from the law when he discovers the fragments of a strange meteor in the woods (part of the same meteor that lands in Africa, super-evolving Gorilla Grodd and the other gorillas of Gorilla City). Observing that radiation from the meteor has caused the nearby plants to evolve rapidly, Hammond decides to kidnap four scientists and expose them to the meteor. The radiation causes their intellects to evolve, but also has the side effect of sapping their wills. Hammond is able to force the scientists to use their heightened intellect to create amazing new inventions, which Hammond sells for his own profit.
I wanted Gary Oldeman for part but I change it with Tim he look like part and he is amazing actor and underrated and done many evil part just like the hulk one
Taungaroa Emile as Thomas Kalmaku
Kalmaku was introduced as a young Inuit engineer at Ferris Aircraft, also the employer of test pilot Hal Jordan. In the Silver Age he was referred to as Pieface (a play on Eskimo Pie). Thomas was one of the few people who knew Hal Jordan's secre
He been in movie like the amazing movie Whale Rider he is great actor slow-paced, atmospheric and very well-acted and unknown and look for part and looking for some one with maoi
David Andrews as Carl ferris
Father of Carol Ferris
He is great actor and underappreciated he looks for part and not familiar for military part
Green lantern corps
Anthony Hopkins and Judi Dench as The Guardians
The Guardians evolved on the planet Maltus, and were among the first intelligent life forms in the universe. At this time they were tall greyish blue humanoids with black hair, who roughly resembled humans except for their skin color. They became scientists and thinkers, experimenting on the worlds around them
I feel terribly sorry for EYEOFHORUS THING I didn’t meant to steel his cast but I kept Anthony Hopkins and Judie Dench for part both of them good at playing wise character and one mane and one female actors would enough for part
Terence Stamp and Lindsay Duncan as Ganthet and Sayd
Sayd's sensibilities are more in line with those of Ganthet, a Guardian known for his non-traditional mindset. The two are exiled (in part) for their love for one another.
I saw ternece Stamp as Ganthet in a site and I like this pick he has the attitude for role and I choose Lindsay because she just an amazing actress she played intense part so good and she was great in rome she could work as Sayd
William Hurt as Alan Scott
Alan Scott's Green Lantern history traditionally began thousands of years ago when a mystical "green flame" meteor fell to Earth in ancient China. The voice of the flame prophesied that it would act three times: once to bring death (a lamp-maker crafted the green metal of the meteor into a lamp; in fear and as punishment for what they thought sacrilege, the local villagers killed him, only to be destroyed by a sudden burst of the green flame), once to bring life (in modern times, the lamp came into the hands of a patient in a mental institution who fashioned the lamp into a modern lantern; the green flame restored him to sanity and gave him a new life), and once to bring power. By 1940, the lantern passed into the possession of Alan Scott, a young engineer. Following a railroad bridge collapse in which he was the only survivor, the flame instructed Scott how to fashion a ring from its metal, to give him fantastic powers as the superhero Green Lantern.
Bradley Cooper as Guy Gardner

Guy Gardner was the second choice to replace Abin Sur as Green Lantern of sector 2814. Gardner was originally supposed to receive Abin Sur's ring, but Jordan was closer. This placed him as the "backup" Green Lantern for Jordan. But early in his career as a Green Lantern, tragedy struck Gardner as a power battery blew up in his face, putting him in a coma for years. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Guardians split into factions, one of which appointed a newly revived Gardner as their champion. As a result of his years in a coma, Guy was very emotionally unstable, although he still mostly managed to fight valiantly. He has gone through many changes, including wielding Sinestro's yellow Qwardian power ring, then gaining and losing Vuldarian powers, and readmission to the Corps during Green Lantern: Rebirth. He later became part of the Green Lantern Honor Guard, and oversees the training of new Green Lanterns. Gardner is designated as Honor Guard Green Lantern.
Roger R Cross as John Stewart
John Stewart is an architect and veteran U.S. Marine who was selected by the Guardians as Hal Jordan’s backup after Guy Gardner was seriously injured in a disaster. Although Jordan objected after seeing that Stewart had a belligerent attitude to authority figures, the Guardians stood by their selection.
Milo Ventimiglia as Kyle Rayner
Kyle Rayner was a struggling graphic artist in Los Angeles when he witnessed a green shooting star in the night sky while on a date with his photographer girlfriend Alexandra Dewitt. The shooting star was actually famed Green Lantern Hal Jordan, who had been driven insane by the destruction of Coast City and went on a murderous rampage, destroying the Power Battery, the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Corps. Only one Guardian named Ganthet survived Jordan's rampage, reforging Jordan's discarded Power Ring as the Corps' final legacy and travelled to Earth, appearing in an alleyway outside of a nightclub and encountered two humans. One was a drunken homeless man and the other was Kyle who was getting some fresh air, and Ganthet thrust the final ring into Kyle's hand muttering "You will have to do" before disappearing. Putting on the ring, Kyle found himself dressed in a standard Green Lantern uniform.
Eliza Dushku as Jade
The daughter of Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden would discover she shared her father's mystical connection to the Starheart, which gave her the abilities of a Green Lantern. Choosing to follow in her father's footsteps, she became the superheroine Jade. She would later fight a manifestation of the Starheart and lose those abilities.
Adoni Maropi as Abin sur
riginally a history professor on the planet Ungara, Abin Sur is appointed Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814 in the mid 1860s. As a child, he became best friends with Ruch Ehr and later, by association, Munni Jah. The two of them were a couple and Abin secretly loved Munni, but never spoke overtly of this.
Recruited by the Green Lantern known as Starkaor, he is known to have come to Earth on several occasions in the American Old West.
While on patrol, he is attacked and pursued by the being known as Legion while on its way to Oa. Badly injured and with his spaceship seriously damaged, he makes an emergency landing on the nearest habitable planet (Earth). Due to his injuries, Sur was aware that his death was inevitable and he uses his ring to search for a successor. The first possibility was Clark Kent. Since he was not native to earth, he is not chosen. The next candidates were Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner. As Jordan was closer, the ring chose him as the most suitable replacement right before Sur's death.
Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog
A towering alien with a brutish and porcine appearance, Kilowog is renowned throughout the Green Lantern Corps as the primary trainer of the Corps' newest recruits. The Guardians of the Universe recruited Kilowog, a gifted genetic scientist, from the planet Bolovax Vik, located in Space Sector 674. Kilowog was trained by Lantern Ermey, who would often use the word "Poozer", which meant "useless rookies" (A word Kilowog would later adopt, albeit in a friendlier way).
Kelli Garner as Arisia Rrab
Arisia is originally from the planet Graxos IV. Her father, Fentara, served as the Green Lantern of Sector 2815. In Blackest Night, it's revealed that (in a rare occurrence) all of the Green Lanterns preceding her father belong to their lineage as well. After her father meets his demise while serving the Corps, her uncle Blish is the next chosen to serve as the Lantern of her sector. Blish too eventually gives his life serving the Corps and Arisia is selected as his replacement on her next birthday, making her at least the fifth member of the family to serve as a Green Lantern.
Erica cerra as Katma Tui
Katma Tui hails from the planet Korugar, in the area of space designated Sector 1417 by the Guardians of the Universe, the extraterrestrials from the planet Oa who oversee and administer the Green Lantern Corps. Korugar was also the home planet of the renegade former Green Lantern Sinestro, who used his Green Lantern powers to enslave his planet, and rule over them as a tyrant, unbeknownst to his Guardian superiors. Tui eventually leads a rebellion against Sinestro, and even testifies against him before the Guardians. Sinestro is imprisoned in the antimatter universe, on the planet Qward. Green Lantern Tomar-Re nominates Tui as Sinestro’s replacement as Green Lantern of Sector 1417, and Tui accepts.
Rhona Mitra as Boodikka
At three centuries of age, the warrior Boodikka of the planet Bellatrix was originally recruited by the sphere-like Chaselon of Barrio III to join the then-reconstituted Green Lantern Corps. Not long before, Boodikka had belonged to something called the "Bellatrix Bombers," a group of women mercenaries for hire by planets to clear the spaceways of hostile forces. The "Bellatrix Bombers" had broken up at some point, the majority of the team apparently having been killed along the way.
Julian Richings as Tomar re
Tomar Re was working as a scientist on his homeworld Xudar, when he was approached by the Guardians Of The Universe who wanted him to become one of their Green Lanterns. Tomar became an important member of the Corps as he trained numerous recruits and served on the Honor Guard.