Batman will reboot at some point as it makes them too much money to stop making batman movies and Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan can’t last forever so here are a few of my ideas for when that reboot happens.
This universe would focus on Batman vs Gotham’s organised crime rather than Batman vs Crazy people. The Joker would NOT appear as he has already been in 2 movies and also Heath Ledger di him great and so he wouldn’t appear as an honour to the deceased man. Two-Face, Catwoman and Bane would also not be appearing for definite as Two-Face was perfect and there is no way to replace him and all 4 of the mentioned villains have already appeared in movies twice or will have by the time the reboot happens.
I know that this will probably not go down well with a fair number of you but my Batman would probably be Daniel Craig as he has proved as James Bond he can play the dark kind of hero Batman is.

If Batman should gain partners then I’m not sure who I would cast as Robin. I would have him in it if he has partners or sidekicks but I’m not sure what actor to use. I’m open to suggestions and will edit this article to show the one who I like the most.
Another possible hero to fight with Batman is Batgirl. My Batgirl would be Barbara Gordon and would be played by Emma Watson. That is probably another choice that many will disagree with. But she’s about the right age and doesn’t look ugly. Dye her hair red and she would work.
Now for the villains... the main villain would be the big boss of crime in Gotham. All the crime lords answer to him. This kingpin would be none other than the penguin who batman discovers in Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, another billionaire except this one probably didn’t get his money very legally. Like Robin I’m open to suggestions to the actor cast to play him.
Other Crime lords could include: Black Mask, a man with a black skull mask crafted onto his head. Like in the comics he is a crime lord and would be played by Clive Owens.
Another possible crime lord is Maxie Zeus. Who would believe that via crime he is Zeus and Gotham is his Olympus. There would be the ancient greek motif that the character has in the comics but he would use this ancient greek motif to become the lord of crime. He hasn’t quite got to the top though as the Penguin is still bigger (metaphorically speaking) and badder. He would be played by Ian McKellen as a getting a bit old but extremely confident like Magneto was in the X-Men films.
When Batman arrives on the scene The Penguin could hire an assassin to “deal” with him. This assassin would be either:
Deadshot, the man who’s never missed a shot when money’s involved played by bad-ass Adam Baldwin.
Mr Zsasz, a murderous mad man who keeps track on his kills with little scars on his body, one for each death. He would be played by fan-favourite Ben Foster.
I don’t know how they would fit into the plot but my favourite two villains are Scarecrow and Riddler. Scarecrow would be played perfectly by Michael C. Hall and Riddler would also be done brilliantly by Neil Patrick Harris.
So there’s my idea. Don’t forgot to leave suggestions for the penguin and robin and feel free to leave a comment. Constructive criticism is fine, I appreciate being told what went wrong and how to improve it next time but please don’t just put something like “this is crap somebody delete it” because that doesn’t help me improve next time at all and is basically just spam. Thanks for reading.